Img 1478

1301 Beginning to Reconstruction Timeline

  • Period: 30,000 BCE to

    Beginnings to Exploration

  • 25,000 BCE

    Bering Land Bridge

    Bering Land Bridge
    The Bering Land Bridge allowed for the first settlers to travel from Asia to North America. The first wave of natives arrived approximately 27,000 years ago. The second wave of settlers, ancestors of SW natives, arrived nearly 8,000 years ago.Lastly, the third wave of settlers, ancestors of the Eskimos, arrived approximately 3,000 years ago. The third wave was also the last major wave of settlers. But because the bridge was made from glaciers, as the glaciers melted so did the bridge.
  • 300

    North-American Native Societies : Mound Builders/Adena Hopewell

    North-American Native Societies : Mound Builders/Adena Hopewell
    The Mississippi Valley natives were a trading culture. They had a population of about 15 million people. They were able to make mud pyramids, and establish a continental trading network. They also adopted agriculture on a large scale, which would allow them to sustain the large population that they had. They were also able to make burial bounds to bury the dead.
  • 700

    Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    The Dark Ages were a backward time for Europe. There were no advancements instead, people were becoming less educated. There was no higher learning during this time period. The economy was also extremely weak. And the Catholic church controlled all culture and educational learning. Feudalism also rose during this time which would help in creating a hierarchical society.
  • 1300

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Plague killed nearly 50% of Europe's population. It was spread by rats and fleas on ships. Although so many people died, one good thing did come out of it. Because so many people died, there were no workers. So a merchant society begins to form. And along with it a new economy.
  • 1400


    Caravels were made by the Portuguese. Caravels allowed for maritime travel during this time period. It helped stabilize ships as they roam the seas. It helped the ships from tipping over and sinking.
  • 1492

    Colombian Exchange

    Colombian  Exchange
    The Colombian Exchange began when Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. The Colombian Exchange allowed for goods to be traded from the Old World (Europe) to the New World (Americas). They traded goods such as fruits, vegetables, and livestock. This is also a factor of how dieases spread from the Old World to the New World, which would casue for many native civilizations to disappear.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus wanted to find a faster route from Europe to Asia and believed that the fastest way there was west.He was able to gain financing from Queen and King of Spain.On his first voyage, he arrived in the Bahamas thinking it was Asia.His second voyage, he came back with over 1,000 soldiers and would wipe out thousands of natives with diseases .On the third, he mismanaged the colonies and was sent home a felon.On his last voyage, he would die thinking he reached Asia.
  • Period: to

    English Colonial Societies

  • Virginia: Tobacco

    Virginia: Tobacco
    Tobacco in the Chesapeake Colonies was a major cash crop for these colonies.It is also the cash crop that makes Jamestown the successful colony that it was. It helped the economy for this region by increasing trade. Although at first it did not make much profit, by the1630's nearly 1 million pounds of tobacco had been exported from the Americas to England.
  • Virginia: Indentured Servants

    Virginia: Indentured Servants
    Indentured servants were contracted people who were indentured servants were paying their way to the New World. Indentured servitude lasted 4-7 years for each person. Though it was a hard life, servants were fed and clothed by their "masters". They were also given tools and clothes when their contract was over, to help them start their new life.
  • New England Colonies : Plymouth Colony

    New England Colonies : Plymouth Colony
    The Plymouth Colony was made up of Puritans, reformers of Catholicism, calling themselves "Pilgrims". They resettled in the New England Colonies because they believed that England and Holland were too corrupt. They then sailed to America on the Mayflower, and because they landed 100 miles north of Jamestown, they made their own colony, Plymouth.
  • Caribbean Colonies : Sugar

    Caribbean Colonies : Sugar
    In the Caribbean Colonies, sugar was the lifeblood of the region. It was what their economy relied on. The Barbados and Jamacia were where most of the sugar was being exported from, to England. This is because after finding sugar the English became obsessed with it, and used it with everything. It was an extremely important cash crop because it would also start plantations in this region.
  • Proprietary Colonies : Pennsylvania

    Proprietary Colonies : Pennsylvania
    Pennsylvania was a Quacker refuge, created by William Penn in 1681. Quackers were people who wanted to restore the simplicity and spirituality of early Christianity. Pennsylvania was a place where they could safely practice their faith. Willaim Penn was able to create this refuge because the King owed a large debt to William Penn. So as payment the King granted Penn the land West Of New Jersey to Penn to create his colony.
  • Glorious Revolution: English Bill of Rights

