1955 – 1975

  • Period: to

    1955 – 1975

  • US Installs Diem as Leader of South Vietnam

    This affected the economy because since South Vietnam was no longer a communist nation like the North, we were able to trade with them. Throughout this period, the level of U.S. aid and political support increased.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. She did not stand up and that was a violation of city laws.
  • Interstate Highway Act

    The government gave the okay to build an interstate. From this people were allowed to transport goods quicker across the country and that reduced cost of the overall price.
  • Soviets Launch

    The Soviet's Launch the Sputnik which is the first manmade satellite to go into space during the Cold War with America and beat them to it.
  • Bay of Pigs

    They landed on the beach of Bay of Pigs. Cuban planes strafed the invaders, sank two escort ships, and destroyed half of the exile's air support.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK got assassinated on a motorcade through Dealey Plaza.
  • The First North Vietnam Bombing

    Rolling Thunder’s original purpose is to end North Vietnam’s support for the Communist insurgency by striking its small industrial base.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson

    Lyndon B. Johnson wins presidential election.
  • Re-Election

    Johnston did not want re-election in 1968.
  • 26th Amendment

    The 26th Amendment granted the right to vote to American citizens aged eighteen or older and was ratified.
  • Nixon resign

    Nixon resigned and announced his resignation from the presidency because to the Watergate scandal.
  • End of War

    Communist forces ended the war by seizing control of South Vietnam in 1975, and the country was then Socialist Republic of Vietnam the following year.