
  • Queen Anne's War

    Queen Anne's War
    Charles the second dies and he has no heir. So there was a war between the European powers to see who would inherit the throne, where the British and the French fought against each other
  • North and South Carolina become royal colonies

    North and South Carolina become royal colonies
    These colonies were established under independent British colonists. The people did not like their government so the British king bought the two colonies and they became part of the royal colonies
  • Period: to

    The French and Indian war

    This war was started between the British colonies and the French colonies. At the same time, the Seven's year was going on as well. This war was mainly fought for the control of the Ohio Valley.
  • Pontiac War

    Pontiac War
    The Pontiac war consisted of the American Indians killing several of the white settlers. The war was settled with negotiations and the Native Americans left their land.
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    Different Acts

    During this time was when the British government created different acts. This included the sugar act, the Townshend act, the tea act, and the stamp act. These lead to the revolution.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    This was when white settlers were dressed up as Indians and dumped the tea out. It happened after the Tea Act was announced and this was led by the Sons of Liberty.
  • Declaration of Indepedence

    Declaration of Indepedence
    The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress. This declaration said that the 13 American colonies were not under the rule of Britain anymore.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The battle of Saratoga led to American victory. This fight was between the American and British colonies. There were two battles and the Britsh won the first one. In the second battle, the Americans made Britain surrender. It was very important during the Revolutionary war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of Paris ends the American Revolution. In this treaty, the British surrendered and accepted that they lost. It also said that the Western boundary was now to the Mississippi River.
  • Whiskey rebellion

    Whiskey rebellion
    The whiskey rebellion was when the government imposed taxes on whiskey because America was in debt. People started to refuse to pay for whiskey and they boycotted. The tax ended up being repealed.