Laura F's World War II Timeline

By lfrack
  • Germany gains Czechloslovakia

    Germany gains Czechloslovakia
    Click here to view the photoHitler met with Neville Chamberlain the British prime minister. Hitler wanted to gain control of Czechloslovakia. However Hitler threatened to go to war if Chamberlain disgareed with him. The French and the British weren't willing to help Czechloslvakia so Chamberlain have in to Hitler's demands not to start war. Neville chamberlain used appeasement and gave in to Hitler's demands.
  • German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

    German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
    Click here to view the photoGermany and the Soviet Union had both become powerful countries. Both countries had become worried that the other country would attack them. Germany and the Soviet Union signed an agreement so that each country promised to keep the peace and not attack one another. This ensured Germany that if they were threatened that the Soviet Union would act as an ally to them. The pact also said that Germany wouldn't control the influence of Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Bessarabia.
  • Germany attacks Poland

    Germany attacks Poland
    Click here to view the photoOn Sept. 1, 1939 Hitler surprised attacked and invaded Poland because since the nonaggression pact had untied Germany and the Soviet Union, so the two countries wouldn't go to war over this. Germany used blitzkrieg tactcis of bombing, then sending in ground troops. From this attack Poland was defeated thus causing France and Britian to declare war on Germany for violating its terms and agreements in the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Phony War

    Phony War
    Click here to view the photoDuring the Phony War France and Britain stationed their soldiers along the Maginot Line, a line of fortifications along the border of France and Britian. Little fighting occured but the armies were prepared to fight. On April 9 the Phony war ended.
  • Hitler invades Norway and Denamrk

    Hitler invades Norway and Denamrk
    Click here to view the photoHitler wanted to conquer the countries of Denamark and Norway so that he could get to Britan and take over the countries before Britian was able to. The Germans quickly took over Denmark and sent troops into Nroway and conquered the country. Both Norway and Denmark lost to Hitler.
  • Allies flee to Dunkirk

    Allies flee to Dunkirk
    Click here to view the photoGermany had begun to become very powerful and trapped Allies forces aound a northern French city. The Germans were trying to take over France and had previosly taken over a Belgium, a country close to it. The Allies soon escaped to Dunkirk, a French port city on the English Channel. Great Britian then sent eight-hundred and fifty ships to escort 338,000 Allied soldiers to safety.
  • Italy enters the war

    Italy enters the war
    Click here to view the photoOn June 10, 1940 Mussolini realized that Germany was gaining power so he announced Italy had joined the war on the side of the Axis powers and declared war on France and Great Britian. Italy then attacked France and on June 22, 1940 France surrendered to the Italians and Germans. While this was going on during June 1940 Charles de Gaulle, a French general who fled from France, was delivering broadcasts from England to the French people to resist the Nazis powers. (France was liberated in 1944).
  • Battle of Britian

    Battle of Britian
    Click here to view the photoHitler wanted to invade Britian using bitzkieg tactics of using luftwaffe to bomb the city then send in ground troops. The Germans focused on bombing factories and cities while night-bombing Britian. The British used radar systems to track the planes and enigma machines to decode the messages. Since the British were resistent Hitler stopped the attacks. The Allies won and this showed how Hitler's advances could be blocked.
  • Hitler captures the Balkans

    Hitler captures the Balkans
    Click here to view the photoHitler planned to inavde the Balkans because he wanted a place to make a base near the Soviet Union for when he attacked. Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary were all taken over by the Axis powers. However the region of Yugoslavia and Greece resisted the German forces. Germany invaded the two countries and later they both lost to Hitler. Hitler had successfully aquired the Balkans.
  • Operation Barabossa

    Operation Barabossa
    Click here to view the photoHitler planned to invade the Soviet Union and the ocdename for this plan was 'operation barabossa.' Germany soon attacked the Soviet Union with a surprise attack with blitzkrieg tactics. The Soviets were not prepared for this attack so when the Germans invaded they burnt down their ciites. Hitler then moved on and isolated the city of Leningrad. However the Soviets counterattacked and since the Germans were unprepared for winter the Soviets won.
  • The attck on Pearl Harbor

    The attck on Pearl Harbor
    Click here to view the photoJapan had begun to expand their empire and in doing this the country annexed some European colonies in the Pacific. Due to this action, the United States cut off their oil supplies. The country had Isoroku Yamamoto, Japanese naval strategist ,plan an attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This American naval base was surprised attacked on Dec.7,1941 by airplanes and bombed and the United States was unprepared. Congress then approved the notion that U.S would be engaged in the war on the Allies' side.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    Click here to view the photoDuring this battle the Americans and the Filipino soldiers fought the Japanese. At this time every other Pacific Island was under the control of the Japanese except the Philipenes. The Japanese blockaded Britian so no British ships could send supplies and the attack on Pearl Harbor left no American ships to help. The men were sick, tired, and hungry dur to lack of supplies and because they were too weak they surrendered. The Japanese then captured the soldiers and placed them in prisoner camps.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Click here to view the photoThe Japanese wanted to gain control of the Midway Island because they wanted to build a base there to attack Hawaii. The Japanese, lead by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, launched their aircrafts and began to heavily bomb the island. The Americans, lead by Admiral Chester Nimitz, sent their fleet of ships to defend the island and they targeted Japan's aircraft carriers. Due to the Japanese flying their aircrafts low, they failed to hit their targets and lost many men. The Japanese then surrendered.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Click here to view the photoHitler wanted to obtain the oil fields in the Caucas Mountains and needed to capture the city of Stalingrad, a major industrial center named after Joseph Stalin. The Germans used blitzkrieg tactics and had the luftwaffe (german airforce) bomb the city. Stalin told the Soviets to defend the city at all costs and soon they isolated the Germans cutting off their supplies. The Germans experienced the Russian winter and lost about 90,000 men they surrendered. Most of the city however was destroyed.
  • El Almein

