Constitution and flag 1030x687

1301 Timeline Project

  • 3000 BCE

    Bering Land Bridge: First Wave

    Bering Land Bridge: First Wave
    This is a natural bridge that connected two continents to each other, this allowed for the easy movement of humans. The first wave of humans that actually crossed this bridge did so to follow heard of animals, specifically large mammals, which they desired for food and fur. In this image, it shows the sheer size of the bridge; with humans now in North America, populations start to become visible and the first humans eventually either settle or die due to over hunting the animals they followed.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to

    Beginnings to Explorations

  • 1150 BCE


    In this lower region of North America many people and societies thrived, from the Aztecs to the Olmec's, to the Mayans and many others tribes that followed. This area hosted enormous cities that arose from these tribes, as well as rich cultures that flourished. This image shows where two of the most powerful tribes were located and how much diversity each one had. This is important to the timeline because it proves that the Americas were not empty, but rather it was filled with humans and life.
  • 1340

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death was a pandemic that spread through Europe rapidly. This plague, also know as the Bubonic Plague killed many individuals, in fact, the Black Death killed a third of Europe. This disease was transmitted by the fleas that were on the rats that followed sailors. These rates would climb on to the ships for the food and then escape when they reached land once again. The fleas would then jump of the fleas and on the humans, resulting in the Bubonic Plague. This image shows the effects.
  • 1451

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    This explorer is one of the most well known due to his discovery of new land which he though was Asia. Christopher accidentally encountered this land expecting to come across Asia by sailing west, underestimating the size of the Earth. Instead, Christopher discovered Cuba and Hispaniola. Columbus never knew he was in a new continent, he always assumed he made it to Asia. This is an image of Christopher Columbus, he is significant because he encouraged waves of people to come to this new land.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    Leonardo Da Vinci was a famous artist of the Renaissance era that created many paintings that expressed the meaning of that time period. Leonardo Da Vinci painted some of the most popular and well known paintings to date, like the Mona Lisa for example.This image is of Leonardo Da Vince, and it is significant because this individuals portrays the meaning of the Renaissance, or rebirth of art and culture, paintings were more realistic and sculptures were beginning to be more common now.
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    The Columbian Exchange was a trade between the new world (Europe) and the new world (The Americas). Though not every trade was voluntary, this lead to an increase in assimilation of new crops and life styles never seen before by each other. Not only was food shared and spread, but also disease, animals, culture and much more. This image shows some of the items that were brought over from both parties. This is significant because it changed the diets of many, and populations of people in both.
  • First English Colonies

    First English Colonies
    The first of the English colonies were settled to aid their mother country, Britain. Others however saw this as an opportunity to escape persecution from the church as there was conflict during this time. With this sort of motivation and sense of safety, many people migrated to the Americas and eventually settles there and made it their home. As their populations grew so did the colonies. This image shows how these individuals arrived and how eager the people were to settle and live here.
  • Period: to

    English Colonial Societies

  • Chesapeake Colonies: Jamestown/Virginia

    Chesapeake Colonies: Jamestown/Virginia
    This colony was started as a private charter colony from the English Crown in 1606. At first there were only one hundred and five setters in this are. Though some may have wanted to escape persecution, this colony was mostly focused on making wealth and finding gold. No natives were near them. This image shows the colony in its early stage, already settled and well established. This is important to the time line because other colonies will soon follow this trend and more colonies will show up.
  • John Smith

    John Smith
    This individual is one of the first one the adventurers in these new colonies. John Smith was also a soldier, which meant he had experience when it came to conflicts. However, instead of fighting, John Smith negotiated treaties with the natives and in doing so established trade with the natives. This image is of John Smith most likely negotiating with the natives, to get food for other colonists. This is vital because it allowed for good a relationship with the natives which aided the colonists.
  • The Caribbean Colonies

    The Caribbean Colonies
    These "colonies" were created to help to help the 13 colonies by providing sugar. The conditions were perfect for the cultivation of sugar and so they colonies took advantage of this, they began to import slaves into these ares for cheap labor. This image shows how the people that were imported were working, these condition were not ideal for the individuals working the land. This is important because it is because of these territories that the colonies and their mother country could thrive.
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    These acts were imposed to limit the Dutch trade with the English colonies, this was to ensure that the colonies did not give their raw materials to another power. Now the mother country could regulate the ships and enforce new taxes so that it could gain a lot more riches. This political cartoon demonstrates how the colonists truly felt about these acts. This is important because it later led to the colonies thinking about more representation in what actions are done without their approval.
  • Colonial Problems

    Colonial Problems
    At the end of the 17th century, the colonies faced many issues. As the colonists kept expanding and taking over land, the natives fight back resulting in wars between the two. There are domestic rebellions as well including that of Nathaniel Bacon, which was a rebellion over the issues with the Government of Virginia.This image shows how bad these confrontations can get. This is important because it will later shapes the way the colonies deal with these issues in the future, domestic or not.
  • Pennsylvania

