American revolution hero h

1301 Timeline Project

  • Period: 1 BCE to

    Beginnings To Exploration

  • 1095

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    The Crusades were were a serious of significant military campaigns that was initiated to take back Jerusalem whom was taken by the Muslim's. Knights and vassals took part in these crusades, it was believed that participating/ fighting in the crusades would give the people participating in the campaigns forgiveness of their sins, these military campaigns were relatively unsuccessful. The crusades also provided the next generation with a better army, military, and trade with other civilizations.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The term renaissance was known as the rebirth of the European civilizations,Europe during(14th-17th century) was know as the "rebirth" due to the many ideas and technological advances that were derived in this era, such as perfection in painting and realistic sculptures from famous individuals like Leonardo Devinci and Michelangelo, and important technological advances such as the printing press (john Gutenberg) which replicated and spread literature work that derived from this time of era
  • 1338

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The black death was a devastating disease that rain downed terror and destruction against Europe. This disease shattered the population and took out 60 percent of the population this is a whopping 60 million people in Europe. The black death was extremely contagious and spread from person to person. Post black death was detrimental and sent Europe centuries back, it also cause social and economic upheavals which Europe had to persevere through.
  • 1440

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    A man by the name of Johannes Gutenberg created the printing press during the time period the time period 1440 BC. The printing press was a huge and major invention that transformed how books/writings were copied. Before the printing press was created these books/writings were only granted to the upper class & were time consuming to make. The press allowed people to get their hands on books easier because of mass production, more books means better education, and cultural/ social revolution.
  • 1492

    The Colombian Exchange

    The Colombian Exchange
    A man with by the name of Christopher Columbus colonized the new lands of america for Europe in 1492 led to The Colombian exchange. The Colombian Exchange was a widespread introduction of Cultural, biological changes, diseases, and new crops with the old world and new world. The trade between the new regions led to agriculture advances but also led to diseases which killed most of the indigenous living from the old world.
  • 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    The Treaty of Tordesillas was an agreement of Spain and Portugal to divide the new lands this was due to the conflict of Spain and Portugal and their conflicts over the new land. In a sense they were fighting over territorial claims in hopes of obtaining the potential wealth discovered in the new land. This wealth and land they were fighting for would have benefited the country greatly. Spain got the larger half of the land, but Portugal in the long run benefited more from the land they receive.
  • 1521

    Conquest of the Aztecs

    Conquest of the Aztecs
    A Spanish conquistador by the name of Hernan Cortes was out searching the unknown for riches and fame. Hernan brought horses and 600 of his men aboard his ships from home in his search for great riches in the vast unknown, his men were all equpied with weapons highly powerful guns. Hernan while on his voyage discovered an native american city tenochtitlán.Tenochtitlán was a city of twice the size and mexico and filled with gold, Hernan violently ransacked the city for its gold killing the Aztecs
  • Jamestown virginia

    Jamestown virginia
    Jamestown, Virginia was founded by the English crown as a private charter and was founded due to the exaggeration of gold found in the area. Jamestown started off with 105 settlers, but sparked into the 1st successful colony. A man by the name of John ralfe introduced the cash crop tobacco to the colony which boosted the economy of Virginia.The colony was spread far apart from each other to maximize the profit to be made from the crop. The town continued to grow until the year 1620.
  • Period: to

    English Colonial Societies

  • Tobacco

    Jamestown Virginia was a colony struggling and clenching on just to survive. The colony started with 105 settlers and ended with 32 after the 1st winter. The colonist were starving and dying, but the cash crop tobacco, turned the Colony around.Tobacco was extremely popular at the time and everyone wanted to get their hands on the cash crop. This boosted Jamestown economy, selling around 750 tons of tobacco a year. This economic boosted their economy tremendously and turned the colony around.
  • Plymouth Colony

    Plymouth Colony
    A group of reformers from the English separatist church known as Puritans, led by John Smith fled corrupt England in hopes for religious freedom. The group of 40 members traveled on the Mayflower. The group landed on the coast of Cape Cod and permanently settled in the area. Life was a struggle until they met Squanto and the Patuxet tribe. The tribe taught the colony how to grow food and hunt. The colony eventually wrote the mayflower compact which was a systemic system much like a government.
  • Squanto