    Glorious Revolution: English Bill of Rights
    The English Bill of Rights was a bill that Parliment would pass, signed by William and Mary of Orange. The English Bill of Rights will protect basic rights of the people. The bill will also allow for people to have weapons for self-defense. Although it will also not allow excessive bail or cruel and/or unusual punishment. The bill will make a big impact o colonial governance.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem Witch Trials were caused because a ministers daughter began to act strangely. It began the speculation that there was witchcraft involved. Many girls accused other townspeople of witchcraft. And because no one else could tell what was going on, the girl's words were the only evidence the court had to prove them guilty or innocent, many were proven guilty. 200 people were accused of witchcraft and 20 people were executed because of the girls.
  • Period: to

    Colonial America

  • The Enlightenment: Georgia

    The Enlightenment: Georgia
    Georgia was originally a Penal Colony(prison colony), named after King George the second. It was used as a rehabilitation place for prisoners and the poor to make them "pure". It was also used as a buffer colony against the Spanish. It was a divider to separate the English and Spanish colonies. And was operated based on ideas of the Enlightenment.
  • Slavery: The Atlantic Slave Trade

    Slavery: The Atlantic Slave Trade
    The Atlantic Slave Trade was an interregional system that took African slaves from Africa to places such as the American colonies and parts of Europe. This created a new source of labor for Europeans and the Colonies, they would no longer have the need for indentured servants when they could have people work for free. As the years went on it became more and more popular. And by the 1700's Britain would be the largest slave trading nation.
  • Colonial Economies: New England

    Colonial Economies: New England
    The economies of the New England Colonies were markets largely based on fishing and shipbuilding. This allowed them to expand their economic activities by taking their part in the Atlantic Slave Trade by transporting slaves from Africa to the Americas. And also because they were keen on shipbuilding it also allowed them to build an economy secondary based on trade as well.
  • Slavery: Lower South

    Slavery: Lower South
    Carolina began as a colony of a colony. The evolved to a frontier settlement. Slavery in the lower south was based on rice because slaves had prior knowledge of how to plant and grow it. 2/3's of the region's population were slaves. They were allowed time off after they had done their jobs (task system) which would allow them to persevere there African heritage through musical traditions and banjo.
  • Seven Years War: Great Britain

    Seven Years War: Great Britain
    The Seven Years War is fought over territory because Britain and The English Colonies want to move Westward, though the land to their west is French territory. The British will send an army to control the Ohio Territory. In the end, The British and The Colonist will win the war. And due to the Treaty of Paris 1763,the treaty that ended the war, the British will gain new territory, New France, or current day Canada.
  • Virtual Representation: Salutary Neglect

    Virtual Representation: Salutary Neglect
    Virtual Representation was where members of Parliment were supposed to represent all areas of Britain. Though that did not happen. Instead, the colonies were left them fend for themselves with no voice in Parliament. They were forced to invent their own legislatures. Though in the 1760's Britain began to tighten control of trading and governing in the colonies. This would make the colonist very upset because up until that time they were free to do whatever they wanted.
  • Treaty of Paris-1763

    Treaty of Paris-1763
    The Treaty of Paris 1763 is the treaty that ended the French and Indian War. The war was fought over the Ohio River Valley territory, mostly between Britain and France. Frace believed that with the growing English colonies it would interfere with their fur trading. So they began a war to determine who would get that land. It resulted in the French losing the war and losing all of their territories that they once had in the Americas.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

  • Revenue Act/ Sugar Act

    Revenue Act/ Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act was established because England was nearing bankruptcy due to their debt after the French and Indian War, and needed new revenues. The act was to put a tax on sugar throughout the colonies and made the rules stricter for transporting sugar. This would upset the colonist and the birth of protesting would arise. Colonist would resist the action and voice their displeasure through petitions.
  • Boston Massacre: Paul Revere

    Boston Massacre: Paul Revere
    The Boston Massacre occurred because a group of Bostonians harassed British soldiers and when firing back to defend themselves someone was shot. Paul Revere then uses this as a way to portray the British as murderers by creating fake news. Saying that the British were massacring people. This is the 1st example of American Propaganda, as this "news" spread around the colonies, colonist began to become outragaed.
  • Boston Tea Party : Drunk "Indians"

