1920-1930s Final Product (History)

  • Social/Cultural (1920-1921)

  • New Fancy Invitations!

    The 1920s was a time when cool new things such as the radio, the first electric refrigerator, record players, and many other new technologies became popular!
  • The Radio! (Social/Cultural)

    The Radio! (Social/Cultural)
    The radio was invented in 1895, but it never started to become popular and be in everyone's homes until the 1920s. The radio was good because it helped communication across the US. Not only could messages get sent through them, but they also had music and the News at very easy disposal for everyone. Some would say that "The radio was able to bridge the divide in American culture from cost to cost." (FamilySearch "Radio and Music in the 1920s")
  • Speakeasies (Social/Cultural)

    Speakeasies (Social/Cultural)
    One of the most popular ways to hang out with friends in the 1920s was by going to Speakeasies. In the 1920s the US decided it would be a good idea to try and make alcohol illegal. One of the only ways to get alcohol after it was banned was by going to Speakeasies.
  • The First Electric Fridge (Social/Cultural)

    The First Electric Fridge (Social/Cultural)
    "Fridges" were a thing before the 1920s, but the first Electric fridge was made in the 1920s. This was good not only because new foods were able to be made and preserved, but this also gave ideas for other inventions.
  • Baseball Became The Most Popular Sport (Social/Cultural)

    Baseball Became The Most Popular Sport (Social/Cultural)
    In the 1920s everyone had extra money. This caused them to go to more things they normally wouldn't be able to go to. One big example would be sports. The most famous sport back then was Baseball. Baseball became so famous that people would come from across the world to watch Baseball.
  • Political (1922-1923)

  • New Popular Ways To Have Fun

    In the "Booming" 1920s new ways of hanging out with friends, and having fun became popular. For example, Baseball!
  • The Immigration Act (Political)

    The Immigration Act (Political)
    The immigration act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants let into the United States. Thus making only two percent of the immigrants coming into the United States get Visas. This drastically decreased the number of immigrants coming into the US.
  • The KKK (Political)

    The KKK (Political)
    The Klu Klux Klan (KKK) was a group of white folk in the 1920s who terrorized people they found "Inferior." By "terrorized" I mean killing, torturing, harassing, and many more terrible things to people they found inferior. This included Black People, Jewish People, Immigrants, and LGBTQ members. The KKK affected the politics of the 1920s because multiple members of the KKK were in the government. Meaning they could "Terrorize" people with no consequences. Amongst other things.
  • President Coolidge (Political)

    President Coolidge (Political)
    President Coolidge was one of the three Presidents that surved during the 1920s. Although there were three, Coolidge is often prosumed to be the most famous. Coolidge did a lot of things during his Presidentcy. The most famous act he did had to be restoring the trust/faith back into the White House after the many scandles of the Harding Administration. Coolidge also strongly supporten Womens Rights, and opposed Prohibition.
  • Women Can Vote Now (Political)

    Women Can Vote Now (Political)
    On August 18th, 1920, the 19th amendment was passed. This amendment stated, it is, "... illegal to deny the right to vote to any citizen based on their sex." Thus making it legal for women to vote. This affected the politics of the 1920s because different presidents would be chosen based on how the men and women felt. Not just the men.
  • Economic (1924-1925)


    In the 1920s the technological progress made by America lead to a spike in money. Leaving people with lots of extra money to throw away.
  • Immigration (Economic)

    Immigration (Economic)
    Immigration during the 1920s dramatically decreased. There used to be One Million Immigrants Coming into the united states a year. But in the 1920s after the "Immigration Act" was passed, the number of immigrants decreased to merely One Hundred Fifty Thousand. This dramatically decreased the economy. The fewer people coming into the United States, the fewer amount of money flooding into the economy.