    During 1621, A native American Squanto from the Patuxet tribe was introduced to the pilgrims. Squanto aided the colony and taught the pilgrims to survive by growing crops such as maize and teaching the colony where to find fish. The native also taught the colonist how to hunt gain by using simple tools such as bows and arrows. This strengthened the bond between the pilgrims and the tribe substantially. The two groups eventually had a feast, thanksgiving to honor the natives for aiding the colony
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    The English parliament established and forced laws onto the colonies, not allowing them to trade freely with other countries/nations. Goods and trade can only be established and supervised under British and colonial ships. Many colonist disregarded the acts passed from parliament and found ways to trade illegally with other countries.
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Oliver Cromwell
    Oliver Cromwell was an English soldier/ puritan who led the parliamentary forces of Britain. Cromwell was the deputy commander of the “New Model Army” who led the army in the defeat of the Royalist army during the battle of Naseby during the time period of 1645. Cromwell later led campaigns and commanded battles which led him to be named the "lord protector of England".
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem Witch Trials were a series of gatherings and the prosecutions of people living Massachusetts whom were accused of witchcraft. Many colonist's assumed that the devil was giving powers to certain individuals to hurt people in the colonies, many people were accusing each other it was like a virus spreading. There were a total of 20 executions, 14 of which were women. The executions were all deaths by hanging, but one individual, whom got rocks placed onto him as a punishment.
  • Triangular Trade

    Triangular Trade
    The triangular trade was a systematic transatlantic trade that consisted of Europe, Africa and the Americas. Europeans would trade European-made products such as copper copper, clothes, guns, ammunition in return for African slaves. These African slaves are then stuffed into ships with poor conditions which are then sent to Europe. America traded rum with Africa in return for slaves to work on sugar plantations. The trades were a triangle where these 3 profound regions traded with each other.
  • John locke

    John locke
    John Locke was an English philosopher also known as "Father of Liberalism were one of the few who sparked the idea of enlightenment and was the backbone of enlightenment era. John Locke wanted everyone citizen to have the "right to life, liberty, and property" which is used in the Declaration of Independence. John Locke believed that every person should be granted these rights once they were born.
  • Period: to

    Colonial America

  • The great awakening

    The great awakening
    The great awakening was a time period of religious revival during the early 18th and late 19th century. The great awakening arose at the same time period that enlightenment was occurring, the movement emphasized a closer relationship to god or the religion whom the individual preaches/ believes in. The movement emphasized the importance of the individual and his/her spiritual experience.
  • The Seven Years War

    The Seven Years War
    The French and Indian war also known as the seven years war was a large bloody battle that involved the mighty countries Britain and France. France and Britain had already occurring tensions between each other, but the war was sparked by many things such as the Alarmingly growing power, ambition, and territorial expansion of Frederick the Great of Prussia/ the wanting of more land between the two power houses, France and Britain. The war was resolved through the Treaty Of Paris 1763
  • Slavery in the lower south

    Slavery in the lower south
    Slavery in the lower south were harsh compared to slavery in the north. Growing seasons were longer which meant slaves had to work for longer hours roughly around 15 hours a day with little free time. Due to long hours and harsh working conditions, many slaves faked illness, and broke tools in hopes to not work. All and all slavery in the lower south were harsh and grueling for the slaves.
  • Economics of lower south

    Economics of lower south
    The Southern colonies, predominantly the lower south were drastically increasing economically due to cash crops such as tobacco. Tobacco was grown primarily in the lower south due to the longer growing seasons and rich soil thus resulting in mass quantities of tobacco being grown in the lower south. Tobacco was an addiction for many, especially in Britain which meant Britain were paying vast amounts of money for large quantities of Tobacco.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

  • Treaty Of Paris 1763

    Treaty Of Paris 1763
    The Treaty Of Paris 1763 ended the seven years war which involved the three powerhouses of France, Spain and Britain. The treaty was signed by representatives of Great Britain and Hanover on one side and France and Spain on the other on the date of February 2, 1763.
  • Sugar act

