Trenton and princeton

Major Battles of the Revolutionary War

By webbkc
  • Lexington and Concord

    The Americans won. It was the 1st battle of the revolution.
  • Bunkerhill

    The British won. The Patriots showed that they would fight hard though.
  • New York

    Britsh won. It was a huge blow to the Americans morale.
  • Battle of Trenton and Princeton

    The Americans won,it played a major role by being a large morale boost.
  • Philadelphia

    The British won. The capitol of the Continental Congress.
  • Saratoga

    The Americans won. It convinced the French to be allies. It also prevented the British from cutting New England colonies from the rest.
  • Vincennes

    The Americans won. They won the west.
  • Charleston

    The British won. It brought more focus on south for loyalist support.
  • Camden

    The Britsih won. It insured the Brtish would keep South Carolina.
  • Kings Mountain

    The Americans won. It broughht victory and new support for independence to the southerns.
  • Cowpens

    The Americans won. They gained land control by British.
  • Yorktown

    Americans won and it proved to be the last major battle of the American Rvoluitonary War in north America,as the surrender of Cornwallis' army promted the British goverment eventually to negotiate and end the conflict.