    This colony was established by William Penn, Penn wanted to make sure that the Quakers had a religious refuge. Pennsylvania also became knows as the "peaceable kingdom" due to its acceptance of many people. This image is an engraving, which shows the number of people that found this place like a heaven for them. The Quakers like feeling accepted in this are. This is important to the timeline because this lead to an increase in Quakers that now have a safe place to live, which lead to diversity.
  • Salem Witch Trial

    Salem Witch Trial
    These trials were due to the odd behavior of the daughters of ministers. Most people assumed that these girls were going insane because they were either witches themselves or have interacted with one. With that much fear going around, many people started to burn and even kill women that seemed like witches. This lead to a lot of deaths, as there was no real way to prove who was truly a witch. This image shows how they were tortured. Importance comes from the trials and how unjust it was.
  • Period: to

    Colonial America

  • Sir Issac Newton

    Sir Issac Newton
    Sir Issac Newton was an individual who was a role model for people to think more pragmatically.Issac Newton introduced many theories and ideas regarding how life works, by proposing theories of force and motion. This is an image of Sir Issac Newton, he is one of the most important people when it comes to the field of science. Sir Issac Newton is important to this time line because he shows how the mentality of the people during this time period has changed to be more rational compared to before.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    This was a reaction to the Enlightenment and to secularism. There were many changes that followed The Great Awakening, these changes include societal changes, new universities, more representation within the colony, and much more. This image shows how religion was revived in The Great Awakening, as preachers and other influential individuals speak and read religious texts.This is important to the time line because it revives religion, thus yet again changing the mindset of the people around.
  • Triangular Trade

    Triangular Trade
    This is most of the eighteenth century for many, this is when trade began to really became vital. Trade was not just among the English colonies and the mother country, now Africa was involved. Each one provided each other with the people, and items they needed. This image shows the triangular trade and what each one traded for one another. This is extremely important because not all these parties gain the supplies they need. This well change the lives in the colonies when slaves are introduced.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    This American Enlightenment was one that mainly focused on reason. The colonists were beginning to question preconceived notion that were once established, even those that were derived from religious, so people began to question the bible. This eventually led to the manifestation of individuals who thought more pragmatically. This image shows colonists gathered around most likely reading something that is based on reason. This is important because it awakens the colonists of the real issues.
  • Slavery

    Slavery during this time was becoming more prominent and more focused on a specific race. Now there is inter African slave trade, and this proved to be a important source of labor for the Europeans. In fact, Britain was the largest slave trader in the seventeen hundreds. This image shows the mode of transportation that they used to move these slaves, but with such horrible conditions, more than ten percent died. This is important because it later leads to greater issues in the colonies.
  • Seven-Years War

    Seven-Years War
    This war was one that was fought between the French and the Indian over land and territory claims. In fact, it is George Washington that starts this war after the governor of Virginia ordered Deuquesne seized. This image shows the French confronting the Indians in land that the French desired. This is important to the time line because this was one of the first real world war that was fought. This war was eventually solved with a treaty, and all was resolved, but this will still shape the land.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

  • Treaty of Paris - 1763

    Treaty of Paris - 1763
    This treaty was one that ended the French and Indian War, however, this was not the only thing the treaty accomplished. The Treaty of Paris in 1763 also ends French rule in North America; now Britain controlled New France (Canada). This image shows many representatives and people of high authority reading over the treaty to ensure that it is the best solution to the problem. This is important to the time line because this was one of the incidents in a treaty was used to settle a dispute.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    This act was passed by parliament in 1764 imposed a tax on a modified version of sugar. This version of sugar was called molasses, and the people living in New England had to pay six pence per gallon. The colonist however, did not like these taxes that were being passed without any of their input in the decision. This is an image of how the colonists expressed themselves with images such as these that showed their discontent with this act. Acts like these will eventually lead to revolution.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act is another act that was yet again passed by congress that required tax on all paper. This act was much harsher than the others, but even Britain had similar taxes like the colonies to make things a little more fair. This affected the printers and lawyers the most due to their common usage of paper. This image shows the colonists, specifically their representatives, being upset about the Stamp Act that was passed. This other act was important and leads to the idea of independence.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    This act was proposed by Charles Townshend, and what this act imposed was the tax on goods such as glass, paper, paint and tea. This yet again upset the colonists as they did not want to repay the Seven Years War that Britain fought. This image shows a colonist examining the post regarding the new tax that will be enforced. This is important because just like the other acts, it is adding fuel to the idea of independence in the minds of the colonists, which will eventually lead to a revolution.
  • Non importation Movement