    Sugar act
    The sugar act/ revenue act was passed by the British parliament. The act was enforced onto the colonist to pay taxes on sugar, this was due to raise money in order to pay for the debt accumulated from the seven years war. many colonists felt the Sugar Act constituted a restriction of justice and many protested and objected the act, due to the out lash from the colonist's, parliament repealed the act in 1766.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    British redcoats were sent to the Boston to maintain and enforce orders regarding the Townshend acts. Colonists living in Boston were furious and in displeasure so many started to harass/ throw snowballs at the redcoats. Tensions regarding with the redcoats grew and causing the Boston massacre to occur. After rocks and snowballs have been thrown at them, the redcoats fired their rifles into the crowd killing 5 Bostonians the Boston massacre was one of the many events that led to the American rev
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Drunk Bostonians threw over 352 of tea into the ports of Boston averaging up to 90,000 pounds of tea. Bostonians were angry due to the tea act that were enforced onto the colonists. The drunk Bostonians dressed up as natives and snuck onto the ship to dump over the tea.
  • The Battle Of Lexington

    The Battle Of Lexington
    The Battle Of Lexington was the first battle that occurred during the revolution and was known as the "shot heard around the heard". raggedy bagged colonist militias faced off the redcoats on the field of Lexington, no one knows who shot the first shot, but the colonists retreated to concord where they won by guerilla warfare.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Common sense was written on January 1,st 1776 by Thomas Paine and persuaded Americans to revolt against British and its parliament and pursue American nationalism. This pamphlet was successful and had a deep influence on American declaration against Britain.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The declaration of independence was signed in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776 and signed by Charles Thomson as Secretary and John Hancock as President of the Continental Congress. The document stated that the 13 colonies will be under one sovereignty and not be under the command and rule of the British parliament. The document expresses the independence and regulations in regarding their departure from British control.
  • The Articles Of Confederation

    The Articles Of Confederation
    The articles of confederation were the first articles written under the United States constitution, and was written during the American revolution. The articles was soon replaced by the constitution due to its lacking of powers to enforce laws and taxes among the 13 colonies. The articles were made in regards to the American revolution and the urgency of some sort of organized government.
  • The great debate

    The great debate
    The great debate was a convention that involved the anti-federalist and federalist. The two parties were gathered in response in ratifying the constitution or not. Anti-federalist were against the constitution due to the thought the constitution would significantly give states power which would threatens states sovereignty. Federalist's were for this due to the power it gave in making a more centralized government.
  • American Virtue

    American Virtue
    American virtue was the presence of american nationalism/ the colonist's showing american pride. This was due from winning the battles present in the American Revolution. American nationalism was boosted throughout the colonies after the war was over.
  • Battle Of Yorktown

    Battle Of Yorktown
    The battle of Yorktown was the last battle that occurred in the American revolution and was known as the siege of Yorktown. American and French forces fought alongside one another against a common enemy, the redcoats. The two powerhouses won and resulting in a surrender the British alongside with the 7000 soldiers in Virginia. The battle was ended by the treaty of Paris 1783
  • Period: to

    The Constitution

  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    Shays rebellion occurred due to the taxes that James Madison enforced onto farmers and their land. Farmers in western Massachusetts were getting removed from their land due to the extensive/ expensive taxes placed onto the farmers land. Due to many farmers getting displaced from their lands riots would occur which resulted into shay's rebellion. This rebellion was under the Articles of Confederation meaning the government had no authority over the rebellion.
  • New jersey plan

    New jersey plan
    The New Jersey plan was a small state plan made for small states such as new jersey. The plan wanted a unicameral structure from the articles of confederation, smaller states wanted this plan due to the equal number of votes gathered from each states. Larger states would be at an advantage due to a larger population thus smaller states wanted the New Jersey plan to be ratified.
  • The northwest ordinance

    The northwest ordinance
    The northwest ordinance was passed by the congress of the constitution of the United States and was meant to distribute and admit new states to the Union from the territory/ list the bill of rights into certain territories. The ordinance divided many states in the mid west.
  • Election of 1788

    Election of 1788
    The election of 1788 was the first presidential election in regarding two people going against one another. The presidential election consisted of George Washington and john Adams. George Washington became the first president and john Adams was the runner up making him automatic vice president.
  • Period: to

    New Republic

  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The whiskey rebellion occurred due to the taxes that were enforced on whiskey. Alexander Hamilton placed taxes on whiskey so that the government could get some partial profit from the colonist's grains that are being made to create the domestic product. The rebellion eventually died down due to the enforcement's that could be made because of the United states constitution.
  • The Bill of rights