    Boston Tea Party : Drunk "Indians"
    The Boston Tea Party occurred because a group of drunk Sons of Liberty dressed up as Indians decided to protest against the Townshend Acts. As their "protest" they decided to throw 340 chests of tea overboard into the Boston Harbor.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    The Olive Branch Petition was the last attempt by the Americans to resolve the situation of the oncoming war for independence. It was a hope for peace between the Colonies and Britain. It was drafted at the Continental Congress then sent to the KIng. It could've been an out for the Colonies if the King accepted the petition for peace. Though he declined it. Which would only lead to more support for the revolution because that was the only thing they could do now. Fight and win.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga was a very important to the Revolution. It was the battle that would change the tides of the war. The Battle of Saratoga would cut the two British armies from meeting and combining. It would also show other countries such as France that we had a chance to win the war. It would also allow for alliances to form between the French and the Colonies and the French will commit their troops and navy to the cause.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Th Battle of Yorktown was the final battle of the American Revolution. It was the battle that would end the war by the British surrendering. The French would also play a big role in this battle. With the joining of the two armies, it allowed the Colonist to defeat the British. Not only that but the British will make a mistake because the ships that the British ordered to come never came.
  • Articles of Confederation : Problems

    Articles of Confederation : Problems
    There were many things that were wrong with the Articles of Confederation. One problem was that the AOC was too weak. With the AOC, there was a constant shortage of funds. Not only was it not able to oppose taxes on people, and because of that, it relied on requisitions to bring in some form of money. During the AOC they printed too much money, decreasing the value of the dollar bill.
  • July 4th

    July 4th
    Although the last day of fighting was July 2nd they did not sign the Treaty of Paris until the 4th, finally ending the American Revolution. The war will end at the battle of Yorktown, with the British surrendering.French play a big role in the war. Provided extra help for thr colonies. Independence is finally declared for the Colonies.
  • Period: to

    The Constitution

  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Shay's Rebellion was caused because Alexander Hamilton needed funds for the AOC so he decided to tax farms. The framers became upset with the taxes and rebelled against them, led by Daniel Shay. When trying to stop the rebellion, the federal government because the AOC did not allow the federal government enough power because there was no executive.This rebellion was a big eye-opener for the AOC. Showed the government that the AOC would not work because they had no control over the the people
  • Constitutional Convention :Two Plans

    Constitutional Convention :Two Plans
    When debating about the Constitution there were two different plans. The Virginia Plan and the New Jersy Plan. The Virginia Plan was more catered towards larger populated states because it was based on population and was a completely new plan that would get rid of the AOC. It consisted would have a separate judiciary (the supreme court)and an executive (president). The New Jersy plan was carted towards smaller pop. States, because it allowed only one vote per state and was a modified AOC.
  • Issues : Slavery

    Issues : Slavery
    The question of whether slaves would count toward the population was a very debatable question during this time. Southerners wanted them to count so that they could have a larger political hold. Though the Northerners thought differently, they believed that slaves should not count. Ultimately they made a compromise called the " 3/5 Compromise". This compromise allowed every 3 out of 5 slaves to count towards the population.
  • Three Branches : Executive

    Three Branches : Executive
    The Executive branch consists of the President. A single man elected by the people
  • The Great Debate :Federalist

    The Great Debate :Federalist
    The Great Debate was a series of protest and debates about the Constitution. The Federalist were led by Alexander Hamilton. They believed that there should be a strong central government because of this they supported the Constitution because it gave them more power. By supporting the Constitution it also allowed then to have checks and balances to make sure every branch of the government is doing their jobs.
  • Election of 1788

    Election of 1788
    The Election of 1788 was the very first election in US History. There were 2 people running for President, George Washington, and John Adams. Washington was viewed as a god-like figure because of his part in the Revolutionary War, and because of that, he would win the Presidential election. John Adams would come in second place. And at that time whoever won second place would become the Vice-President.
  • Period: to

    The New Republic

  • Bank of the United States

    Bank of the United States
    The National Bank was created by Alexander Hamilton, as a depository and a place to make loans. At the time each state had a different form of currency, by creating the National Bank every state in the United States would have the same form of currency and help stabilize the currency. By creating the National Bank, many questions about if it was constitutional and if this gave the central government too much power arose.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The Whiskey Rebellion was an idea from Alexander Hamilton to tax Whiskey framers to get revenue. He decides to tex whiskey because it was economically important and earned large profits. This angered mostly farmers from Pennsylvania and Kentucky and cause them to revolt. As a result of the new Constitution, Washinton leads an army and stops the rebellion. This is the first major domestic test for the Constitution, to see if it really works, unlike the Articles of Condederation.
  • International Conflicts: Pinckney's Treaty

