APUSH 2010 Spicer

By Lexz
  • Creation of the Mayflower Compact

    Creation of the Mayflower Compact
    The first official document of self government in North America. Stated that no single man was the head of a political party and that all men contributed to the government.
  • The Great Migration

    [Approx.] Over 20,000 people moved from England to New England from 1630-1643.
  • Harvard founded

    Harvard founded
    [Approx.] First institution of higher learning in the US.
  • Bay Psalm Book published

    Bay Psalm Book published
    [Approx.] The first printed book in British North America.
  • Navigation Acts

    [Approx.] Aimed at controling colonial commerce. Goods could only be shipped to England from the colonies. Defined the colonies as suppliers and markets.
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War
    [Approx.] War between Plymoth county and the Wompanog tribe. Ended the political independence of the Wompanogs and brought many Native Americans into slavery/servitude.
  • King William's War

    [Approx.] War between France and England over the fur trade and North American land. No losses/gains, but was the start of 75 more years of combat. Lead-up to Queen Anne's War.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    [Approx.] Series of trials for alleged witchcraft. 19 people were executed and many more fell to accusing of/participating in witchcraft.
  • Queen Anne's War

    Queen Anne's War
    [Approx.] The second in the series of four wars against Britian and France/Spain over control of North America.
  • Virginia Slave Code established

    [Approx.] A series of laws passed by the House of Burgesses to regulate the slave population in VIrginia.
  • Log College founded

    Log College founded
    [Approx.] Log College is considered the predecessor of Princeton University, an Ivy League school.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    Slave uprising in South Carolina. Caused the Negro Act of 1740 to be passed.
  • King George's War

    [Approx.] Great Britian vs France. Started with the War of Jenkin's ear. No territories were changed, but it was the lead-up to the French and Indian War.
  • Great Awakening begins

    [Approx.] Started by Jonathan Edwards, it challenged a rational approach towards religion which drastically increased church membership throughout the colonies.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    [Approx.] Last of the British vs French/Spain wars. One of the most significant outcomes of French-Anglo conflict. Made Britian the dominant power in North America.