
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    This was a novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe. That grew popular among people, especially bringing attention to white readers in the North, by it having lots of experiences that were dramatizing, heart breaking of slavery and what the author saw.
  • Bloody Kansas

    This was a time of repeated outbreaks of violent war between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces which had an impact in the creation of the new territory of Kansas in 1854 and had significant that shaped American politics and contributed to the coming of the Civil War.
  • Republican Party

    This party was founded in 1854 by Lincoln as a coalition opposing the extension of slavery into Western territories and the Republican Party fought to protect the rights of African Americans after the Civil War.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Stephen Douglas of Illinois wanted to make a bill that would organize the Territory of Nebraska, which late would become an area of land of Kansas, Nebraska, Montana and the Dakotas. This bill raised the hopes that slavery could be extended into territories where it had once been banned. This has had an intensified the debate over slavery in the United States, which would later lead into the Civil War.
  • Brooks Summer Incident

    Preston Brooks had attacked Senator Charles Sumner with a cane and left Sumner seriously injured. Brooks received a $300 fine. The incident started when Senator Sumner, an abolitionist from Massachusetts, gave a speech on the Senate floor after an incident in Kansas. During his speech, Sumner made fun of Brooks’ relative who was Senator Andrew Butler of South Carolina and had went through and suffered from a stroke, and he used language that compared the South’s use of slavery to prostitution.
  • House-Divided Speech

    This was a speech that was made by Abraham Lincoln to the Illinois Republican convention. In the speech, Lincoln noted that conflict between North and South over slavery was intensifying. He said that the conflict would not stop until a crisis was reached and passed.
  • Election of 1856

    The was an election that was a heated and had a debate that tackled the issue of slavery and by its end, it was clear and understandable that the nation was much more divided than even the most objective people thought. It ended with James Buchanan winning the election overall.
  • LeCompton

    The Lecompton Constitution is a pro-slavery document and approved that it would allow slavery in the state of Kansas. The proslavery constitutional convention and the free-state legislature said they have the right to call for an election on the Lecompton Constitution.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Scott was a slave who sued for his freedom after his owner took him to Wisconsin where the Missouri Compromise banned slavery. The case made it to the Supreme Court in which they decided that Dred Scott could not sue for his freedom because he was not a citizen of where his owner took him.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Stephen Douglas battled Abraham Lincoln in face to face DEBATES around the state. The prize they sought was a seat in the Senate. Lincoln challenged Douglas to a war of ideas. Douglas took the challenge. The debates were to be held at 7 locations throughout Illinois. Aug 21, 1858 – Oct 15, 1858. Douglas used these debates to repeat his claim of his support for popular sovereignty in which further made things look bad for him and from the Democratic Party.
  • John Brown

    he was the leader of an assault by an armed band of abolitionists on the federal armoury located at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. also he had an impact in The Kansas-Nebraska Act, where they had given the people of Kansas the right to decide on the issue of slavery in the territory. John Brown and his sons saw an opportunity to make Kansas Territory free.
  • Harper's Ferry

    This was an assault that was led by an armed band of abolitionists and led by the leader John Brown on the federal armoury located at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. It was a main precipitating incident to the American Civil War. It's purpose was intended to be the first stage in an elaborate plan to establish an independent stronghold of freed slaves in the mountains of Maryland and Virginia
  • Election of 1860

    This election had Republican Abraham Lincoln against Democratic Party Senator Stephen Douglas, Southern Democratic Party John Breckinridge and Constitutional Union Party John Bell. The main thing about this election was that slavery and states’ rights. Lincoln had won and became the 16th President of the United States during a crisis that would affect states and families and set them apart resolving the conflict in The Civil War.
  • Secession

    These were a series of events that began and extended through June 8 of the next year when eleven states in the Lower and Upper South severed their ties with the Union. This movement later on felled in 1865 and took a defeat of Confederate forces by Union armies in the American Civil War.
  • Lincoln's 1st lnaugural Address

    This was part of taking his oath into office. In his address, Lincoln promised not to interfere with the institution of slavery where it had been and wanted to suspend the actions of the federal government temporarily in areas of hostility. However, he also took a firm stance against secession and the seizure of federal property.