
  • Economic Crisis of 1780's (E)

    The worst inflation in U.S. history occured due to the blockade of ports, a demand for military supplies, and currency issues, all resulting from the Revolutionary War.
  • Annapolis Convention (P)

    Was a conference in Annapolis, Maryland that called for a convention to meet in order to make changes to the Constituiton.
  • Period: to

    Constitutional Convention (P)

    Was held after the Annapolis Convention to make changes to the Constitution.
  • Great Compromise (P)

    Was a plan that combined the Virgina Plan and New Jersey Plan to make two seperate houses. One would be called the House of Representatives that would be based of population of the states and the other would be callled the senate which would have a set number for each state.
  • Committe of Style (P)

    Shaped the all Constituiton at the end of the Constitutional Convention to create it into a elegant document.
  • Constitution Voting (P)

    The Constitution would be sent out and if nine of the thirteen states approved, the document would be official for all the states.
  • Mercy Otis Warren and Rufus King (S)

    Were opposers of the Constitution. They believed it would not send the country in the right way or it was only written by a small and non diverse group of men.
  • The Federalist (S)

    The Federalist was written by James Madison, John Jay and Alaxander Hamilton in favor of the Constitution. It was a series of essays he wrote to pursuade people to side with the ratifications of the Constitution.
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787 (S)

    Completely banned all slavery form the northern section of trans-Appalacia area.
  • Washington's Inauguration (P)

    Washington became America's first president.
  • First Idea of a Bill of Rights (P)

    James Madison sent a representative from Virgina to transform 12 ideas for into laws for human rights.
  • Judiciary Act and Judicial Review (P)

    The Judiciary Act of 1789 established the Supreme Court and a system of lower governments. The Judicial Review gave federal courts the right to deem acts passed unconstitutional.
  • Sufferage (S)

    The eligibility of voters increased slighty. Women and some men were still not allowed to vote, but the opportunity opened for some men.
  • Newspapers (S)

    By 1789, the U.S. was producing 92 different newspapers. The liberty of the press helped the news papers to sell at such a high rate.
  • Tariff of 1789 (E)

    Protected American products by making foreign goods extremely expensive.
  • Debt Debates (E)

    Some states had plans to sell of land and belonging to pay off debt while other states left the debt unpaid.
  • Intercourse Act (E)

    Law that allowed the U.S. to regulate trade and interactions with the Indian peoples.
  • Bill of Rights (P)

    Ten of the Twelve human rights proposals passed in Congress. These first ten laws became known as the Bill of Rights.
  • Foreign Policy (P)

    Jefferson thinks the U.S. should support France while Hamilton thinks the U.S. should support Europe.
  • Washington's Reelection (P)

    Washington was reelected in 1792 and served until 1797 when John Adams took over.
  • Chisholm vs. Georgia (S)

    South Carolina residents sued Georgia for the recovery of confiscated property that the Constitution said that a sovereignty could not be sued without consent.
  • First Ideas of Tariffs (E)

    Americans became angered when British were capturing American ships and threatning merchants. This led Madison to introduce the idea of regulating duties on British ships.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts (S)

    Thes acts limited the liberty of foreign residents while they lived in the U.S.
  • XYZ Affair (E)

    In which Americans were angered by the demands of the French for negotiating with American diplomats.
  • Lifestyle (S)

    At the beginning of the 1800's, four out of five families farmed and lived in comunities with less than 2,500 people. This shows that many families were still providing for themselves.
  • Charleston, SC (E)

    South's main port, was a port for rice, cotton and indigo.
  • Baltimore, MD (E)

    Major port for tobacco in Chesapeake Bay region.
  • Philadelphia, PA (E)

    Was a city for commercial and banking. Built international trade networks form the country's capital in the 1790's.
  • New York, NY (E)

    Was a popular and aggressive port due to the auctions system.
  • Revolution of 1800 (P)