    Non importation Movement
    The Non importation Movement was done by the colonists. It was a movement in which the colonists boycotted against the British goods. Now women were making their own clothing, instead of buying the already made product. Tea was also boycotted, which led to even more revolutionary events. This is an image shows how the colonists actively boycotted the products from Britain, specifically Britain. This is very important to the time line because it begins to show colonial power and anger to Britain.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was an event that resulted in the death of 5 colonial citizens. A crowd of Bostonian s harassed British soldiers which got out of hand when the Bostonians began to become physical and aggressive. Soldiers eventually fired into the crowds, killing a few in doing so. This image shows the soldiers firing into the crowds. This event is important to the time line because it is one of the biggest events that lead to the colonists to eventually fight for their freedom from Britain.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party is one of the most well knows events in U.S. history, because it is the first time a colony actually did something that was meant to offend Britain. A couple of drunk colonists decided to dress up as Native Americans and dumped around three hundred forty chests of tea. This image shows the event happening, the colonists throwing tea into the ocean. This event is very important because it shows the extent to which colonists will go to express their discontent with the taxes.
  • Intolerable Act

    Intolerable Act
    This was an act passed by parliament that revoked the colonial charter. This act was the response to the colonists by Britain to punish them for being so inappropriate. The Intolerable Act also housed many troops in the colonies.This is an image of how the colonists felt about all these new laws being passed, they felt like prisoners of the mother. This is important to the timeline because this also shows how Britain dealt with issues across the sea, by restricting and punishing the colonists.
  • The Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation
    This was the first document that established some sense of order for the newly independent colonies. This document however was a disaster, it had no power over the colonies/states. The Articles of Confederation did not even have the authority to tax the states. This image shows representatives gathered to draft the first "constitution" for the states. This is important to the timeline because this would soon aid in the making of a new constitution that was better and stronger than the one made.
  • Period: to


  • American Virtue: Style

    American Virtue: Style
    Everything during this time was beginning to change, the architecture was less British, even the furniture was changing. This was done so to show Britain that the colonies want nothing to do with the English, the colonists want to become their own identity so to accomplish this the colonies changes much of their style. This image shows how the architecture was changes, looking less European. This is important because it once again shows the departure from colonists to anything European related.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Shay's rebellion was the first domestic test of the Articles of Confederation, and this event made it clear to all that the Articles of Confederation wee weak and was not meat for the U.S. This is an image of the disastrous event as a farmer known as Daniel Shay leads an army of mad farmers to attack those that have suffered from post war effects. This is very vital to the U.S. as it really proves how bad the A.O.C. was and created a sense of urgency for a new constitution, to improve order.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    The Northwest Ordinance was a new system that the U.S. instituted to settle the dispute over how new land would be included into the Union. This also made all states have governors. The minimum of people required to make a state was established and was set to a minimum of sixty thousand people. This image shows the territories acquired with this system and the states that formed out of them. This is important to the time line because this is one of the few ways the U.S. will introduce new land.
  • Virginia Plan

    Virginia Plan
    This plan was one that included two houses of legislature which included a lower house (that voted by population) and an upper house. As well as a single executive and judiciary and both were equal. Representation was based on population, so this favored the states with bigger population, or the south. This image shows a couple of the founding fathers and representatives discussing the possibility of this plan as a new form of rule and order for the U.S. This is important because not all agreed.
  • Th Great Compromise

    Th Great Compromise
    The Great Compromise was a dealt between both plans for reformation. It would combine both plans to mike the constitution optimal for all, this mean that it had a bi-cameral legislation. Now there would be a House of Representation and a House of Senate. This image shows two individuals writing out the compromise to ensure that both the small and big states are satisfied, and to make sure that power is giving to the federal government and not just the sates to make sure the A.O.C. is long gone.
  • New Jersey Plan

    New Jersey Plan
    This plan was designed for the smaller states, that did not have the population that gave them enough representation. It did not really want to get rid of the A.O.C but rather it wanted to modify it. This plan called for single legislatures, and one vote per state. This image shows hows both the Virginian Plan and New Jersey Plan are seen by most of the people trying to figure out which would be the best plan. This is important because both had great ideas and later these ideas are combined.
  • The Election of 1788

    The Election of 1788
    This election was the first election ever held in the U.S. Washington ran for president and an a lot of people liked him so he obviously won. There was no voting for a vice president, this position was given to the second place winner of the election. This image shows the states that voted for Washington as well as the total percentage by which he won by. This is important because this proved that the voting system was well, except for the vice president position just given to second place.
  • Politics

    The politics of this era were very out of hand. This sort politics is what is most similar as to the politics of today. The United States of America however, with this much detest for the other party leads it to be more divided than ever. Personal attacks started in this era. This is an image of different individuals from both political parties arguing many things that creates a lot of conflicts. This is important to the time line because now the U.S. had different views on how it should be ran.
  • Period: to

