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Emily Brontë

  • Birth

    She was born in Thornton, Yorkshire. Emily is the fifth son of Reverend Brontë and Maria Brawnwell Brontë.
  • Death of her mother

    Maria Brontë dies of cancer and Emily’s aunt, Elizabeth Brawnwell, moves to live with her family.
  • Reunion

    Emily and Charlotte reunite with their older sisters, Elizabeth and Maria, in Cowan Bridge, the ill-known school for daughters of clerics located in Lancashire, which is portrayed in Jane Eyre.
  • Back to Haworth

    Back to Haworth
    After the death of her two older sisters, Emily returns home to Haworth to learn and play with Charlotte, her brother Branwell, and Anne. There they invent the imaginary kingdom of Angria on which they write many books.
  • The kingdom of Gondal

    The kingdom of Gondal
    After Charlotte's departure to Miss Wooler's school in Roe Head, Emily and Anne invent the kingdom of Gondal.
  • Comeback home

    She studies at Roe Head, where Charlotte is a teacher, and she gets sick and comes home again.
  • Teacher

    She becomes a teacher at the Miss Hatchett school for six months and then she comes back to home.
  • Study

    Emily studies French and German in Brussels at the Pensionnat Héger. She returns to Haworth in October for his aunt Elizabeth's funeral and stays to take over the house.
  • Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell

    Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell
    She publishes with Charlotte and Anne, Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell
  • Death

    After three years of excessive indulgence with alcohol and drugs, Branwell dies on September 24. Emily gets sick at her funeral, refuses all medical help, and dies on December 19. She is buried with her brother, mother, and other sisters in Haworth Parish.