    The Bill of rights
    The Bill of rights written by James Madison,were the first 10 amendments which allowed for a more constitutional protection for individual liberties. the amendments go in order from 1-10 the first amendment being the allowed freedom of speech, rights to bear arms, no quarter of troops, no search/seizure, right to grand jury, right to speedy trial, right to jury trial, no excessive bails/ cruel punishments, rights given to people not listed in the constitution, and powers reserved to the states.
  • Period: to

    The american industrial revolution

  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was invented in the late 1700's by Eli Whitney. The device allowed for a faster and efficient way to take seeds out of cotton rather than letting slaves pick them from their hands. although the cotton gin made it faster to produce cotton, it also increased slavery. Slavery was increased due to the high demand of cotton/ the cotton gin. Although the cotton gin increased slavery, it also made the lives of slaves easier because they didn't have to pick the hard seeds from hand.
  • Jays Treaty

    Jays Treaty
    Written by John Jay, the Jays Treaty was under federalist constitution thus meaning the treaty was pro British. The treaty settled disagreements between both countries that were going on since American Independence, the treaty allowed for the Vacates of British troops in american forts.
  • Pickney's treaty

    Pickney's treaty
    Pickney's Treaty was established in intentions of friendships between the two countries, United States and Spain. The treaty settled land and distributed the boundaries for each country. Spain gave the United states the rights to access the Mississippi river, This treaty increased the relations/ friendships between the two countries that once opposed one another.
  • XYZ affair

    XYZ affair
    The XYZ affair was an affair between France and the America. France and its diplomats were in an uproar after America/ the constitution under the federalist party passed jays treaty, which was pro British. France was angry and seized american ship the also demanded a substantial amount of money from the 13 colonies. In response america sent 3 diplomats to France, they were met with 3 unknown french diplomats whom were masked thus getting its name the XYZ affair.
  • The Jefferson Administration

    The Jefferson Administration
    The Administration of Thomas Jefferson was very chill and calm. Jefferson and his administration were extremely laid back and weren't as strict as previous administrations. The administration also wanted a nation of farmers, their moto was simplicity.
  • Marbury vs Madison

    Marbury vs Madison
    During the time period of 1803 Chief Justice John Marshall declared the rights of the Supreme Court to question and establishment of the Constitution. The decision established the Court's power of judicial review over acts of Congress.The presidential race was categorized as a landmark case.
  • Period: to

    The age of Jackson

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana purchase was a transaction between Napoleon( France) and Thomas Jefferson (America). The purchase was fifteen million dollars, three cents per acre of land,the purchase doubled the size of the untied states. Thomas Jefferson and his administration bought the land quickly scared because he thought that Napoleon would back out of the offer. The purchase was also controversial due to the constitution.
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    The panic of 1819 was an economical/ financial downfall for America. The economic downfall occurred after the war of 1812, and caused the economy of the united states to be severely damaged throughout the era of th1 1820's. The second bank of the United states could be an attribute to the economic downfall due to inflation of united states dollars, but was mainly due to the war of 1812.
  • The second great awakening

    The second great awakening
    The second great awakening was the 2nd revival of America. many citizens were converted and many churches were changed and revived the movement affected religion, prison reform, the women's rights movement, abolishment of slavery, advancements in literature, and reform in education. The second great awakening was a step further from the first and involved much more than just religion, but America as a whole.
  • Period: to

    Cultural changes

  • Missouri Crisis

    Missouri Crisis
    The Missouri Crisis was a temporary solution to the increasing tensions of the northern/ southern regions. Missouri recently bought during the Louisiana purchase wanted to be admitted as a slave state by congress did not allow due to misbalance of free and non free slave states. The crisis was temporarily solved by the Missouri compromise (36, 30) where the top half of the latitude were free slave states and the bottom slave states.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe doctrine was President James Monroe's doctrine. The Doctrine was a foreign policy, stating that any European to further intervene with America will be seen as a threat or aggression towards the United states, and that America will fight back.
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson
    Andrew Jackson, known as old hickory was the untied states 5th president and served in office from the beginning of March 4, 1829 and left office in Match 4, 1837, a total of 4 years served as the 5th president of the united states. Andrew Jackson was also a general who led the united states army against the British in the battle of New Orleans where he fought off the redcoats at Chalmette, Louisiana ending in an American victory and showing that America was not a nation to mess with.
  • Eastern State penitentiary

