20 Civil War Events

By maxkar
  • Lincoln Elected

    Lincoln Elected
    Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated as President of the United States.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South Carolina became the first southern state to secede from the Union. This ushers in a wave of secession that ultimately culminate in the creation of the Confederacy.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    The Confederate general Thomas Jonathan Jackson earns his nickname, Stonewall Jackson.
  • Surrender of Fort Donelson

    Surrender of Fort Donelson
    General Ulysses S. Grant earns his nickname: Unconditional Surrender after his first major victory.
  • First Ironclad Battle

    First Ironclad Battle
    The first ever modern naval battle occurs between the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia.
  • Confederate Inauguration

    Confederate Inauguration
    Jefferson Davis is sworn in as President of the Confederate States of America.
  • First Battle of Winchester

    First Battle of Winchester
    General Stonewall Jackson drives Union forces from Winchester, completing his 1862 Valley Campaign.
  • 7 Days' Battles

    7 Days' Battles
    General Robert E. Lee attacks McClellan's Army of the Potomac in a series of inconclusive battles.
  • The Emancipation Proclomation

    The Emancipation Proclomation
    President Lincoln issues a proclamation freeing all Southern slaves, but not Northern ones. A major step forward in ending slavery in the US.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia

    Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia
    Lee wins his greatest victory but it is dampened by the mortal wounding and later the death of Stonewall Jackson.
  • Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

    Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
    This battle concludes with crushing Lee's hopes of a successful invasion of the North and ends the South's hopes of ever invading the North again.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    The siege of Vicksburg ends in a Union victory after general Ulysses Grant takes the city and thereby cuts the Confederacy in two.
  • Battle for Chattanooga

    Battle for Chattanooga
    Union forces break a siege and released their surrounded army which sends the Confederate Army south into Georgia.
  • Proclomation of Amnesty and Reconstruction

    Proclomation of Amnesty and Reconstruction
    President Lincoln makes a speech promising a pardon for those who are taking part in the rebellion.
  • Capture of Meridian

    Capture of Meridian
    The Union captures Meridian Mississippi, William T. Sherman leads the attack and this severely hampers supply and distribution for the Southern armies.
  • Ulysses Grant Appointment to Lieutenant-General

    Ulysses Grant Appointment to Lieutenant-General
    Ulysses S. Grant is appointed to be Lieutenant-General of the Union, and therefore has command over all Union armies.
  • Atlanta Campaign

    Atlanta Campaign
    General Sherman begins his advance into Georgia to take Atlanta and then march to Savannah.
  • Battle of the Crater

    Battle of the Crater
    This was a massive explosion that opened the Confederate lines but due to poor coordination one of the best opportunities of the war was missed.
  • Sherman Completes his March

    Sherman Completes his March
    General Sherman arrives in Savannah and takes Fort McAllister, severing the Carolinas from the rest of the Confederacy.
  • Fall of Richmond

    Fall of Richmond
    General Lee retreats from the Confederate capital of Richmond, taken by Union troops. He would formally surrender one week later, beginning the peace negotiations.