    The New Republic

  • Federalists

    The federalists were individuals who saw the constitution as a living document, meaning that the constitution could change and evolve with the people. This also led to a loose interpretation of the constitution meaning it was more flexible. However, the federalists favored a strong central government. This is an image of a handful of federalists there were present at this time span. This is important to the timeline because these individuals will soon influence how the constitution is enforced.
  • Bank of the Unites States

    Bank of the Unites States
    This was the first bank of the Unites States of America. This bank brought a lot of controversy along with it due to the fact that some believed that the banks was unconstitutional. The bank could do deposits, grant loans and could possibly stabilize the currency. This is an image of the first Bank of the Unites States. This event and the creation of Alexander Hamilton is important to the time line because this issue determines how the constitution should be interpreted, and priorities.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights were ten amendments passed to ensure that the rights of the American citizens were protected. This caused a lot of controversy on whether the constitution already implied these rights but regardless, they Bill of Rights was added. This image shows the documentation of all these amendments; this was very important because this would make a lot of previously accepted situation unconstitutional and against the law. Now the rights were constitutional and could not be take away.
  • Democrat-Republic

    This political party that formed was formed almost as a counter party to the federalists. This party had a strict interpretation of the constitution, meaning the did not believe it was a living document, what the founding fathers wrote is what they meant. This political party also favored a loose central government and more power to the states. This is an image of a group of Democratic-Republicans gathered together, some of these people include Jefferson and Madison along with other individuals.
  • Alexander Hamilton

    Alexander Hamilton
    This individual was one of the founding fathers of the U.S. Alexander Hamilton supported a strong central government meaning the government had more power than the states. Hamilton also catered to the rich, due to the possible financing and banking. This is an image of Alexander Hamilton, one of the future presidents of the United States. This individual is one of the most important because Alexanders views were more federalists which lead to different decision to be made when he was in office.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Jefferson

  • Judiciary Act

    Judiciary Act
    The Judiciary Act was an important ac passed by the federalists that made new circuits and district courts. This also reduces the supreme court justices, meaning that there were not longer going to be ties when relating to Supreme Court cases, from six to five. This is an image is of a gavel, representing the Supreme Court because now it had less ability to declare Supreme Court Justices. This is important because later this act will be repealed and will give rise to other actions later.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury vs. Madison
    This is perhaps one of the most important case in the Supreme Court of the Unites States. This case sets up judicial review, which is vital to the judiciary system. Chief Justice John Marshall ruled Marbury entitled to the position. Supreme Court lacked the jurisdiction, this now sets up the modern day court. This is an image of Marbury and Madison, this is important to the time line because as states before this will eventually set up the modern day court with the new system of Judicial Review.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Spain ceded Louisiana back to France, and in doing so allowed for Napoleon to seem like a threat to the Unites States of America. This was a threat to the Unites States because of the proximity of French land to American land. Napoleon gave the throne to his brother, which made the purchase of the Louisiana purchase much easier. This is an image of the territory the Unites States acquired with the purchase of the the Louisiana territory. This is important because now America is getting bigger.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark
    This expedition was one that allowed for the scientific and geological discoveries of the land that the United States acquired from the Louisianan Purchase. Lewis and Clark, two men, discovered new plants, animals, people and new land features never seen before. Clark even made a map of this new land to aid other Americans if their trip was successful. This is an image of both Lewis and Clark beside one of the most important natives to this expedition Sacagawea. This is vital for the map making.
  • The Duel (Bur vs Hamilton)

    The Duel (Bur vs Hamilton)
    This duel was a gun fight between Hamilton and Burr. Though it was illegal, this was one of the most common ways to settle a dispute between two men of high authority. This conflict arose from Hamilton blocking Burrs presidency, Burr ended up being Jefferson V.P. In this duel, Hamilton dies due to the gunshot wound. Now the federalists had no leader. This is an image of the event happening. This is important because now dueling will be prevented more to decrease the deaths, president deaths.
  • Period: to

    The American Industrial Revolution

  • Changes in Transportation

    Changes in Transportation
    There were also many innovations in the way people transported themselves. With the inclusion of railroads and the steam engine made transportation much easier. Crops were now able to go from one side of the U.S. to the other in a short amount of time. There were no railroads connecting the north and south yet but there was still railroads in both of those regions
  • Abolitionists

    Abolitionists were individuals that believe that slavery should end. That these African American people deserved to be set free. There were different views on how this would be accomplished though. Some wanted a gradual release back into Africa, others wanted to immediately end slavery. This image shows how the slaves felt and how other felt for the slaves. This is important because it leads to radical views on the issue of slavery and the different solutions for this ethical dilemma.
  • Changes in Agriculture

