
2016 Presidential Election

  • First official running announcement

    First official running announcement
    Ted Cruz, Republican senator from Texas, is the first to announce he'll be running in the presidential election.
  • Hillary Clinton begins running

    Hillary Clinton begins running
    Democrat, Hillary Clinton announces she's running a second time in hopes of being the first female president. Clinton's Official Announcement Video
  • Period: to

    Other presidential hopefuls come forward with running announcements

    Republicans Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, and Carley Fiorina and Democrats Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley announce they'll all be running.
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    More Republicans announce they are running

    Republicans, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Scott Walker, and John Kasich all announce they will be running for president.
  • Donald Trump officially announces he's running

    Donald Trump officially announces he's running
    Business man, Donald Trump, announces he'll be running for the Republican party's presidential nominee. Washington Post article over Trump's announcement
  • First Republican Primary Debate

    First Republican Primary Debate
    The ten Republican nominees faced each other in their first debate, though most of the attention was on Trump and his political correctness. Fox recap of debate
  • Period: to

    Nominees from both parties begin to drop out

    Republicans Scott Walker, Rand Paul, and Chris Christie and Democrat Martin O'Malley all drop their presidential bids.
  • First Democratic Debate

    First Democratic Debate
    The five democratic nominee hopefuls discussed their views for the first time at the debate. Sanders even stood up for Clinton when asked about her e-mail scandal. CNN Debate Coverage
  • Gary Johnson announces presidential bid

    Gary Johnson announces presidential bid
    Libertarian, Gary Johnson, declared he'll be running as a third party nominee very late in the campaign season. Johnson's announcement tweet
  • Iowa Caucus

    Iowa Caucus
    The first caucus in the nation takes place in Iowa every year. Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton came out victorious. Iowa caucus webpage through The Des Moines Register
  • New Hampshire primary

    New Hampshire primary
    Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump get their first significant wins at the New Hampshire primary.
  • Fiorina and Bush end campaigns

    Fiorina and Bush end campaigns
    After major loses in the primaries, both Carlie Fiorina and Jeb Bush announce they're dropping out of the race on the same day.
  • Johnson wins Libertarian Nomination

    Johnson wins Libertarian Nomination
    Gary Johnson is officially the Libertarian nominee for president, putting his name on the ballot in all 50 states.
  • Clinton named Democratic nominee

    Clinton named Democratic nominee
    Hillary Clinton officially wins the Democratic nomination for president, beating Bernie Sanders and becoming the first women to run as a major party's presidential candidate.
  • Sanders endorses Clinton

    Sanders endorses Clinton
    Putting their pasts aside, Bernie Sander's endorses the Democratic presidential nominee and boldly states "She will be the next president". Clinton's tweet thanking Sanders
  • Trump named Republican candidate

    Trump named Republican candidate
    Donald Trump accepts the Republican presidential nomination, and the two major party candidates have been named.
  • First presidential debate

    First presidential debate
    Clinton and Trump went face-to-face for the first official presidential debate of the season. Clinton was deemed the winner by 62%. NBC News full debate coverage
  • Second presidential debate

    Second presidential debate
    This debate was called the "nastiest presidential debate in US history" with repeated personal attacks from both candidates dealing with Clinton's emails and Trump's inappropriate language. Trump was determined the winner. PBS summary of 2nd debate
  • Election Day - Trump wins

    Election Day - Trump wins
    Trump is elected president of the United States. Hillary concedes and offers to work together with him to better our country. Trump's full acceptance speech
  • Inauguration Day

    Inauguration Day
    Donald Trump will be inaugurated and officially take office as the president of the United States. Exact amount of time until inauguration