
1860 in America

  • 1760 in America

    1760 in America
    George the third becomes king of great britain lreland and 1.6 million colonists liaing in America
  • 1860 in America

    1860 in America
    A newspaper the Boston Gazette publishes " The Liberty Song " possibly America first patriotic song
  • 1860 in America

    1860 in America
    Benjamin Franklin invents the first Bifocal lenses for eye glasses
  • 1860 in America

    1860 in America
    Henry William stiegel opens his famous American glassmaking works in Manheim Pennsylvania
  • 1860 in America

    1860 in America
    British parliament passes the stamp act levying a tax on all newpapers legal documents, pamhlets almanacsand playing cards by reauiring that they be bear a stamp