    Eastern State penitentiary
    The Eastern state penitentiary was a tough and grueling prison that criminals such as adults,children, men, women,petty thieves and murderers attended to, to serve their time. The prison was located in Fairmount Ave, Philadelphia. This prison was very brutal and was one of the very first modern prisons to be created. Inmates were treated like animals, sometimes the mentally ill were place into regular housing which caused many fights to occur.
  • First police force

    First police force
    Police forces were started in the early 1800's due to the many riots, crimes, and strikes that occurred during the time period. The government needed something to be the front force in stopping these rowdy acts and thus the first police forces were created. These police forces were the forefront in stopping these acts that were started by citizens, police forces carried baton sticks on them as a device of defense.
  • Railroads

    Railroads were created by George Stephenson during the early years of the 1800's. Railroads provided a faster and more efficient ways of transportation goods across long distances, this meant that money and resources weren't have to be jeopardized in order to travel people and goods. The Railroads changed the way of traveling and trade
  • yeoman farmers

    yeoman farmers
    Yeoman farmers were the middle class who were in between the rich planters and the lower class whites. Yeoman farmers generally relied on the family and worked together to produce for their selves. Yeoman farmers were self reliant, sometimes their duties were to also stop runaway slaves who were escaping their plantations.
  • Industiral Strikes

    Industiral Strikes
    People working in factories were working in horrible conditions and were getting paid as much. People were complaining and demanded better working and pay, but factory owners refused. This resulted in industrial strikes and riots, these strikes and riots eventually gained attention and the workers gained better pay and working conditions.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph was invented by Samuel Morris during 1832, at Elberton Pennsylvania. The telegraph was a device that used the alphabet to communicate to others using a line that travels using an electric pulse. The receiving station interprets the pulses into a series of clicking sounds and/or marks on a strip of paper. This was a breakthrough in technology because people could communicate to others long or short distanced.
  • Waltham System

    Waltham System
    The Waltham system was a labor and production model. the system were usually girls who worked in mills that were trying to escape the farm life. The girls were working in moderate environments and had a decent amount of pay they received, this boosted the confidence in women and made them have self pride in theirs eves. The Waltham system was one of the first systems during the industrial revolutions.
  • Anti Slavery movement

    Anti Slavery movement
    The anti slavery movement was a movement that involved the involvement of many across the untied states who tried to abolish the transatlantic slave trade/ slavery in general. The movement occurred during the American civil war and involved both colored and non colored citizens of America, the efforts of abolishing slavery were hard and grueling, but slaves eventually gained their rights.
  • Nat turners slave rebellion

    Nat turners slave rebellion
    Nat turner was a 30 year old African who was well educated and a highly educated individual. One night while Nat was running away from his plantation he witnessed a solar eclipse, he thought this was a message from god and to rebel against the whites/ slave owners that have treated them wrongly. Nat spread this to others and thus the rebellion occurred. The rebellion killed up to 60 innocent whites including children. Slaves who got caught were executed.
  • Battle of goliad

    Battle of goliad
    The battle of Goliad was the second battle of the Texas revolution and was fought during October 9, 1835,this was a battle between the United States Army and the Mexican forces led by general Urea. The Mexican army won the battle defeating the Texan Army at Presidio La Bahía, the Mexican forces at the end caught fleeing Texan solders and its Col, James Fannin
  • Prisons

    Modern prisons were being created during the time period of the 1800's and served as a place of punishment for individuals who committed crime. Many of these prisoners who were attending the facility were treated harder than modern prisons today and were placed into housing with people with different races, and the mentally ill.
  • temperance movement

    temperance movement
    The temperance movement was a movement that believed in prohibition of alcohol in the states. Many people during the era of the 18th centuries drank around fifty gallons of alcohol a year, and this was a concern to many, especially women. Men who frequently drank alcohol beat their children and wives under the influence of alcohol. Thus fore the movement started (mostly women participated in the movement).
  • Period: to

    Westward Expansion

  • Battle Of San Jacinto

    Battle Of San Jacinto
    The army of the united states led by general Sam Houston beat and fought of the Mexican army whom was led by the general Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. The United States army sieged the Mexican army while they were asleep and killed of the Mexican army's troops, Santa Anna was captured wearing a common solders uniform and the Battle lasted less that 18 minutes.
  • Charles Grandison Finney

