
  • racial violence

    racial violence
    Major racial violence started in places like Detroit, Michigan . The main cause of all this violence was caused by war migration. many blacks coming up to find work. 100,000 white and blacks broke into fights at city parks.
  • more people got employed

    more people got employed
    the number of woman workers in secretary and clerical jobs increased. a lot more African Americans were being employed
  • civil rights

    civil rights
    A civil rights leader founded the congress of radical equals (CORE). This created non violent protest fighting for equality.
  • Restrictions

    11,000 German ,and hundreds of Italian immigrants were held in camps. once deemed dangerous to national security. in winter 1942 german Italian and japanese were forced to temporarily vacate west coast.
  • executive order 9066

    FDR passed executive order 9066 which removed all japanese on west coast and designating certain area for war zone. they could only take necessary items
  • mobs

    off duty sailors roamed through Mexican sections of los Angeles. attacking "Zooters" once everything ended the victims were arrested not the attackers. zooters are Mexican/ mexican american youth dressed in baggy cloths
  • band lifted

    japanese were not allowed in us military. but the government lifted the band in early 1943 after that the all-nisei 442ed regimental combat team fought in Italian campaign and became most diverse military
  • OWI

    office of war information encouraged war effort. worked closely with all media such as the radio movies print industry they reminded Americans that they were fighting between dictatorship and democracy
  • korematsu v. united states

    japenese went to court to seek there rights as an American
  • rations

    the government started rationing they limited the amount of certain goods like butter and tires any raw materials they could get went to war production
  • government apologizes

    the government appoigized and gave 20,000 payment to the surviving internees.