Indian Act Timeline

By skan
  • Indian Act

    Indian Act
    It allowed the Canadian government control over how Indians lived and interacted with non-Indians. Also allowed the government special responsibility over health, eduaction, and lands of much of the Indian population.
  • removing band control

    Removal of band control over non-Aboriginals living on reserves. This power was transferred to the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs.
  • removal of aboriginal peoples

    removal of aboriginal peoples
    Amended to allow aboriginal people to be removed from reserves near towns with more than 8,000 residents
  • enfranchisement of veterans

    The government tried enfranchise Indian veterans of WWI agaisnt thier will. As well as those who had univeristy degrees would have to surrender thier Indian status.
  • enfranchisement

    Lost thier Indian status under the Indian Act
  • vote

    Registered Indian were allowed to vote in Canadain elections without having to relinquish thier Indian status.
  • compulsory enfranchisement

    ended the compulsory enfranchisement of men or bands.
  • children and marriage

    children and marriage
    allowed First Nations women t to keep their status even after marrying out, and to allow status to the children (but not grandchildren) of a marriage.
  • Changes made to the Indian Act

    Changes were made to the Indian Act that would allow bands to have the power to increase tax on people for land on the reserves, in order to create financial resources for the band to promote development on reserves.
  • living off reserve

    allowed band members living off reserve the ability to vote in band elections and referendums.