    Charles Grandison Finney
    Charles Grandison Finney was an American Presbyterian minister and leader in the Second great awakening in America, Grandison Finney was also known as the father of modern revivalism. Charles was the leader of the second great awakening and led the revival during the period 1825 to 1835. Charles was also a huge supporter of Christian perfectionism, and a religious writer, thus getting his name "father of revivalism".
  • The oregon trail

    The oregon trail
    The Oregon trail was a wagon route that immigrants took to reach the west coast. many immigrants traveled in wagons and traveled in a large number to reach their destination, many were scared of the wild due to wild native attacks that might occur during the road to their new home. many took this path in hopes of a better life, the long journey was usually taken during the spring time where the weather was good.
  • Frederick Douglas

    Frederick Douglas
    Frederick Douglas was a famous slave abolitionist and escaped his plantation at age twenty. Frederick was born in Talbot County, on Maryland's Eastern Shore in 1808 and was born under slavery to a white slave owner. Douglas, was apart of the American slave abolitionist group in Massachusetts and New York and gained popularity after writing about slave abolition and fighting against owning slaves.
  • popular sovereignty

    popular sovereignty
    Popular Sovereignty is where the people have the right to vote, and is where the most number of votes wins. Popular Sovereignty is not based on race, skill color, or religion in the United States, but is based on the majority of popularity of which the voters voted on. The present United States Government is based on Popular Sovereignty where US citizens vote for who they want to represent their government.
  • wilmot proviso

    wilmot proviso
    The Wilmot Proviso was a proviso that permitted the expansion of slavery. The proviso did not allow slavery to be presented on the new land that was acquired through the Mexican-American Civil War.The proposed amendment narrowly passed through the House of Representatives and was then defeated in the Senate, the proviso did not become a law but instead divided the nation entirely.
  • California Goldrush

    California Goldrush
    The California gold rush was a extensive time period of a way to get rich in a quick way. Many people across the United States migrated to California/ San Francisco in attempts to find gold. People used the different mining techniques and used bowls in a desperate need to find gold. Gold was the only priority and it was the object which would lead them into prosperity.
  • Period: to


  • Treaty Of Guadape Hildago

    Treaty Of Guadape Hildago
    The Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo was the treaty which ended the Mexican-American War. This treaty set the boundaries of settlement between the United States and the Mexican boundary, it agreements which allowed the two countries to obtain peace/ friendship with one another. in other words the Treaty of Guadalupe is why we the United States and Mexico are neighboring allies.
  • Election of 1848

    Election of 1848
    The election of 1848 was the 16th presidential election and was the election between Zachary Taylor and the last president who ran, Martin Van Buren. Zachary Taylor ran with the Whig party and Van buren the free soil party. The main issue presented/ talked about during this election was the issue of Slaves/ Slavery in the United States. Zachary Taylor would end up winning the presidential election and become the 16th president of the United States.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 was passed on September the first 1850 and passed five separate bills under the United States Congress. The bill states that any Slave owner could retain/ recapture their runaway slaves. The five separate bills were Forestalled the Civil War by instating the Fugitive Slave Act , banning slave trade in DC, admitting California as a free state, splitting up the Texas territory, and instating popular sovereignty in the Mexican Cession
  • Fugitive Slave act

    Fugitive Slave act
    The fugitive Slave act was presented in 1850's and was passed by the United States Congress. The act allowed Masters of slaves to recapture/ retain their slaves whom ran away. This also applies to slaves who escaped to the north, slave owners could go to the north and take back their slaves, but if a slave escapes to countries such as Canada their masters would not be able to take back their slaves due to the banning of slavery in Canada, thus why slaves try to escape to Canada.
  • The election of 1852

    The election of 1852
    The Election of 1852 was the seventeenth presidential election and was between Franklin Pierce and Winfield Scott. Franklin was apart of the (democratic) party and Winfield was apart of the (Whig) party. This presidential election was a predecessor of the last presidential election and that was the issue of slavery in the United States. Franklin pierce won the peoples votes and became the 17th president of the Untied States.
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    Kansas Nebraska act
    The Kansas Nebraska act was passed by the United States congress and involved the Sates of Kansas and Nebraska. The act allowed the states of Kansas and Nebraska whether the states wants to allow slavery within their borders. This act was important because it determined whether people in the territories could vote on whether their future states would be slave or free ones.
  • Harpers Ferry revolt

