1920 Prohibition

  • Start of Prohibition

    The 18th Amendment is passed and alcohol is banned in the US.
  • Legal Action

    Official legal action takes place on anyone violating the 18th Amendment
  • Speakeasies

    Cleveland had an estimated 3,000 illegal Speakeasies compared to the 1,200 legal bars it had in 1919
  • Al Capone

    Gangster Al Capone became a large roll in the bootlegging business
  • Speakeasies update

    By this time there were an estimated 30,000 speakeasies
  • Prohibition Cartoon

    Editorial cartoon that appeared in the Putnam Country Courier, which regards a candidate that was running for office
  • Cirrhosis of the liver

    Death of men dropped from 29.5 per 100,000 in 1911 to 10.7 per 100,000 in 1929
  • Brewery Fire

    Illegal brewery discovered after fire 300 gallons of beer found in barrels owners never found
  • Federal agents raid

    60 dry federal agents raided 15 restaurants, inns,stores,and private homes located throughout Putnam County 20 men were arrested
  • Hoover Acceptance Speech

    President Herbert Hoover stated that prohibition needed in his acceptance speech