    International Conflicts: Pinckney's Treaty
    Pinckney's Treaty was an agreement between the United States and Spain. This treaty allowed the United States to navigate the Mississippi River and also allowed them to use New Orleans as a port. This allowed for more favorable trade between the United States and the Spanish. This treaty also set a boundary with Florida to separate Spanish land and American land.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Washington's Farewell Address
    Washington's Farewell is a speech written by Washington addressing the citizens of the United States. In Washington's Farewell Address, he leaves words of advice for the next President saying not to make permanent alliances, but instead make temporary alliances whether that is domestic or international. He also says that there are only to be two terms for Presidency. And warned us to avoid as many conflicts as we can.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    The Alien and Sedition came into play during the Adams Presidency because of the naval war threats that were creating a panic. Which cause John Adams to create the Alien and Sedition Acts. The Alien Act made it more difficult for people to become citizens and made it easier for people to be deported. The Sedition Act made it a crime to speak negatively about the United States or the President. It was used against Republicans by Federalist, to get rid of Republicans.
  • Kentucky Resolutions

    Kentucky Resolutions
    The Kentucky Resolutions are an idea of Thomas Jefferson. It allows states to nullify laws that they believe were unconstitutional. It was a compact for all of the states and laid a foundation out for states rights.It defined what states rights were and weren't. It also evened out the government and states rights because the Alien and Sedition Acts were added. Later on during this will partially what the civil war is fought about as well.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Jefferson

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Jefferson buys the Louisiana Purchase from Napolean because Napoleon needs money to pay for the war going on in Europe. He sells the Louisiana Purchase for 15 million dollars, making every acre of the Louisiana Purchase approximately 3 cents per acre. This will not only secure the Mississippi River for the United States but it will also double the size of the United States. Jefferson will then send Lewis and Clark on an expedition that will last 3 years to explore the newly accquired land.
  • Impressment

    As a result of the Embargo Act, the British will take American sailors and a forced them to join the British navy by capturing them off American ships. The British took American sailors because they did not have enough sailors due to low pay wages and lack of qualifications. This will become another cause for the War of 1812.
  • Technological Benefits of War of 1812 : Cotton Gin

    Technological Benefits of War of 1812 : Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was created by a man named, Eli Whitney. This invention revolutionized the cotton industry by making it easier and more efficient to remove seeds out of the cotton. It caused a mass production of cotton in the South. It also caused slavery to make a comeback as it was on a downfall before the cotton gin was invented .
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The Hartford Convention is a collection of Federalist meetings to discuss their problems about the War. They did not agree with many policies because all they cared about was strengthening New England political position. They also wanted to repeal the 3/5 Compromise because it gave the Southern states more power. They then threatened to break up the Union. In the end, they were seen as traitors and the Federalist party came to an end.
  • Battle of New Orleans: Andrew Jackson

    Battle of New Orleans: Andrew Jackson
    Andrew Jackson will lead a bi-racial ragtag army to New Orleans to fight the British. He will defeat the British with this army and become a national hero. His name will become a household name and many people will idolize him the same way they idolized Washington after the Revolutionary War. Although the war over before the battle was fought, the war ended in a draw and nobody won nor did it solve any of the problems from before. It was really just a second war of Independence from Britain.
  • Changes in Transportation: Steamboats

    Changes in Transportation: Steamboats
    The Steamboat was able to be made because of the invention of the steam engine. With the steam engine, steamboats were able to create steam to allow them to move up and down the river. It was a cheaper way to move goods between the north and the south. Out of all modes of transportation, the steamboat was the easiest way to move upriver. It also saved a lot of time, because instead of traveling around on land you could cut through the river.
  • Period: to

    The American Industrial Revolution

  • McCulloch vs Maryland

    McCulloch vs Maryland
    McCulloch Vs Maryland was a landmark Supreme Court case. It was about how the State of Maryland wanted to prevent the 2nd Bank of the United States from happening so the state of Maryland imposed a tax that taxed all banks not charted by the state. This court case gave the federal government implied powers and showed states that they could not take place of the central government. It also led the south to view states right more radically.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was a short-term solution to the growing problem about the balance between the number of slave and free states. The solution was the imaginary line of 36* 30* latitude. Any state below this line was a slave state. And any state above this line would be a free state. Because this was only a temporary solution it guaranteed a future conflict, the problem would have to be delt with eventually.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    Before the Temprence movement began there were papers written about drunkness but it wasnt popular until the 1820's. The Temperance Movement was to get people to obtain from alcohol. During this time the percentage of consumption of alcohol was at an all-time high because all anyone did at the time was drink all day. With the temperance movement, it dramatically reduced alcohol consumption. This movement will also encourage some states to ban alcohol altogether.
  • Second Great Awakening: Education

    Second Great Awakening: Education
    During this time education changed from how it was before. Grades were beginning to be assigned to students and things such as textbooks and instructions began to become standardized. This is also when attendance began to become required. This type of education is very similar to the type of education we have today. During this time a high education would also surface and many new colleges would form from this time.
  • Period: to