    Changes in Agriculture
    There were a plethora of changes that occurred during the industrial revolution. One of these changes included the introduction of many new agricultural technological advancements, such as the iron plow, the cotton gin, and the crank churns to name a few. This is an image of the iron plow in use, this plow will make farming so much easier, as the plow was also pulled by animals. This lead to an increase in agricultural production. This is important because not the south is developing.
  • Period: to

    Cultural Changes

  • Period: to

    The Age of Jackson

  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    In this election, it was John Quincy Adams versus Andrew Jackson. John Quincy Adams was a well known intellectual, so many people trusted him, however, Jackson conquered Florida, and many people also appreciated his contribution. Though there were a total of 4 candidates, these two were the most prominent. Jackson eventually wins the popular vote, but not the electoral college.
  • Labor changes

    Labor changes
    With the inclusion of new technological advancements, more and more land becomes readily available to the Unites States. This means that more of land has to be tended. The only source of labor available at that time were the lower level class Caucasian people, but most prominently, African American slaves in the south. In the north, factories needed people to constantly work, meaning that women and children were not both in the work force. This image shows the intense labor and the severity.
  • Age of Common Man

    Age of Common Man
    During this time, more people that had a lot of the same ideals, issued and values began to become more common and influential. Some of these people include Andre Jackson, who will soon become a president of the United States of America. Another individual that is well known as a common man is Davy Crockett. This image shows the amount of influence that Jackson had to the common man, as most of the men gathered there are common man. This is important because now the common man had a voice.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    This was a movement to abstain from alcohol, or at least to try to drink less that people did at the time because it was beginning to become a serious issue. So, this movement aided in the reduction of alcohol consumption, it even goes as far at to the banning of alcohol in other states. This is an image of how a lot of people wanted the men to stop drinking, especially the men's wives. This is important to the time line because this ultimately leads to the illegal making of alcohol elsewhere.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    One of the presidents of the United States of America, this individual was also one of the founding fathers. Jefferson wanted a decentralized government, he was for a nation of farmers. Jefferson was also a republican. This image is picture of Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States of America. This is important because it yet again changes the main party of the United States, which alters decisions made that will ultimately affect the future of the Unites States of America.
  • Jefferson's Presidency

    Jefferson's Presidency
    Thomas Jefferson was a president with an immense about of influence. Not only did he defend the states, but he also encouraged agriculture and embraces political conflict and dialogue. Jefferson was one of the most well knows presidents for the actions he has done. This image
  • Revivalism

    Revivalism was basically against the whole industrial revolution, many who followed this ideal believed that old ways were better. These individuals believed that the market revolution was a bad thing, as well as believing in free will. Some of these people however did use print meaning that they were contradicting themselves in that aspect. This is an image of how these individuals try to bring back preaching in order to get messages across. This is important because religion was also reviving.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    In this election, Andrew Jackson had a new and improved strategy. This was a nasty election though, many rude comments, and terms were being said. But Jackson new he had what it took, Jackson had humble origins, and a military career, meaning that he had experience. Jackson was determined to win this election and not loose to Adams again. This is an image showing the votes that were made to Jackson and Adams. This is important because under a new president, different decisions are made
  • Adams Presidency

    Adams Presidency
    Adams presidency was one that was based on an American system. Adams supported industry, tariffs, a new national bank, and international improvements. John Quincy Adams also supported and promoted the building of nation universities, as well as observatories. President John Quincy Adams was also not too involved in politics, and appointed people by merits. This is an image of John Quincy Adams probably signing forms for the building of more schools. Adams is important because he altered Jackson.
  • Growing Cities

    Growing Cities
    As the Unites States advanced with help from the industrial revolution, a lot more cities started to sprout out of no where. This is also due to the increasing amount of people that moved to cities to find jobs. First slums and fist working class neighborhoods as well. This is an image of the first working class neighborhoods, they rooms are very close and population is very dense. This is important because this will affect the demographics of the north later in the future, which causes issues.
  • Education

    With the Second Great Awakening occurring, many new changes are introduced. Some of the most notable changes include grades. To make sure students were actually learning and stride to do better, grades were now assigned and were a part of the education system. Textbooks were also incorporated as well as mandatory attendance. This image shows how a teacher is lecturing to his students by reading the textbook. This is important because this method continues and becomes a custom in education.
  • Anti-Abolitionists

    These individuals did not want to get rid of slavery. These people believed slavery was necessary for the success of the south, that it would cost the south a lot of money if they were to give up slavery like that. Rallies held to denounce abolitionist. Bonfires were set to burn abolitionist literature and many other things occurred due to this difference in opinion. This is an image of a mob attacking abolitionists. This is very important to the timeline because these problems will only grow.
  • Immigration

