1920s fashion flapper dress


  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    The Harlem Renaissance was the rise of literary and artistic creativity by the African Americans in Harlem, New York.
  • Period: to


  • Prohibiton

    The enactment of the Prohibition Act or the 18th Amendment made the sale, transportation, or distribution of alcohol illegal in the United States. Many Americans did not agree, and were upset with this law.
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    19th Amendment Ratified
    Allowed women to vote.
  • Talking Movies Created.

    Talking Movies Created.
    The first Talking Pictures emerged in New York City in April of 1923. These movies became very popular.
  • First Olympic Winter Games

    First Olympic Winter Games
    They were held in Chamonix France, the first Winter Olympic Games featured representatives from 16 nations saw participants compete in 9 winter events.
  • The Flapper.

    The Flapper.
    he 192O's saw a rise in a new direction of dress. Flappers were women who moved from the concealed, proper look of decades past and moved the nation forward into an era where comfortable, casual, and sexy clothes became the norm.
  • The Scopes' Trial

    The Scopes' Trial
    The Scopes' Trial of 1925 was a legal case of the State of Tennessee v. John Scopes. The trial began with the State's suit that Scopes had violated the Butler Act of Tennessee which made it illegal to teach evolution in public schools. Debated heavily nationally,
  • Trans-Atlantic

    Charles Lindbergh attempted a flight from New York to Paris. It took him 34 hours to succeesfully travel across the Atlantic.
  • The Jazz Singer

    The Jazz Singer
    "The Jazz Singer" became the first full length 'talkie' to emerge at box offices across America. This started the trend for Americans to go see movies in their freetime.
  • Kellogg Briand Pact

    Kellogg Briand Pact
    A pact signed by over 60 nations denouncing the use of war as an instrument of diplomacy. The treaty did not allow for an offensive war, but it did allow to use defensive measures if need be.
  • The Great Crash

    The Great Crash
    Months leading up to the great crash a trend of selling led stock holders into a panic . The volume of shares traded on Black Tuesday, October 29th caused the Dow-Jones to drop 30 points, or 12% of its previous day total. This market crash was set in place by the rampant speculation and margin buying of the 'Roaring Twenties' and sent America and the world spiraling into economic depression.