

  • Jan 1, 1550

    Paper Catridge

    Paper Catridge
    History of paper cartridges. Impact: This was a very tedious process and very error-filled way of firing guns. However, because paper catridges were rumored to be in use since the 1550's - around the early 1800's, thsi was just the beginning of guns. These cartridges overall lead to needle and pinfire cartridges.
  • Percussion Cap Guns.

    This was the first time a gun didnt use a flash pan. The flash pan was replaced by a explosive cap that ignited when struck. Impact: This, in itself, could have impacted the composition and design of the Colt revolver. This design made the "bang" quicker and the shot exponentially faster.
  • Back Action Lock

    Back Action Lock
    Back action lock guns were the first self loading guns. They used the motion of the cartraige and gases from the ignition to load the bullets to be fired. Impact: This is a very obvious impact; however, the first signs of self-loading guns added to further advancements to guns and making this mechanism more common and more improved. This was an obvious advancement and made guns more efficient.
  • Needle Gun Cartridges

    Needle Gun Cartridges
    This explains the workings of the needle gun cartridge. Impact: This improved the former paper cartridges that were overly complex and damaging to a soldier's teeth. This way took less time and effort and improved the preformance of firearms.
  • Samuel Colt's patent on the "Colt Revolver."

    Samuel Colt's patent on the "Colt Revolver."
    Samuel Colt's invention was given a US patent, "Colt" after the inventor and "revolver" after its revolving chamber, containing up to six bullets and a cocking device. The exact date is unknown. Impact: The Colt revolver was essentially the first gun that was quanitative as well as qualitative. Unlike the pistols that were invented before, the revolver made the hand gun accessible and hand-held as well as packing many bullets. This was convienient and portable.
  • Guns begin to use pin-fire cartridges

    Guns begin to use pin-fire cartridges
    This explains exactly what a pinfire catridge is and how it works. Impact: This made guns more efficient and easier to use, like the revolver made hand guns easier to actually carry on hand. This lead to the overall effortless way to fire a gun, "pulling the trigger."
  • True shotguns in common use.

    True shotguns in common use.
    Impact, description: "In the second half of the 18th century, musket design branched out. This period produced a number of single-purpose firearms. The forerunner of modern shotguns was the fowling piece, developed specifically for hunting birds. Among the upper classes, fowling was a leisure sport. Fowling pieces for the very affluent were often lovely works of art, but impractical for hunting."
  • The Crimean War / The Eastern War

    The Crimean War / The Eastern War
    This was the last war to use only muzzle-loaded guns. Impact: This lead to firearm advancement in war time. The more efficient the fighters were, the more possibilities they had of winning.
  • The first full rim-fire cartridge is invented.

    The first full rim-fire cartridge is invented.
    The first full rim fire cartridge was the first primer gun with longer range. It was ignited by striking the bullet at the cap. Impact: This lead to further advancements, improving on the other cartridges that proceeded it.
  • Gatling Gun

    Gatling Gun
    About the Gatling Gun Impact: This was the first reliable and reloading machine gun. Although it was hand cranked, it had the ability to shoot 200 rounds a minute! This was used throughout the Civil War and overall lead to modern day machine guns. This improved war time battles.
  • Metallic cartridges replace paper cartridges in common military service

    Metallic cartridges replace paper cartridges in common military service
    Paper Cartridge History. Impact: This made the soldiers at war more efficient and gave the an upper hand in battle and combat. With quicker guns that were easier to fire, they had at least one less thing to worry about. This also saved the soldiers teeth, for they were beginning to rot and fall down after tearing paper cartridges out with their teeth.
  • The Cartridge Revolver

    The Cartridge Revolver
    The revolving cylinder typically chambers five or six rounds, but some models hold 10 rounds or more. Revolvers are most often handguns, but other weapons may also have the design of a revolver. These include some models of grenade launchers, shotguns, and some rifles. Impact: This handgun was improved with all the different advancements that were occuring around the invention. This made the hand gun even simpler for the Average Joe to use, and made the clause "the right to bear arms" familiar
  • Winchester Rifle.

    Des/ Imp: Winchester rifles were affordable, and produced in such great numbers, that the Winchester became the generic rifle. The Winchester had such a powerful hold in some regions that it actually became known as "the gun that won the West."
  • Advent of Automatic Handguns.

    Scroll down to 1892 Impact: This made guns easier to use, easier to equip, easier to have. This made it possible for every civilian to operate and better for soldiers in war time. The less time spent on worrying and loading a gun, the less time was wasted.