1900 C.E.-Present

  • Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
    killing of the Achduke causing WWI
  • Gallipoli Campaign

  • Japan makes 21 Demands on China

    Japan invades and makes demands on China, forcing Japan to be involved in almost all of Chinas affairs, internal and external.
  • German Resumption of unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    German U-boats quit their peace and continue attacking
  • Period: to

    Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution in Russia leading to the creation if the first Communist Country
  • Period: to

    Civil war in Russia

  • treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Ended the War between Germany and Russia in 1918
  • Mussolini launches Facist movement

    Mussolini launches Facist movement
    Mussolini creates and launches the Facist movement in Italy
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    Internation meeting in Versailles, deciding the fate of Germany after WWI
  • establishment of the League of Nations

    League of Nations formed, only to fail shortly after, and be suceeded by the United Naions after WWII
  • Lenin's Economic Policy

    Lenin's Economic Policy
    Lenin Changed the Economic policy allowing peasents to make profit off their sells.
  • Ataturk Claims Republic of Turkey

    Ataturk Claims Republic of Turkey
    Formation of the Republic of Turkey
  • Period: to

    Soviet Fice-Year Plan

    Stalins push to help and improve Russia's Economic and wordly status
  • U.S. Stock Market Crashed

    U.S. stock market chrashes and leeds to the Great Depression.
  • Civil Disobedience movement in India

    indian people peacefully protest against the English
  • Japanese Invasion of Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
  • Hitler is Ruler in Germany

    Hitler is Ruler in Germany
    Hitler Gains power in Germany
  • Period: to

    Long March

    Chinese Communists lead the Long March relocating the Chinese Communist Party
  • Period: to

    Stalings "Great Purge"

    Stalin launhces large widespread persecution and repression of any Sabatuers and Spies
  • Sandino Murder

    Sandino is murdered in Nicaragua
  • Soviet Victory at Stalingrad

    Russians defeat the Germans at Stalingrad
  • Invasion of China by Japan

    Invasion of China by Japan
    Japan incades China
  • Cardenas nationalizes oil industry in Mexico

  • German Auschluss with Austria

    Hitler anounces an Auschluss (Union) with Austria
  • Invasion of Poland by Germany

    Invasion of Poland by Germany
    Germany invades Poland
  • German invasion of the USSR

    Hitler and the Nazi party fails an invasion of the USSR
  • D-Day

    Allied invasion at Normandy
  • Capture of Berlin by Soviet Forces

    Societ forces capture berlin
  • Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

    Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
    worlds first atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagaski
  • Division of Berlin and Germany

    Allied powers decide to split up Germany and Berlin
  • Establishment of United Nations

    Establishment of United Nations
    Creation of the U.N.
  • Partition of India

    India gains independence from England
  • Arab-Israeli War

  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    State of Israel is formed
  • Period: to

    Aparthied in South Africa

    Time of segregation in S. Africa
  • Establishment of NATO

    Establishment of NATO
    creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • Peoples Republic of China

    Creation of the People's Republic of China
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    Korean civil war that seperates the country into two, North and South Korea.
  • French defeat at Dien Bien Phu

    Indochina defeats Frnace and gains Indepedence.
  • Period: to

    Algerion war of Liberation

    Algeria fights France for their Independence
  • establishment of the Warsaw Pact

    signing of the Warsaw Pact that put the Soviets in control of the armed forces of the countries they control
  • U.S. troops in Vietnam

    U.S. try to fight and prevent the Domino effect of Communism in South Asia
  • Suez Crisis

    Conflict between Egypt and Britain, France, and Israel
  • Uprising in Hungary

    Hunarian student and citizens Revolted and made their demands for Freedom
  • Great Leap forward in China

  • Castro comes to power in Cuba

    Castro comes to power in Cuba
    Fidel Castro rises to power in Cuba
  • Construction of the Berlin Wall

    Construction of the Berlin Wall
    creation of the Berlin Wall seperating East and West Berlin
  • Sino-Soviet Rift

    Russia and China Split
  • Creation of PLO

    Creation of PLO
    Palestine Liberation organization formed
  • Revolution in Iran

    Mohammed Reza Shah was overthrown to give Iran independence from him and his secret police
  • Period: to

    Iran-Iraq War

  • Soviet Withdrawl of troops from Afghanistan

    soviet troops begin to leave Afghanistan
  • Reunification of Germany

    Reunification of Germany
    Berlin wall Destoried, Germany Unified.
  • Period: to

    Persian Gulf War

  • Collapse of USSR

    USSR falls
  • Transfer of Hong Kong to China

    China gains back Hong Kong
  • Uprising in Ukraine, Georgia, & Kyrgyzstan

    A series of Riots in Kyrgyzstan that led to the people overthrowing the government and taking power.