    Culture Changes

  • Election of 1824: Corruption

    Election of 1824: Corruption
    In the Election of 1824, there will be 4 candidates running for President. The four candidates were John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William Crawford, and Henry Clay. Although Andrew Jackson will win the popular vote, he will not win the election. Instead, John Quincy Adams will win the presidential election only because of The House of Representatives will vote in favor of him. And Andrew Jackson believes that Adams was only able to win because Clay convinced Congress to vote for Adams.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Jackson

  • Campaign: Personal Attacks

    Campaign: Personal Attacks
    This election brought the ugly side out of both Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. They personally attacked each other to make each other look bad to the people. They both accused each other of being womanizers. John Adams personally attacked Andrew Jackson's wife, Rachel. Saying that she was not yet divorced from her previous husband when marrying Jackson. Many of these attcks got extremely nasty between the two.
  • Election of 1828: New Strategy

    Election of 1828: New Strategy
    The Election of 1824 infuriated Andrew Jackson, because of the corruption which made him lose the election. So for The Election of 1828, he made a new strategy. His strategy was to run as a common man. Meaning that he would show his humble origins, his military career, and democratic values, to show that he was just like any other man and he wanted what the people wanted. And this new strategy will work because he will win the election this time.
  • Native Americans

    Native Americans
    During this time Andrew Jackson was in office and he disliked Native Americans. So when gold is found on Cherokee land he uses that to get rid of them by using the Indian Romoveale Act of 1830. This upsets the Cherokee and they take the issue to court. This then leads to the big court case of Cherokee vs Georgia. In the end, they lost the court cases, becasue they were not considered citizens they were not allowed to sue.
  • Slavery :Abolitionist

    Slavery :Abolitionist
    There two different types of an abolitionist. One type of abolitionist was the one who believed that slaves should be freed gradually and not to the North or whenever but back to Africa. This idea was not popular with African Americas because they were going to be sent to a place they have never been. The other type of abolitionist was Immediatism. This type of abolitionist believed that in the immediate end to slavery.
  • Bank of the United States: Jackson's Views

    Bank of the United States: Jackson's Views
    Jackson had very strong feelings of hate against the Bank of the United States. He disliked the creation of the bank because it opposed traditional views that America used to have. He believed that the bank was going against the constitutional and to have all the money taken care of in one place, such as the national bank was not good for the American Society. He also had a personal reason as to why he disliked the bank, and that was because he lost a large sum of money to a specutlative venture
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    The Battle of San Jacinto was the last battle of the Texas revolution. It was led by General Sam Houston. He led nearly 800 soldiers to San Jacinto, present-day Harris County, Texas, where General Santa Ana and the Mexican army were taking a mid-day break and General Houston would surprise attack them. The battle would last a total of 18 minutes. Santa Ana would try to escape by dressing as a soldier but will fail to because his soldiers will salute him when they see him.
  • Changes in Agriculture : Iron Plow

    Changes in Agriculture : Iron Plow
    The Iron Plow was made by John Deere. It made lives of those working in agriculture easier because instead of manually digging up dirt all you had to was connect to plow to a horse or cow and lead it to dig the dirt up for you. This invention also allowed for agriculture to be done in the North because now with the iron plow the hard soil was able to be dug up. Which would diversify the north industry-wise.
  • Changes in Communication: Telegraph

    Changes in Communication: Telegraph
    The Telegraph was invented by Samual Morse. The invention of the telegraph allowed for a faster mode of communication to be discovered. Instead of sending letters on a horseback, they could simply type out a message in morse code and send it. Morse code also allowed for people to send encrypted messages. This was a tactic during the war so that the enemy did not know what was being said and allowed for soldiers to communicate back to their officers.
  • Yeoman Farmers

    Yeoman Farmers
    Yeoman farmers were middle-class farmers. They worked as a community to help each other. Most Yeoman farmers did not own many slaves, collectively they approximately 25% of Yeoman farmers owned slaves the other 75% did not own slaves. Yeoman farmers also had many mixed feelings about Planters (high-class farmers), some relied on them, but others resented them. Many of these farmers formed militias to catch runaway slaves and to guard slave rebellions.
  • Free Black Communities

    Free Black Communities
    Most Free Black Communities were predominantly in the North. The largest free black communities were int he North and the Midwest. These communities were made because blacks were struggling to pave a road for themselves after being free. Although the North was "free" many free slaves faced lots of discrimination and segregation. They also had to compete for jobs with immigrants. And not only did they face prejudice from whites but also from other immigrants while competing for jobs.
  • Labor Changes: Lowell Mills

