1900 Hurricane of Galveston

  • 8/27/1900

    Hurricane strikes a group of small islands outside of Galveston.
  • 9/7/1900

    15 mph winds.
    No alert for the incoming hurricane.
  • 9/7/1900

    Hurricane destroys Galveston.
    Kills 6,000 to 8,000 people.
  • 9/8/1900

    St Mary's orphan asulum destroyed killing 90 of the 93 residents.
  • 9/9/1900

    People wait as the water slowly goes back to sea, revealing dead animals, people, and debris from the destroyed buildings.
  • 9/10/1900

    People look for survivors, and take bodies out to sea for burrial, bodies wash up weeks later.
  • 9/28/1900

    Construction of a sea wall begins to protect from future hurricane surges.
  • Around the beginning of 1901

    Around the beginning of 1901
    The buildings and houses in galveston were set on "stilts", the project would keep surges from hitting the houses.
  • City is raised inwards gradually with sand.

    Constructions put tons of sand in the ground to make an uphill sland inwards from shore (3ft to 11ft).
  • Hurricane Allen

    Hurricane Allen
    Hurricane Allen hit texas in 1980, but the seawall and stilts helped save many structures and lives.
  • Hurricane Alicia

    Hurricane Alicia
    Hurricane Alicia does little damage because ofthe stilts, and sea wall.
  • Galveston is now known as a good vacation spot.

    With no evidence of the hurricane's destruction, Galveston is a fameous place for resorts and their amazing beaches.