19th Century Spain

By Litze
  • The absolutist phase (1814-1820)

    The absolutist phase (1814-1820)
    After the expulsion of Josep I Bonaparte, Ferdinand VII reclaimed the throne with the support of absolutists (known as the "Manifesto de los Persas"). He repealed the Constitution of 1812 ('La Pepa') and the reforms proposed by the Cádiz Cortes. Making Spain turn back to the absoultism.
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    The reign of Ferdinand VII

    The French troops withdraw in 1814 and Ferdinand VII, known as 'the Desired', returned to Spain. His aim was to re-establish an absolutist monarchy. However, the spread of liberal ideas during the War of independence made the restoration of absolutism difficult.
  • The liberal phase (1820-1823)

    The liberal phase (1820-1823)
    In 1820, a pronunciamiento led by Colonel Rafael del Riego in Cabezas de San Juan was succesful. The king Ferdinand VII was forced to reinstate the Constitution of 1812. Ferdinand VII felt intimidated by the liberals and appealed to another European absolute monarchs to defend Spain against the revolutionaries.
  • The ominous decade (1823-1833)

    The ominous decade (1823-1833)
    The return to absolutism during the last ten years of Ferdinand VII's reign anulled all the legislation of the Liberal Triennium. The political and economic problems in Spain led to the final crisis to the absolute monarchy and marked the last phase of the reing of Ferdinand VII.
  • 1st Carlist War (1833-1840)

    1st Carlist War (1833-1840)
    This war began in the Basque Country and, despite having experienced commanders (for example Zumalacárregui). The Liberal army of General Espartero. Peace was signed at Convention of Vegara (1839). Carlists continued to exist as defenders of tradition.
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    2. The Regency of Maria Christina

    Maria Christina supported the moderate liberals, who began making small reforms. However, a series of military uprisings (The Munity of La Granja in 1836) and popular revolts forced her to hand power over the progressive liberals.
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    3. The Regency of Espartero

    in 1837, moderate liberals with conservative polices took control of government. Maria Christina was forced to step down and Gerenal Espartero was appointed regent. Espartero's ideas of free trade that were damaging the emerging Spain industry created an oppositon. Isabella II at the age of 13 was declared queen (1843).
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    4. The Reign of Isabell II

    During the major part of the reing of Isabella II's as an adult, Spain's Moderate Liberal Party, led by Gerenal Narváez, remained in power. A moderate Consitution was created by the new Cortes(1845). The moderate liberals also adopted measures to centralise taxes, creating a penal code (1848) and developed a national education system. Second Carlist war(1846-1849).
  • The Glorious Revolution and the Provisional government (1868-1869)

    The Glorious Revolution and the Provisional government (1868-1869)
    The Revolution of 1868 was triggered by the progressives and democrats, who were joined by unionists and led by Admiral Topete. General Prim and General Serrano. There were formed Revolutionary Juntas over the entire country. In September of 1868 known as the Battle of Alcolea forced Queen Isabella II and her heir Alfonso into exile. In the same year a Provisional government was formed to establish a democratic politic system. The Cortes created a new democratic(principles) constitution (1869).
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    5. Six years of democracy

    In September 1868, the crisis of the monarchy led to the 'Glorious Revolution', an insurrection to overthrow Isabella II and establish a democratic political system. During the Six Years of Democracy known too as "El Sexenio Democrático" some different politicals solutions were tried out and all of them faced a lot of problems.
  • Amadeo I of Savoy (1870-1873)

    Amadeo I of Savoy (1870-1873)
    Amadeo of Savoy was chosen to take the throne, he was from a liberal monarchy that contributed the unification of Italy. His main supporter the General Prim was assasinated. Amadeo I was supported by progressives, unionists and democrats and the government created new measures to help economic recovery. Amadeo had two strong opponents: The moderates and a few representatives of the Church. A new war began. Amadeo had to leave the country and abdicate. Carlists declared king Charles VII.
  • The First Republic (1873-1874)

    The First Republic (1873-1874)
    The Cortes voted to form a republic. Most of the deputies were monarchists and didn't supported. The lower social classes were happy with the result of the vote and republicans prepared a programme of social and economic reforms. In 1873 the elections were won by the federal republicans. The Cortes drafted a federal constitution that divided legislative powers and central government. The Republic had four presidents. In 1874 the Cortes was dissolved and General Serrano was declared head of state