
  • Great Railroad Strike of 1877

    Great Railroad Strike of 1877
    A large national-spanning strike on railroad corporations, which had been paying low wages and giving wage cuts. It was eventually put down by federal forces (the National Guard) which were eventually called in, and was deemed unsuccessful at accomplishing its aims. The Great Railroad Strike would pave the way for numerous other strikes in the future.
  • Edison Announces Electrical Power

    Edison Announces Electrical Power
    Thomas Edison, known as the Wizard of Menlo Park, announces that he has been working on electrical power and lighting. This would reach production in a few years time, followed by the average consumer's household.
  • Chicago Haymarket Affair

    Chicago Haymarket Affair
    A riot occurred in Haymarket Square following a peaceful protest striking for an eight-hour work day. An unknown person (purportedly an immigrant) injured multiple police officers with a bomb. This incident left sour tastes in the mouths of many workers due to the federal response, and the mouths of many who already had prejudices against immigrants.
  • Dawes Act of 1887

    Dawes Act of 1887
    The Dawes Act (General Allotment Act) split reservations along family lines, giving each native family the same land a settler would normally receive (160 acres). Because tribes were being forced apart, this was not received well by the natives.
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    American soldiers attempted to disarm the Lakota Indians, but a shot was fired. A massacre ensued, with many Lakota natives having died in the aftermath.
  • Hawaii Annexed

    Hawaii Annexed
    Hawaii, the last of the 50 states to be added to the Union, was annexed on this date but not yet granted statehood. It was later made a state in the mid-20th century.
  • Sam Hose Lynched

    Sam Hose Lynched
    The African American Sam Hose was lynched without due process after being accused of murder and rape. He was tortured repeatedly and burned alive.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising in China, named for its Chinese participants who practiced martial arts. They fought on Chinese soil against foreign businesses and other foreigners like missionaries.