    Harpers Ferry revolt
    Harpers Ferry Revolt also known as the John Brown's raid was an abolitionist movement that involved both the whites and colored. The revolt was lead by John Brown, brown started an armed slave rebellion against the untied States arsenal at Harpers ferry which is located in Virginia. The revolt had armed slaves and whites working together to fight a common enemy, the American arsenal.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The presidential election of 1860 was the 19th presidential election and involved Abraham Lincoln, john Breckenridge, John Bell, and Stephen Douglas. Abraham Lincoln won the election and became the 19th president, Lincolns actions of anti-slavery led many southern states to succeed from the United States. This presidential election was substantial to American history, and Lincolns views of anti slavery is what led to the American Civil War.
  • Crittenden Compromise

    Crittenden Compromise
    The Crittenden Compromise was passed under Senator John J. Crittenden and was unsuccessful. The compromise was a series of amendments of constitutional amendments proposed by the united states government and was served to contemplate the decisions of the southern states whether to secede from the nation or not. The compromise were unsuccessful in trying to convince the southern states to stay.
  • Trent affair

    Trent affair
    The Trent affair was an international affair with British. The captain of the USS San Jacinto arrested two British ships that were headed toward Europe and demanded them to take sides with the southern half of the United States, but refused. The British were outraged thus causing international problems. President Lincoln eventually let the British sailors go, but the incident caused armed conflicts with Britain.
  • Cotton Embargo

    Cotton Embargo
    The Cotton Embargo was a way of the confederates to gain European allies to support them in the fight against the United States during the American civil war. The confederates stopped cotton trade with Europe, but mainly the United Kingdom and France to persuade them to fight alongside the confederates to beat the united States. The confederates thought that they could control others with their cotton, they slightly rose the cotton prices afterwards.
  • Union Blockade

    Union Blockade
    The union Blockade was a strategy that the United States had up its sleeve that would sabotage the confederacy in the American Civil War. The United States blocked off the confederacy's ports by using its naval forces to deny the confederates from trading with outside countries. This blockage denied the confederates supplies thus giving the United States an upper hand in the American civil war.
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

  • Fort Sumpter

    Fort Sumpter
    Fort Sumpter the first battle that occurred during the American Civil War. The Southern side of the United States soon to be known as the confederates attacked/ bombed the unfinished Fort which was located in Charleston, South Carolina. This bombardment of Fort Sumpter was the spark that started the fire in the American civil war.
  • peninsular campaign

    peninsular campaign
    This campaign was led by Major General George B. McClellan and soon to be passed down to Robert E. Lee. Beginning on June 25 due to substantial injuries McClellan obtained during the war. The campaign was an union offensive attack towards the confederate and the primary focus of attack was capital at Richmond, Virginia, because of the rivers close to it. The Attack was a large scale battle that ended in an unsuccessful attack for the union.
  • Battle Of Antietam

    Battle Of Antietam
    This Battle was one of America's deadliest battle and was between the union and confederates. The battle was held near Sharpsburg, Maryland and was an confederate attack to try to take over the north. The union was led by Major general George McClellan, and the confederate General Robert E Lee. This war ended in around 3600 deaths and ended in a successful defense for the union and a unsuccessful attack from the confederate.
  • Emancipation Proclomation

    Emancipation Proclomation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was a proclamation issued by the 19th president Abraham Lincoln and stated that any slave that is under the rebellion slave states shall henceforth be free. Although slaves were free many people treated colored African Americans as if they were worthless or inferior to them. Yes, African Americans were free, but the actions and segregations that were still put on to them were as if they weren't free.
  • Suspension of habeas corpus

    Suspension of habeas corpus
    The suspension of Habeas Corpus Suspension was an enlisted in Act, 12 Stat. 755 was an suspension that was towards a persons legal right to apply for a Habeas Court. Habeas Court was a process which allowed an individual to proceed to court and meet with a judge before getting punished/ arrested. Habeas corpus secured an individuals release and made sure that the individual is given the right punishment for their actions, but this was suspended by Abraham Lincoln so Confederates cant trial.
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  • Conscription act

    Conscription act
    During the civil war the United States congress passed the Conscription Act which let white males between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five eligible to be drafted into military service. This act was crucial in the war towards the Confederates due to the substantial amount of troops the union had compared to the confederacy, this allowed for more people to fight in the war as a confederate.
  • Battle Of Vicksburg