    Labor Changes: Lowell Mills
    Lowell Mills was a group of centralized factories mostly in the north. Most people who worked in these factories were young women because at the time not many places allowed for women to work and these young women need to earn money for their families. Although these factories made them work long hard hours and in bad conditions ,they needed to earn money so much they pushed through the bad conditions to get what they needed.
  • Election of 1840: William Henry Harrison

    Election of 1840: William Henry Harrison
    In this election, General William Henery Harrison will run as a Whig and follow Jackson's tactics and run as a common man. The Whigs will begin to spread rumors about Van Buren, to make him look bad to the people. The Whigs will also help Harrison by getting women to influence their husbands to vote for him. In the end, Harrison will win the election by a landslide. Though he only makes it a month into his presidency before he dies of pneumonia.
  • Whig Party

     Whig Party
    The Whig Party were almost melting pot of political parties. They believed in a strong central government like the federalist. They also were also against slavery, like the Democrats will be later on. Their style of politics was also very similar to Anti-Masonic Party. The Whig Party were in defense of minority rights; they even allowed minorities into their party. And believed that talented individuals were to run the country.
  • Period: to

    Westward Expansion

  • Election of 1844: James K. Polk

    Election of 1844: James K. Polk
    In the Election of 1844, there were two presidential candidates James K. Polk, a Democrat, and Henry Clay, a Whig. Ultimately, Polk will win the election. He will only have three goals for his presidency. The first was to annex Texas, secondly was to settle the Orgon border with Britain. And lastly, settle the Southern border with Mexico. With these three goals in mind, He only wanted one term to reach his three goals because if he couldn't do it would show that he wasn't good enough for the job
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Manifest Destiny was the notion that we, Americans, were to occupy the land from one coast of the North American Continent to the other coast. This belief encouraged many settlers to move west because they believed that it belonged to us (The U.S). As more people moved west, it would begin to push the Natives out of their native lands and displace them. This also gives them a reason to pass the Indian Removal Act by getting rid of the natives there is more land for the settlers.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    The proposal was introduced by Congressman David Wilmot as part of the final negotiations for the Mexican- American War. Wilmot Proviso was a proposal to ban slavery in the newly acquired territories from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Though the proposal created a political firestorm. And although it was passed by House of Representatives it was quickly defeated by the Senate. Ultimately, the proposal was not passed and the new territories would have the choice to be free or slave states.
  • Popular Sovereignty

    Popular Sovereignty
    Popular sovereignty was a proposal that would allow for states to choose whether they wanted to be a slave or free state. It allowed for the residents of that state to vote on what they wanted. The idea was first introduced by a Michigan Senator, by the name of Lewis Cass. At the time it was a very controversial idea because the North wanted the new states to be free and the South wanted the new states to be slave states.
  • Slavery: Upper South

    Slavery: Upper South
    Slavery in the Upper South was different from slavery in the Lower South. Slavery in the Upper South was not a tedious as it was in the Lower South because growing season was shorter and the soil was not as fertile as it was in the Lower South. The Upper South also had more diverse crops because most people wanted to take advantage of everything they could grow in the short period they had. Slavery was also dying in this region so many slaves were sold to the Lower South.
  • Slavery: Lower South

    Slavery: Lower South
    In the Lower South, the growing season was long and the soil was fertile and ideal for growing cotton. This made the need for slaves, increase because masters need someone to pick the cotton. In the Lower South, many plantations grew the same thing, cotton, it was very homogenous. As the cotton grow industry grew, it exhausted the soil od its natural nutrients and that is what caused many plantations to begin to move west. The cotton industry made too much money for them to give up on it.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    The Seneca Falls Convention was a convention held to speak out about women's rights held in New York in 1848. This was the first convention of its kind. The convention was run by two women, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. There were 300 men and women in attendance. When there they had a Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, this was a document that declared and secured rights for women in economics and voting and offered acceptance of the convention.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was the treaty that would end the Mexican-American war. Not only would this treaty end the war but it would also settle the southern border disputes. And it would also seize over half of Mexicos territory, which are current day California, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and parts of New Mexico and Colorado. The treaty also made Mexico give up all claims on Texas and The Rio Grande River.
  • Election of 1848

