A Ereopean histroy bySteven & Jason

  • 146

    The Romans conquer the Greeks

    The Romans conquer the Greeks
    The Romans decided that the Greek's time was over. They drove them out after a huge battle.
  • 476

    Roman Empire destroyed

    Roman Empire destroyed
    German barbarians attack and killed the last emperor.
  • 500

    The Darh Ages

    The Darh Ages
    The start of the Dark Ages was a time of war and violence.
  • Feb 28, 1337

    Hundred Years war

    Hundred Years war
    The first big conflict between Europe and France
  • Feb 28, 1452

    Da Vinci

    Da Vinci
    This was the year of Leonardo Da Vinci's birth. He was a famous universal genius, scientist,artist, and enigineer.
  • Peter the Great

    Peter the Great
    He mad it his priority to modernize Western Russia by giving it all of the modern technologies of that time
  • French and Indian war.

    French and Indian war.
    The French And the Indians unite to kick the British our of their territory.
  • The French revolution

    The French revolution
    This even happend when the "old regime" was replaced with modern society.
  • napolean takes power

    napolean takes power
    Napolean decided to lead the French army and he gained his power out of nowhere.
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    A guy named Marx decided to write the Communist Manifesto even thought was unintended, it becam the bas of Ruissia's socialism
  • Assasstionation of Francis Ferdinard

    Assasstionation of Francis Ferdinard
    He was shot while driving in a car with his wife. This was the start of WW1.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    This wall seperated East and West Germany, making Europe free.
  • Jesus' birth

    Jesus' birth
    Jesus, our savior was born to save our sins by dying on the cross
  • The Seige of Troy

    The Seige of Troy
    The Greeks sought the city of Troy, so they tricked the Trojans by building a large wooden horse and attacking them when their gaurd was down.