
By ae3066
  • Hitler became Dictator

    Adolf Hitler rose to power January 30th, 1933. He commanded Germany, a nation with 566,00 Jews.
  • Period: to


  • Concentration Camps

    The Nazis open Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, Ravensbruck, concentration camps around or near Germany.
  • Jews are denied rights

    The following are prohibited for Jews:
    - Nazis establish Reich Chamber of Culture, then exclude Jews from the Arts.
    - Nazis pass Law to strip Jewish immigrants from Poland of their German citizenship.
    - Nazis prohibit Jews from owning land.
    - Jews are prohibited from being newspaper editors.
    - Jews are banned from the German Labor Front.
    - Jews not allowed national health insurance.
    - Jews are prohibited from getting legal qualifications.
    - Nazis ban Jews from serving in the military.
  • Rhineland

    The Nazis occupy Rhineland (land along the Rhien River, mainly Poland, Germany, and other central Europeans countries). This marks their start to their quest for sole European domination.
  • Austria

    Nazis occupy Austria, which has a Jewish population of 200,000. These Jews are denied many rights, just liek that of Germany,
  • Sudenetland

    Nazis occupy Sudenetland, modern day Czechoslovakia, Bohemia, and Moravia.
  • Poland

    The Germans invade Poland, a country with a Jewish populaiton of 3.5 million, the largest in Europe. This leads the Nazi troops completely cutting off Warsaw at the start of the war. On September 17th, Soviet troops invade the eastern side of Poland. Germany and the USSR divide poland into to sections, leaving Germany with 2 million Jews living in areas controlled by Nazis, and the other 1.3 million resided in Soviet controlled areas.
  • War breaks out

    France and Great Britiain, as the Allied Nations once more, declare war on the power-hungry Germany.
  • More Invasion

    Nazis invade Denmark and Norway, with a combined Jewish population of 10,000
  • Concentration Camps

    The beginning to the mass Jew murder at concentration camps ensues, tallying over 229,000 Jews killed. After they set up Auschwitz and other camps, 2 million over Jews died by 1945.
  • Defeating Germany

    By April 23, 1945, the Allied troops had liberated Budapest, Dachau, Buchenwald, freed thousands of Jews from concentration camps, invaded eastern Germany, and invaded Berlin.
  • Hitler

    Hitler commits suicide in a Berlin bunker