
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    An addition to the Monroe Doctrine saying that we can mess with Latin America but Earuope could not.
  • Scopes-Monkey Trial

    Scopes-Monkey Trial
    Changed the future of education by making it legal to teach about evolution.
  • Herbert Hoover Elected

    Herbert Hoover Elected
    Herbert Hoover is elected during the beginning of the stock market crash. Makes him look bad even though it isn't his fault.
  • Great Depression Starts

    Great Depression Starts
  • FDR Elected

    FDR Elected
    Fixes the stock market crash and makes AmericaGreat again.
  • FDR Begins Fireside Chats

    FDR Begins Fireside Chats
    Helps try to calm Americans by talking to them through a radio.
  • Cold War Begins

    Cold War Begins
    The Cold War begins.Everyone is afraid of Nuclear Weaponry.
  • JFK Elected

    JFK Elected
    Elected because he looks like the person everybody wants to be.
  • JFK Assassinated

    JFK Assassinated
    JFK is mysteriously killed sparking tons of different conspiracy theories.
  • Richard Nixon Elected

    Richard Nixon Elected
  • Woodstock

    A giant concert in the middle of nowhere. Proves that a large group of people can gather together and have nothing go wrong.
  • Vietnam War Draft Begins

    Vietnam War Draft Begins
    People are divided over this and try to run to Canada if they get drafted.
  • Kent State Shooting

    Kent State Shooting
    People protesting turns violent.
  • Richard Nixon Resigns

    Richard Nixon Resigns
    After being impeached Nixon resigns. Americans don't trust republicans
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    Fixes the view of the Republican Party in a good way.
  • Cold War Ends

    Cold War Ends
    The end of the fear of wether or not Russia or America is going to destroy the planet.
  • Bill Clinton Elected

    Bill Clinton Elected
  • Clinton Impeached

    Clinton Impeached
    Bill Clinton is impeached because he lies to America about his affair.
  • World Trade Center Towers Collapse

    World Trade Center Towers Collapse
    The World Trade Center is attackedby terrorist.
  • Barrack Obama Elected

    Barrack Obama Elected
    FirsteverBlack President