
  • Knights of Labor Founded

    An organization made to fight for workers rights
  • Big box telephone invented

    Alexander Graham Bell invented one of the first commercially available phones
  • Great Railroad Strike of 1877

    Violent strikes that were caused by Baltimore and Ohio railroad wage cuts
  • Skyscraper invented

    William Le Barron Jenney designed the edifice the first world's skyscraper
  • Panic of 1893

    Economic depression that occurred because of the panic on the stock market after the collapse of the Philadelphia and reading railroad and the national cordage company
  • Bryan's National Tour

    William Jennings Bryan went on a national speaking tour promoting the free coinage of silver
  • William McKinley's presidential election begin

    One of many elections William Jennings Bryan lost
  • Gold Standard Act passed

    Put US on the gold standard and ended the monetary policy debate