2.1 english

  • 410

    anglo saxon period

    anglo saxon period
    ended around 1100
    During this period the English Nation was established, people began writing with some techniques we still use today and Christianity was established as well. This time can also be known as the dark age.
  • 450

    old english

    old english
    Old english was created around the 450s and used until the 1500s. It is a West Germanic language and therefore is closely related to Old Frisian and Old Saxon.
  • 476

    medieval period

    medieval period
    didn't end until the 1400s
    Also known as the middle ages during this time period the fall of Rome happened and a great loss of European power. This time period also helped set geographical boundaries and contained the rise of education and universities.
  • 1066

    Conquest of England by William of Normandy

    Conquest of England by William of Normandy
    This was the last successful conquest of england. The Duke of Normandy won the Battle of Hastings and this led to political, administrative, and social changes in the British Isles.
  • 1400

    Renaissance time period

    Renaissance time period
    did not end until the 1700s
    During the renaissance time period, people rediscovered classical art and writing. People also began to focus on humanism which allowed them to become individuals in society.
  • 1400

    modern period

    modern period
    lasted until the 1900s
    Society was changing due to industrialization, products and goods were being produced like never before. People could now connect all over the country.
  • 1450

    Invention of the printing press with moveable type

    Invention of the printing press with moveable type
    Johannes Gutenberg invented the metal movable-type printing press in Europe. This led to mass printing and more people learning to write and to read.
  • King Charles II restored to the throne

    King Charles II restored to the throne
    Charles ll returned as king from 1660 to 1685 following the period of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth. The bishops were restored to Parliament, which caused a strict Anglican orthodoxy.
  • Neo-classical period / restoration period

    Neo-classical period / restoration period
    lasted until the mid to late 1900s
    During this time period works were focused on a classical and dramatic technique. Works can be described as heroic and serious.
  • Age of Enlightenment

    Age of Enlightenment
    This period ended around the 1780s
    During this time a philosophical movement helped democracy, individual liberty, freedom of expression, and the end of religious authority.
  • the romantic period

    the romantic period
    lasted until around 1837
    The political and economic events going on heavily influenced this time period. Many people looked back to the french revolution for inspiration.
  • Victorian period

    Victorian period
    Lasted until 1901
    This time period is very closely linked to the time of Queen Victoria's rule. During this time the society was changing from a very class-based society to having an increasing number of people able to vote and express themselves.
  • post modern period

    post modern period
    ends mid to late 20th century
    People began celebrating differences through art and literature. Modern writing techniques were and are used during this period.