13 Colonies

  • 1585

    In 1585 Queen Elizabeth allowed Raleighto send of 100 men to roanoke island.
  • 1587

    Upon arrival in 1587 they found out the men were killed by my people.
  • 1607

    Twenty years later in 1607, a group of 100 men landed on the banks of Virginia's James River what was not healthy to drink.
  • 1609

    Captin Smith returned to England in 1609 when he became ill and I stopped coming around the settlement.
  • 1619

    1619 was a big year in JamesTown .
  • 1620

    This is what happened to my family on the mayflower back in 1620.
  • 1621

    After our first successful harvest in Fall 1621 Govenor William Bradford held a celebration feast.