    Election of 1848
    The election of 1848 was The Free-Soil Party vsWhigs vs Democrats. Running for the Whigs was Zachary Taylor and running for the Democrats was Lewis Cass.And Martin Van Buren running for the Free-Soil Party. Martin Van Buren will support the Wilmot Proviso and did not want slavery to spread. Zachary Taylor will campaign both in the north saying that he supports anti-slavery but then go to the south a say that he was pro-slavery. And by being two-faced he easily won the election.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Gold will be first found in California in 1848 by James Marshall. In knowing that there is gold in California people will flock to California by the thousands and begin to search for gold. There will be nearly 14 thousand people by 1849 and nearly 200 thousand people by 1852. At first, gold is easy to find because it was on the surface and in rivers but as it gets harder to find people will begin to mine for it starting in 1852. This will also spark Chinse migration to the state.
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  • Shakers

    Shakers were people who believed in Utopanism, the belief that the everything was perfect, the idealistic community. Though Shakers also believed in being celibate, which is the belief to abstain from marriage and sexual interactions. They also believed in a communistic community, meaning that everyone helped each other and there was no such thing as private property . Along with their other beliefs, they also believed in equality among genders and rejected domesticity.
  • Mormons

    The Mormon religion started out because of a man named Joseph Smith. He claimed to have found gold tablets in a field, and on that tablet was a message written in an ancient language, that told him he was to create this religion. Mormonism appealed to mainly farmers and traders and people who didn't do well in the new market economy. He later founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which became the focus of the religion.
  • Nature :Creation of Parks

    Nature :Creation of Parks
    Parks were a new idea at the time, they were used as a getaway for the fast-paced life in the city, within the city. Many people worked in the cities and could not leave for too long so, parks were created to help people relax without having to go too far out of the city. It created the illusion that you weren't in the city, but in reality, you still were. It just doesn't feel like it because of the nature around you while at the park.
  • Election of 1852

    Election of 1852
    During this election, it will primarily be between Franklin Pierce, a Democrat, and Winfield Scott, a Whig. Franklin has many ideas such as increasing international trade, promoting territorial expansion, spreading of democratic ideas, and buying Cuba and Alaska and annexing Hawaii. All of his ideas will help him win the election. Scott, on the other hand, will side with the anti-slavery Whigs and will lose. ANd that will be the end of the Whigs as a political party.
  • Kansas -Nebraska Act

    Kansas -Nebraska Act
    The Kanas-Nebraska Act is created because the south is afraid that there will be 2 new free states. The South also wanted to get rid of the Missouri Compromise and they also wanted the transcontinental railroad to run through the South. The Kansas -Nebraska Act will get rid of the Missouri Compromise like the south wanted. And it will Kansas a slave state and `Nebraska will become a free state, making both side happy. And the act will pass unlike the Wilmot Proviso proposal.
  • Nativism

    Nativism was the belief that immigrants were America's problem. Many nativists were against poor Catholics from Germany and Ireland from migrating to the United States. This is also where a new political party will form, the "Know Nothings" (American party). It will be a secret organization against immigration. They mostly wanted to restrict immigrants and the party will disappear by the 1860's.
  • Wade -Davis Bill

    Wade -Davis Bill
    Unlike Lincoln's Plan, the Wade-Davis Plan was much more harsh on the south. Wade Davis believed that they should have been punished for what they did. The Bill wanted to punish Confederate leaders and wanted officers stripped of their citizenship. Similar to Lincoln's Plan , southerners would also have to take an oath, though saying that they had never aided the COnfederacy. States would also be able to be readdmitted. Though after a long unishment and clear commiment to the Union.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Because Kansas is allowed to choose whether it wants to a free or slave state many people pro-slavery and anti-slavery rushed to Kansas to vote to make it favor their side. This will upset both sides and will cause an outbreak of violence. The first will be by pro-slavery vigilantes on Lawrence, Kansas. And Abolitionist will attack Pottawatomie Creek, Kansas and kill 5 people. This will continue on from 1854-1856 and a total of 200 people will die fromit.
  • Literature: Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Literature: Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe to show the north how bad the conditions were for slaves and how they were getting worse. The publishing of this book allowed for the abolitionist movement to grow in the north and opened the eyes for many people to see what was really going on in the south. The Southerners would also publish a book called "Aunt Phillis Cabin" as a comeback to Uncle Tom's Cabin to say that that's not how it really was but it did not change how the north felt
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad was a series of paths that lead to the north to help slaves escape from slavery in the south. Many abolitionists would help the movement by making their homes a safe house so that runaway slaves can have a place to stay as they wait for the coast to clear so that they can make their way north either to cities or into Canada where slavery did not exist. A major leader of this movement was Harriet Tubman she and many others will free nearly 100,000 slaves between 1830&1860
  • North: Industrialization

