
By ebrasch
  • Social Control

    Social Control
    Nazi Rule in Germany. Hitler controling Germany .Any control, either formal or informal, that is exerted by a group, especially by one's peers.
  • Counter culture

    Counter culture
    Hippies.Culture that forms within sociaty that is against the rest of society. Deffernet values and norms
  • White Collar Crime

    White Collar Crime
    Wal-mart. %u201CI pay low wages. I can take advantage of that. We%u2019re going to be successful, but the basis is a very low-wage, low-benefit model of employment.%u201D- founder Sam Walton. A non-violent crime, generally for personal gain and often involving money within a corporation.
  • Middle Class

    Middle Class
    Born in to middle class, the social class between the lower and upper classes.
  • Personality

    started to gain individual personality traits.
  • Social Interaction

    Pre-school. First real interaction with the outside world outside the family for consecutive period of time.
  • Social Institution

    School. Start at age 5 to acclimate children to world. Sharring, learning being away from parents.
  • Deviance

    Began disobeying parents. Drinking, sneaking out, ditching school. Going against the norms of society.
  • Labeling theory

    Start high school. Judging and catagorizing people.
  • Income

    First job. First source of income. Amount of money earned from labor.
  • 5 Basic Needs

    5 Basic Needs
    Actualization of priorities. Sent away to program for 6 mo.
  • Social Isolation

    Social Isolation
    Graduation from my program. From wilderness back to Denver.Became physically ill when going back in to society where I hadent been for a large amount of time. Seperation of self from normal society to controlled society.
  • Values

    Began to establish prsonal values.
  • Looking Glass Self

    Looking Glass Self
    Gain Identity of my own, away from societies view.
  • Self Reliance

    Self Reliance
    Reliying soley on yourself, not recieving outside assistance.Moved out of parents house until Dec 08. Personal Independence gained by living alone with boyfriend.
  • Crime

    Lying to law enforcement. Forging a passport, running away. An act punishable by law, goes against laws writtten by society.
  • Juvenile Delinquency

    Juvenile Delinquency
    Ran away to a different country. Criminal acts preformed by juvenilles.
  • Patriotism

    Obama runs for office. Work for political canvassing co. Having pride in ones country.
  • Soccio-economic status

    Soccio-economic status
    Homeless people , lowest ranked on the ladder of society. Ranking of individuals in society based on money, education etc.
  • Culture

    Part of a suburban culture. A specific society at a particular time and place.