World Health Organization in Sudan

  • The Beginning of WHO

    Three physicians, Drs. Szeming Sze of China, Karl Evang of Norway, and Geraldo de Paula Souza of Brazil, wanted a single health organization that would address the needs of the worlds people.
  • The WHO is established

    In 1948 the WHO was established as a world organization.
  • Smallpox Eradication

    The WHO%u2019s World Health Assembly began considering a worldwide smallpox eradication. After many discussions it was decided against.
  • WHO signs up

    The WHO%u2019s World Health Assembly signs up to the goal of global smallpox eradication.
  • Attack against respiratory infections

    The WHO begins fighting acute respiratory infections; a major cause of child mortality.
  • Reorientation

    WHO undergoes a reorientation of their health education which was meant to widen its community approach and include more communication theories and practices.
  • WHO joins UNICEF

    WHO joins UNICEF in kicking off the Bamako Initiative which helped in the distribution of medical drugs to those in need.
  • Ebola Outbreak

    The WHO announces an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in southern Sudan.
  • Vaccination

    The WHO and UNICEF vaccinate two million children against measles but 500,000 are not able to get vaccinated because some areas remain too dangerous for health workers.
  • Darfur

    The WHO announces that between 8000 and 10,000 refugees are dying every month in Darfur.
  • Floods in Aweil

    The WHO investigates reported outbreak of acute watery diarrhea and malaria in Aweil.
  • Khartoum

    The WHO and HICKS (Health Insurance Corporation, Khartoum State) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to study and analyse the current situation of social health insurance. This is the first study of its kind in Sudan. It will reflect the future of health insurance.
  • Niger

    The WHO supports surveillance for a total of 867 cases of meningitis.
  • Central African Republic

    The WHO helped investigate 32 reported cases of meningitis, including 12 deaths.
  • 9 Million Children Vaccinated

    9 million children in Sudan will be in a mass polio immunization campaign.