    With the growth of cities and the stability of the economy of the Unites States, more people from other courtiers are starting to show up and settle in America. Some reasons for said immigration include disease that affects crops, such as when the Irish had the potato famine. As well as Germans and the poor harvest they had. This is an image of the from in which most of these immigrant arrived from, from the boat. This is important because this will alter the amount of immigrants present.
  • Prisons

    Prisons were also something that came out of the Second Great Awakening. This was one of the biggest ideas in fact, and Penitentiaries were established as well. They are meant to reform those that have done bad, and prisoners were isolated. This was meant to make the prisoners reflect and think about what they have done, not to mention the prisoners were constantly watched by guards. This is an image of a penitentiary, and it demonstrates the size of this reform center and the protection.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    This was a crises in which congress raises import taxes. Congress did this by enacting the Tariff Act of 1832. This act raised the tariffs on items such as clothing and this really affected South Carolina, which in turn hurts the agriculture in that region. This is political cartoon demonstrates how South Caroline felt about the whole ordeal. This is important because it is actually the first time a state threatened the government by that declaring that it would secede unless the act is removed.
  • Election of 1832

    Election of 1832
    This election was one that formed a third party while both parties continued to argue. Andrew Jackson was for the democratic party, and Henry Clay was for the National Republicanism--which also were also knows as the anti-Jackson. The third party that formed was the Anti-Masonic Part, and William Wirt was representing this party. This image yet again shows the amount of votes each candidate got. This is important because now Jackson had to make sure he could outshine the other two parties.
  • Changes in Communication

    Changes in Communication
    Communication used to be very slow and inefficient. Sending a message or a letter used to take weeks, in fact some individuals were so moved by this that they decided to improve the ability to communicate. So, the telegraph was invented and Morse code to accompany it. This image is of the telegraph, and this invention revolutionized communication, now messages only took a couple of minutes. This is important because now messages can be sent very quick and more orders are given and received.
  • Battle at San Jacinto

    This battle was one in which Sam Houston surprises the Mexican general and leader, Santa Anna. This battle lasted less than 20 minutes. Santa Anna was eventually captured in this battle. But other issued arise regarding where the border will be placed, and in the process, Texas declared its independence. This is an drawing of the battle that occurred at San Jacinto. This is important because it will then lead to Texas to decide which other nation to join, since it is between two of them.
  • Election of 1836

    Election of 1836
    Yet another election, this one focuses on a new candidate, and that is Marlin Van Buren. This individual barely won the election against the Whigs. As president at the time, Marlin Van Buren unfortunately inherited a bad economy at the time, the United States were not in good shape at the tie due to the bank war. This is an image showing the votes each candidate won, and it was very close. This is important because it is now Buren's job to fix the economy and bring it back to an ideal state.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Manifest Destiny was the idea that the Unites Sates of America should expand from coast to coast and own all land in between. The United States knew that they could gain massive profit if they did so. Jackson actually envisioned this for America, but also believed in the extinction of the Native Americans. This is a very common image representing Manifest Destiny. It shows the movement of people, animals, communication, transportation and much more. This is important because the U.S. will grow.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon Trail was a path that lead to Oregon. Many Unites States citizens were very excited to go on the trail because they knew that Oregon had great fertile land. Many of these individuals also knew that mining was a big thing in Oregon, meaning job opportunities. This is an image of the length of the Oregon trail in the destination, from staring point to finish. This is important because it shows the true character of an American, though the trial was long, many were dedicated.
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    Westward Expansion

  • Free black communities

    Free black communities
    Though many African Americans were slaves back then, there were a few communities which slaves formed that did not have slaver. These communities were called Free black communities, these places were formed by slaves that had escaped. The Free black communities were not perfect though, the people that inhabited this community also faced discrimination, as well as harsh segregation. This is an image of a free black slave community, this is important because African Americans will want rights.
  • Election of 1844

    Election of 1844
    The Election of 1844 was one that dealt with Texas, and Tyler who was a part of the Whig party, and James K. Polk who was a part of the Democratic party. James K. Polk reminded many people of Jackson due to similar personality traits. James K. Polk had three main goals, and this excited the people.
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    The Great Migration was one that included a lot of white migrants. In fact, it was between four thousand and five thousand individuals. They too followed and overland trail, which took roughly five to six month to travel though. This image shows how white people took their belongings in wagons and used their horses to pull the wagon. This is important because now there a lot of more white people going into different places in the United States, and since more people are settling towns form.
  • Texas

