World War I

  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

    The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was the event that started a war within Europe. Soon almost every country had a side to pick. This war would later be known as The Great War.
  • Period: to


  • German U-boats begin attacks

    German U-boats start to attack Allied and neutral shipping. The Germans also decare a bockade of Britain.
  • Britain's German blockade

    The British retaliate against German's blockades on their ports by declaring a blockade on German ports.
  • The introduction to poison gas in the war.

    First use of poison gas by Germany starts Second Battle of Ypres. The gasses ranged from things such as Tear and Mustard gases to lethal gasses such as Chlorine
  • Battle of Jutland.

    Battle of Jutland, the biggest naval battle in history, ultimately without a clear victor
  • Battle of Somme begins.

    Start of the Battle of the Somme, with the greatest number of casualties in British military history, 60,000.
  • Air attacks.

    First German airplane air-raid on Britain. One of the most famous people of these raids was Manfred von Richthofen, also known as the Red Baron, who had won at least 80 airial victories.
  • Russia leaves

    With a revolution on his hands, Tzar Nicholas II leaves the war to handle its on problems.
  • The US enter the war.

    US President Woodrow Wilson's war cabinet votes unanimously in favour of declaring war on Germany. Soon after Woodrow Wilson delivers his war address to Congress.
  • November 11th 1918

    The end of World War One. Ended in a cease fire on this day. Later known as Armistice Day.