
1970's Inventions in Computer History

By DesireW
  • Shaky the Robot

    Shaky the Robot
    For the first time, a robot (called Shaky) is controlled by artificial intelligence. Created by SRI, this robot would receive commands from a computer by way of a radio link.
  • HP-35: Handheld Calculator

    HP-35: Handheld Calculator
    HP (Hewlett Packard) released the HP-35 after co-founder, Bill Hewlett, challenged their workers to compact all their desktop calculator's components into a device small enough to fit into a shirt pocket.
  • Intel 4004

    Intel 4004
    The first microprocessor in the world is released. It could perform a maximum of 90,000 operations each second in four-bit parts. Created by Intel's Federico Faggin, who was the design lead and Ted Hoff, who was the architecture lead. To this day Intel is dominant in the processor/ CPU industry.
  • C Programming Language

    C Programming Language
    Dennis RItchie and his employees create the C programming language. Still popularly used today, this language was based on the BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language). C programming was used to re-write source code for Unix, making it easier to be ported across computers.
  • Pong

    A big moment in arcade and modern game history, is the release of the game "Pong," one of the very first video games. Created by an engineer named Al Acorn.
  • Apple-1

    The first Apple product ever released, invented and built by Steve Wozniak, with marketing done by Steve Jobs. It was a single-board computer with the target audience being hobbyists.