Dchh 18thamendment 1335807009

18 Amendment

  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    Temerance Movements pushed for no alcohol. At first, they pushed for change in laws but after serveral decades the movement pushed for prohibition of alcohol consumption.
  • Proposal

    On Aug. 1st 1917 the proposal for the 18th Amendment was passed by the Senate by 65 to 20. The House of Representatives then passed a revised resolution on Dec. 1971. Congress passed the new revised resolution the next day on Dec. 18th, to present to the states.
  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    The US senate passes the Volstead Act which is one of the big steps to the passing of the 18th Amendment. This Act also stated that owning any item of designed to manufacture alcohol was illegal and set specific fines and fail sentences for violating this act.
  • Ratification

    Ratification of the 18th Amendment took 394 days and was achieved on this date after 36 of the 48 states ratified the amendment. On January 29th the Secretary of State certifed the ratification. Section three of the 18th Amendment placed a dedline on its ratification by the required number of states. This was the first time in history that such a time limit for ratificatioin had been included.
  • Rebellion

    Orginzed crimes started to appear after the 18 Amendment was put into place. Bootleggers such as Al Capone, smuggled liquor and alcohol all accross Chicgao. He was only one of many bootleggers who smuggled and made alcohol.
  • Fight Against Bootlers

    Fight Against Bootlers
    The criminal justice system was swamped although police forces and courts had expanded in recent years. Prisons were jam-packed and court dockets were behind in trying to deal with the rapid surge in crimies.
  • Cullen-Harrison Act

    Cullen-Harrison Act
    Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Cullen-Harrison Act. This legalizes the manufacture and sale of certain alcohol.
  • 21st Amendment

    21st Amendment
    21st Amendment is passed which got rid of the 18th Amendment.
  • President Hoover

    President Hoover
    Hoover gives a speech druing his acceptance into the Republican presidential nomination for president. He discusses the ill of prohibition and the need for its end.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    During the depression it changed people's opinion on alcohol. People needed jovs and the governement needed more money. Making alcohol legal would open up old jobs for citizens and make additional sales tax for the government. This would then help the economey.