    El Almein
    Click here to view the photoGeneral Bernard Montgomery of the U.S prepared for battle against the Africans and Germany. The Africans were supported by the Germans and lead by Rommel. The Americans planned to attack by bombing them then surrounding them with groud troops. Germans stood their ground however Rommel knew the Americans were winning and told Hitler. Hitler told the army to stay and fight, yet they had already retreated. The Allies won and this was a good accomplishment in North Africa.
  • D-Day Invasion

    D-Day Invasion
    Click here to view the photoOn the morning of June 6, 1944 soldiers crossed the English Channel to arrive at the beaches of Normandy. British, Canadian, and American troops as well as French resistance invaded the beaches divided into five groups- Sword, Utah, Juno, Omaha, and Gold. The Allies arrived in boats and parachuted down to engage in ground combat to push the Germans back. This was a surprise attack the Allies still suffered havy casualties. Later that year the Axis forces in Europe surrendered.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Click here to view the photoGermany was being surrounded by the Allies advancing from the west and the Soviets from the east. Since Germany now faced a war on two fronts, Hitler thought he could counterattck the Allies by splitting up the Americana and British forces. German soldiers soon broke through weak American defenses along the Ardennes. However the Allies were able to push back the Germans and aquire victory.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Click here to view the photoThe Yalta Conference was held with Franklin D. Roosevelt (U.S.A), Winston Churchill (Great Britian), and Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union). This meeting was to discuss what would happen to post war Europe.The outcome of the conference is as follows...the Allies will only accept the unconditional surrender of Germany, Germany is divided into three zones owned by Britian, U.S, France, and Soviets, Germany eliminates the nazi party and military, Poland's borders are re-created.and prisoners are returned
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    Click here to view the photoThe Americans wanted to attack the island of Iwo Jima because the U.S wanted to capture the airfields owned by Japan. The island was engulfed in war and on the first day there were 2,400 casualties.The Americans bombed the island beforehand, but the Japanese hid in foxholes and they used sniper tactics. This battle was very bloody and U.S lost 6,891 men while the Japanese lost 22,000. This was an Allied victory.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    Click here to view the photoThe Americans invaded the island owned by the Japanese near the coast of Japan. The Allies were nearing towards the Japanese's homeland to they fought brutally to defend this island. This was an air, naval, and land battle that lasted eighty-seven days and occured throughout the island. The Japanese then began using kamikaze missions and these weren't effective because the British had armoured ships, but they did cause fear. Both sides suffered many casualties but it ended with an Allied victory
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    Click here to view the photoIn March of 1945 Allies invaded Germany and by April the Soviets surrounded the capital of Berlin. Hitler knew the war was ending so he went underground to prepare and commited suicide. On May 7,1945 the German Reich surrendered.The surrender was signed by Harry Truman ( not President Franklin D. Roosevelt because he had recently died.)
  • United Nations formed

    United Nations formed
    Click here to view photoIn June of 1945 fifty countries formed the United Nations, UN. The United Nations was established "to succed generations from the scourge of war." This organization intends to protect the members from aggression. The group contains frive permenant members Britian, China, France, U.S, and the Soviet Union whom each have veto powers. Within the UN there's the security council and the general assembly. The five permenant members of the UN can stop any decison of the security council.
  • Dropping the bomb on Hiroshima

    Dropping the bomb on Hiroshima
    Click here to view the photoOn Aug,6 1945 at 8:15am a B-29 bomber flew over the city of Hiroshima, Japan to drop the bomb named 'Little Boy.' At the targeted city of Hiroshima 70,000 people died immediately and 70,000 died after a five year period from injuries and radiaton of the inital 350,000 people population. The city was destroyed and literally wiped off the map.
  • Dropping the bomb on Nagasaki

    Dropping the bomb on Nagasaki
    Click here to view the photoOn August 9, 1945 at 11:02am a B-29 bomber flew over the city of Nagasaki, Japan to drop the bomb called 'Fat Man.' This bomb was made of plutonium-239. From the inital 250,000 population over 70,000 people died from the bomb. The city of Nagasaki was destroyed and many people were given severe burns and radiation poisoning from the bomb.
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders
    Click here to view photoShortly after the bombing of Japan the Soviets invaded China and pushed Japan out of the city of Manchuria. The Japanese were too weak and had suffered too many casualties to continue fighting. The Japanese surrendered on Sept.2,1945 and this is known as VJ Day (Vivtory in Japan Day). World War II is offically over.