    Battle Of Vicksburg
    The Battle of Vicksburg was an important battle for the Union and a disaster for the confederate forces in being that the confederacy will be split into two. The Unions victory resulted in the Unions control in the Mississipi river and the cutting of the Confederacy in half, the river allowed for the an easy invasion towards the confederacy.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    The Gettysburg address was a speech that was created by Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln wrote the speech in a fast manner riding the train to the ceremony. The speech was given in regards to the many troops who sacrificed their lives serving the Army of the Potomac. The Gettysburg Address was also boosted the morale of the Union army/ North who attended the speech.
  • Battle Of Chattanooga

    Battle Of Chattanooga
    The Battle of Chattanooga was a decisive victory for the Union victory in eastern Tennessee on November 25, 1863; this victory gave the North control of the important rail lines which carried soldiers and supplies to the union and cleared the way for General William T. Sherman's march into Georgia. The railway became the entrance for later campaigns in the South, including the capture of Atlanta and Sherman's March to the Sea.
  • Lincolns 10% plan

    Lincolns 10% plan
    After winning the Election of 1860 Abraham Lincoln implemented a plan which at the time was the blueprint for reconstruction which was meant to reconstruct America from the long and fought out civil war and meant to bring both union and confederate together. The plan stated that the south can be re-implemented back into the Union when 10 percent of southern voters swore an alliance oath towards the Union.
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    Black codes were implemented after the American civil war and restricted the rights of former slaves. Although the slaves were free they were also not, Black codes virtually made these former slaves back into slaves. The codes stripped them from their rights, blacks were to follow rules given to them such as Curfews, Labor Contracts, Limits on women's rights, and land restrictions.
  • John Wilkes booth

    John Wilkes booth
    John Wilkes Booth was responsible for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln during his time at Fords theater. John Wilkes Booth was an actor during the 1800's, but will be forever known as the killer who assassinated Abraham Lincoln. John killed Lincoln with a short pocket gun whom which he snuck into-the theater, Booth shot Lincoln up close in his head while closely attentive to the show. Booth ran away and was eventually found in a barn, he was a confederate supporter.
  • Election of 1868

    Election of 1868
    The Election of 1868 was the first presidential election that occurred during the Reconstruction era and consisted of the Republican candidate Ulysses S. Grant and Democratic candidate Horatio Seymour . Grant had a vote population of 3,012,833 popular votes and Horatio 2,703,249, Republicans also had an electoral vote of 214 votes and Democratic 84. Ulysses S. Grant was granted the eighteenth president.
  • Panic of 1873

    Panic of 1873
    The Panic of 1873 was a financial crisis that occurred during the late 1800's and moving into the early 1840's. This financial crisis occurred shortly after the American Civil war, due to all the money that were spent on war, troops, equipment, and food supplies for the solders fighting in the war. The Panic of 1873 affected prices of supplies and wages of employers. Although wages declined the employment rate increased. .
  • Lincolns Tomb

    Lincolns Tomb
    Abraham Lincoln's death died at the date April 15, 1865 and he was buried at the vault Oak Ridge Cemetery. Abraham's tomb was buried inside the ground inside a casket, but due to the incident of people trying to steal his body, he was buried with concrete surrounding his casket.
  • Mississipi plan

    Mississipi plan
    The Mississippi plan implemented by the democratic party and made voting harder for African American men and poor white individuals whom didn't have money or the financial stability to take care of their selves/ their families. Mississippi implemented rules and laws that made voting harder such as making them pay all of their taxes, you must be a resident of the state for two years and one year in an electoral district, and a convict cannot vote (most blacks were convicts).
  • Jim Crow

    Jim Crow
    The Jim crow laws was a law that was enacted by the United States government was meant to make it harder to become a free black Citizen. The laws enforced segregation between blacks and whites the laws were both in state and local which meant that everyone had to go by these laws. Southerners usually asserted dominance towards blacks and stripped them from their civil, social, and economic rights.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    The Compromise of 1877 was informal and an unwritten deal it ended and set things straight between the election of 1877. The Compromise led to the southern Rutherford Hayes to go into office of course this angered northerners, they stated that he was a fraud. The compromise also Hayes withdrew the federal troops in the south, and the bayonet-backed Republican governments collapsed, thus making an end to the reconstruction era.