    North: Industrialization
    The north was much more industrialized than the south. The north had nearly 110,000 factories and 1.5 billion industries. They occupied 97% of weapons manufacturing, 94% of clothing manufacturing, and 90% of shoe and boot manufacturing.By having this much industrialization, helps the north a lot during the Civil War because it will give them money to allow them to take care of their troops during the war.
  • South: Military Leaderhship

    South: Military Leaderhship
    During the Civil War, the South had some of the greatest military leaders of all time. All of their leaders were able to work coherently, unlike the Union leaders, who could not work together and/or with Abraham Lincoln. The coherency also allowed for the South to be able to hold off the Union as long as they did. They had many great leaders such as General Robert E. Lee, Stonewall JAckson, and J.E.B Stuart.
  • Neutral States

    Neutral States
    The Neutral States were also the Border States, and these states consisted of Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware. For the North, it helped deprive the South of troops and factories. It allowed easy access to the Midwest River, to keep Washington D.C from being surrounded. The Neutral states were also able to keep their slaves for the time being. For the South, this is where most of their manufacturing will take place.
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    The Civil War

  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln will announce the Emancipation Proclamation, and when doing so he will declare that the was is in fact about slavery he will also declare that all slaves are free, unless the rebellion ends by January 1st, 1863. When making the war about slavery, it stops Britain from joining forces with the South. Lincoln's proclamation will end slavery. Though, the border states were the only states that were allowed, slaves. Though after the war they would also by salve free.
  • Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg will be the turning point of the war and will only last 3 days. General Robert E. Lee will try to invade the north and he will converge on a town by the name of Gettysburg. On the first day, he will advance his troops on to the Union army. On the second day, they will fight but both side will go back and forth with one another. And lastly on the third day, the Union will charge up the center of the Confederate army and Lee is forced to retreat.
  • South: Problems

    South: Problems
    Although the South had excellent military leaders, they had many problems. Many of their problems revolved around the fact that they did not have any money. Because the south was solely about producing the raw goods they did not have many industries to manufacture goods. And when their plan to sell to Britain failed and the Union blockage cut them off from making any allies. This was very bad for the South because without any revenue they had nothing to supply their troops for war.
  • Women at Work

    Women at Work
    The Civil War opened many new opportunities for women. While men are away fighting in the war, women will come in and take their jobs. Women will now take over jobs such as teaching, nursing, managing stores, farms, and even plantations. Many women will rise to the occasion and make something out of themselves. Such as Clara Barton. She will start the American Red Cross to help injured soliders on not only one side but on both sides.
  • Lincoln's 10% Plan

    Lincoln's 10% Plan
    At the time there were two plans, Lincoln's plan and the Wade Davis Bill. As part of Lincoln's plan, he will allow all southerners except for officers and officials to rejoin the Union. Though prior to returning they must take an oath. As you can see Lincoln was very lenient on the South. He also allowed for states to reapply back to the Union if at least 10% of the population of that state takes the population to rejoin the Union.
  • 40 Acres and a Mule

    40 Acres and  a Mule
    After the Civil War, many planters will leave their land behind and the land would be taken by the Union. Former slaves were able to own or rent 40 acres of land and were entitled to a mule. This did many things for these former slaves. It gave them a place that they felt they belonged. They also saw it as a sign of independence and freedom. It allowed them to get back on their feet, and gave them a sense of freedom they did not once have.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment was the act that completely abolished slavery. Did it mean that they were not other forms of it? No. There were other forms of it but technically it wasn't slavery. This was one amendment that Lincoln and the radical Republicans could agree on about what to/how to go about slavery. And although slavery was abolished and slaves were free, it did not mean that they were citizens. That meant that they could not vote, or sue, they had no voice.
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  • Education

    Education was also something former slaves finally got after the Civil War. Most of the educated would happen in the South. Many northerners would move down south the help educate former slaves. Although they face lots of resistance from the Southerners, they continued to educate them. They taught many former slaves to read and write, which would eventually help them get jobs and earn money. This would also help them make better-informed decisions and have a better undersatnding of things.
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    The Black Codes were the Southern states way of limiting civil rights and economic opportunities of African Americans. They created an exploitable workforce, outlawed interracial marriages and serving on juries. ANd because many slaves did not have homes or were looking for loved ones, whites would create vagrancies. which would have African Americans arrested and fined for wandering around on the streets. This required them to go back and work on plantations. It was just a new form of slavery.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The 15th Amendment allowed for all males to vote. No matter what skin color, or how much land you owned, if you were a male and were a citizen of the United States you were allowed to vote. Although this was a good thing for equality and such, many southerners were not happy. They believed that they were the superior race and that everyone else was under them. This would only be the beginning of what was going to soon be a much bigger problem of segregation.