    Texas was a land grant that Moses Austin secured. But in order to settle in Texas, there were many conditions that needed to be met. Some were simple like becoming catholic, but other caused problems, like getting rid of ones slaves. This image shows settles going into Texas but not following all the rules, as some had slaves. This is important because it created problems for the admission of Texas, whether it would be a frees state or a slave state, this would create an unbalance of slavery.
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  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    In California gold is found and tons of people migrate to California in order to gain some riches as well. California was a territory in 1848, and later became a state in 1850. White were not the only ones to migrate though, there was a huge number of Chinese migrants as well, for similar reasons. This image shows how the men were searching for gold with specialized tools to aid them. This is important because now there are a lot of people in California, meaning cities grow and stores can open.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    This treaty was one that dealt with the Mexican American war. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo settled the border dispute that the Unites States had with Mexico regarding the territory that will be given and Texas. The United States also seized over half of Mexico's territory. This is an image showing what the Unites States gained from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. This is important because now the Unites States is accomplishing manifest destiny. This will also cause issues regarding slavery.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    This was a convention held in 1848 in New York. This was organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. Three hundred men and women showed up to the convention to discuss suffrage for women. The convention also covered securing rights in economies and voting. This is an image of what the convention look like, many people area gathered listening to all the goals women want to achieve. This is important because it shows hows women are starting to desire rights similar to these of men.
  • Underground Railroads

    Underground Railroads
    The underground railroads were not really railroads, rather the it was safe house for slaves that wanted to escape. These slaves would also be fugitive slaves. Abolitionists often helped these slaves escape to the north over one hundred thousand slaves were freed between 1830-1860. This illustration shows the intensity of these escapes, as they would often be chased by officials while escaping at night. This is important because they south feels as if they are loosing they best source of labor.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    This compromise was one that dealt with an issue that is very prominent in the Unites States, and that is whether California was going to be a free state or a slave state. There were separate bills that were passed, California would be free, New Mexico and Utah decide on slavery, Texas relinquishes western lands, Federal government is absorbed, and Slave trade in Washington D.C. is banned. This is an image that shows exactly that. This is important because now the south wants to secede.
  • Fugitive Salve Act

    Fugitive Salve Act
    The Fugitive Salve Act was an act passed that would allow commissioners to return run away slaves back to their owners. Once the slaves were caught, they had no way to prove if they were slaves or not, the slaves were not given a trial. This affected white people as well, if they refused to aid, they could be jailed. This image shows how they took the slaves out and used force and fear to get them to follow instructions. This is vital to the timeline because the north did not like this at all.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

     Uncle Toms Cabin
    Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe the book demonstrates to the north how the slaves were treated. The slaves needed support, and they got the attention of the north and the south real quick with this book. This is an image of the book she wrote, it portrays a slave with a group of white men, and the story is anti-slavery related. This is important because not the north and some southerners as well are given insight into how the slaves feel about their own situation, giving them aid in doing so
  • Election of 1852

    Election of 1852
    The Election of 1852 was between Franklin Pierce who was a democrat and Whinfield Scott who was a part of the Whigs party. Scott was a symbol for the Whig party as well as the Mexican-American general during the Mexican-American was. Franklin won this election. This image shows just how popular Franklin was with the population, as he had the majority of the votes. This is important because nor Franklin has to deal with a nation that is near the point of division, especially with slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Southerners were afraid of the two new states that were going to be admitted due to the balance between free and slave states. Southerners wanted to abolish the Missouri Compromise as well. 36 30 line repealed, this was the work of Stephen Douglas and Franklin Pierce. This set Kansas as slave and Nebraska as free. This is a political cartoon showing how many felt about slavery, especially with the addition of Kansans as a slave state many felt as if slavery if being shoved down peoples throat.
  • The North

    The North
    The north had a lot of advantages that the south did not, these advantages included an immense population, as well as an industrious advantage. Railroads and other means of transportation helped the north get the upper hand when it came to the Civil War. This image shows the fierceness of both sides of the Unites States of America. Both sides did not want to loose the war. This is important because these advantages are the ones that help the union defeat the confederate south and win the war.
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    Civil War

  • 1st Battle of Bull Run

    1st Battle of Bull Run
    This was the first major battle of the Civil war. Thirty thousand union troops are present and they march south. This was a humiliating defeat for the Union, Union troops then flee to D.C.This is an image of how the military superiority of the south gave them the first victory at Bull Run. This is important to the timeline because it shows the north that the south is actually serious in fighting for a cause they think is right. This makes the union train harder and think of better strategies.
  • Trent Affair

    Trent Affair
    These were royals ships, the Confederate side sent diplomats to Europe to try and talk to other powers on alliances. An American boat intercepts RMS Trent and Britain demands an apology. Lincoln releases Confederate diplomats and makes sure that the British and French are neutral. This image shows USS San Jacinto intercepting RMS Trent. This is important as well because without the foreign neutrality, the south may have had the upper hand with more supplies from the foreign powers and more men.
  • The South

    The South
    The south had some advantages over the north, these advantages include better military leaders and the agriculture of the south. Though later the south is put under a blockade the south still had some of the best leaders. This image shows the intensity between the north and the south, the south does not want to loose slaves because the slaves are vital to them. This is important to the timeline because it shows the resilience of the south and their determination to keep slavery, even if seceded.
  • Neutral states