    When Jeffersonian Republicans took office for the first time and there was a non partisan government.
  • Jefferson's President (P)

    Jefferson was enaugurated into office as the third president.
  • Louisiana Purchase (E)

    Robert Livingston was sent to buy the Louisiana area from Napoleon for no more than 10 million dollars, but Livingston bought the area for 15 million.
  • Encouraging Indians (S)

    Jefferson encouraged Americn officials to pursuade Indians to adapt ways of colonial living.
  • Incorporating the French (S)

    The French secured their beliefs in Louisiana to preserve French culture.
  • Marbury v. Madison (P)

    This court case ruled part of the judicial review of the Judiciary Act of 1789 as unconstitutional.
  • Madison's President (P)

    Madison become president in 1804 after the elecoral votes were 122 to 47.
  • Pan-Indian Military Resistance (S)

    Tecumseh called for a movement of uniting all Indian tribes and for the tribes to cut off contact with the Americans.
  • Embargo Act (E)

    Prohibited American ships from leaving for any foreign ports. This led to an economic downfall due to the lack of money from the exports.
  • Effects of the Embargo Act (E)

    Trade export profit dropped from 108 million to 22 million due to the drop in exports.
  • Louisiana's Legal Code (P)

    Louisiana officially adoted French civil law instead of English law. This was vastly different from English law in many ways. Ownership laws were different along with different inheritance laws.
  • War Hawks (S)

    Pursuaded to Americans, especially in Congress, that America should push for a war against Britain.
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    War of 1812 (P)

    This war started because the naval conflicts with the British, and the thought that the British were supplying Indians with supplies to revolt against America.
  • Louisiana is a Slave State (P)

    Louisiana became the first slave state in the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Treaty of Ghent (S)

    The treaty allowed westward movement of Americans and ended the Indian resistances.
  • Battle of New Orleans (E)

    This was the best known victory for the Americans. It happened after the Treaty of Ghent, but was crucial in American history in the way that it stopped Britian from being able the ports in New Orleans.
  • American System (E)

    The American System allowed people to promote the American economy by protecting domestic product from foreign competitors.
  • Election of 1816 (P)

    James Monroe won easily as a Jeffersonian Republican and eliminated the Federalists from office. No more Federalists would run for president after Monroe.
  • Second Bank of the United States (E)

    This bank regulated the country's currency and credit powers.
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    Era of Good Feelings (P)

    Was the first time American government had governed in a nonpartisan harmony.
  • Transcontinental Treaty of 1819 (E)

    Spain gave Flordia to the U.S. and surrendered all other territories. In return, America would drop the 5 million dollar charges it had against Spain.
  • Panic of 1819 (E)

    Was a delayed reaction from the War of 1812. America needed an economic boost due to the fall in the shipping boom.
  • Angry Farmers (E)

    Many farmers were angry with the Second Bank of the United States and blamed their debt on the "faraway" bank.
  • Slavery Balance (S)

    Eleven states were free and eleven states allowed slavery, making it balanced.
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    Missouri Crisis of 1819-21 (S)

    This crisis where Americans were moving west and there became many debates and issues over how slavery should be handled.
  • Economic Boom (E)

    The French and British Revolution led to an economic boom in American ports due to all the international exports the European countries were demanding.
  • Westward Surge (S)

    By 1820, more than twenty five percent of the population lived west of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • First Slavery Debate (P)

    Missouri Senate debate was the nation's first debate over slavery.
  • Missouri Compromise (S)

    This compromise kept the slave and free states equal by making Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state.
  • Monroe Doctrine (S)

    The Monroe Doctrine called for an end to colonization to westward parts of America by any European nations.
  • Convention of 1824 (E)

    Russia surrendered the Oregon Territory to America giving the option for more expansion or settling.
  • Protective Tariff Debate (S)

    Planters wanted a decline in tariffs due to the decline in cotton prices, but manufacturers wanted the tariffs rasied to increase the company's revenue.