    Neutral states
    Between these the north and the south are the neutral states, they do not really mind the outcome of the war as long as their state is not hurt in the process. President Lincoln sees this as an opportunity and asks for the neutral states to stay neutral or to not allow for southern influence to penetrate. This is an image of the sates that were considered neutral as they did not side with the union nor the confederacy. This is important because if the neutral states join, history would change.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

     Emancipation Proclamation
    This was a proclamation and executive order by president Lincoln states that all slaves in designated areas are to be set free. Lincoln did this to not only help the slaves, but unintentionally, to allow slaves to fight in the war as well. This is an image of what the emancipation proclamation states. This is important because it allowed for some slaves to fight in the civil war as well. This gave the union t some aid, and since the slaves are fighting for their freedom they are determined.
  • Lincoln 10% plan

    Lincoln 10% plan
    This was Lincoln's plan to pardon all southerners from the Civil War, this would exclude officers, and the officers had to take an oath. The southern states had to reapply for federal recognition and union-ship, the southern states also had to for a new state government. This political cartoon shows how Abraham Lincoln is trying to bring back the union together with as little revenge as possible. This is important because others will see this plan as insane, thinking the south should pay.
  • Wade-Davis Bill

    Wade-Davis Bill
    The Wade-Davis Bill was passed to punish the south. To punish confederate leaders and to destroy slave society. The bill also required everyone to take an oath declaring they never aided Confederacy. States would be readmitted but only after long punishment. The south has to show a clear commitment to the union. This is an image of the Wade-Davis Bill that was passed. This is important because it gives the north a sense of justice after the south rebelled against the own union it belonged to.
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  • 40 Acres and A Mule

    40 Acres and A Mule
    While some planters abandoned their land, the former slaves say this as an opportunity and quickly used it and started to farm from themselves. This allowed the former slaves to own or rent land to farm. This entitled them to a mule along with 40 acres of land. This image demonstrates just that, this former slave was given a mule to aid him farm while he tends his land. This is very important because now the former slaves can farm for themselves and do not need to provide for anyone else.
  • Freedmen Bureau

    Freedmen Bureau
    Relief agency in war torn south. Now former slaves had a safe place. The Freemen Bureau helped by providing food, schools, and emergency services as well. The Bureau also confiscated lands for agriculture just for the slaves so they can farm for themselves. This image shows how the Freedmen's Bureau aided the former slaves by protecting them physically and metaphorically. This is very important. Most of the white people are mad at the former slaves and want to hurt them, but the Bureau is there.
  • Appomattox Courthouse

    Appomattox Courthouse
    This is where the Civil War came to an end. As Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, the war was officially declared over after 4 years of righting. This is an image of Rober E. Lee giving up the war after Lee knew the Confederacy was not going to wing the war. This is important because it ended the war between a nation. If the south would have not given up, then both sides would have been in even worse condition, now what follows after the nation gets together is reformation.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    This amendment was passed and abolished slavery. Lincoln and Radical Republicans passed before the end of the Civil War. Now all slaves were free, they had no rights yet but they were no longer considered slaves. This image shows the rejoice of the northerners and other individuals when they found out that the thirteenth amendment was passed. This is very important because now slavery is unconstitutional meaning that the slaves have constitutional protection, but are not citizens yet.
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    Black codes were laws passed by the southern states to make life that much harder for the newly freed slaves. Every southern state had these laws so there was no escape. The black codes outlawed many things like interracial marriage, and serving on juries. This image shows how the south felt about loosing their slaves. This is important because now the south is reverting back to having slavery by finding loopholes and others ways to make the former slaves act just like before they were freed.
  • Education

    Reading and writing started to become more popular in the rural areas, since the former slaves have no more master, they are allowed to read and write and learn to do these things in schools. Northern missionaries educated former slaves. This was resisted by southern whites however. This is an image of a Freedman's School, teaching young children how to read and write. This is important because not these children will have more education and will be able to do many things in the future.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The fourteenth amendment was passed to aid the former slaves and the next generation to come. It defined citizens as born in the Unites States, entitled to equal protections of law, meaning every one has the same rights. This image of the fourteenth amendment, and it provided many benefits to all that are born in the Unites States of America. This is important because now, the children of the former slaves are now citizens, meaning they have the same rights as whites do, but no voting yet.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The fifteenth amendment was passed to give suffrage to all men. Meaning that any male in the United States of America can now vote and can vote for whom ever they choose to, though sometimes black people were taunted and persuaded to vote for someone else. This image shows a black male voting, this is thanks to the fifteenth amendment. This is very important because now black people can vote for those who will protect black people and cater towards them. Suffrage give black people a voice.