
  • 1800 Ottoman Empire

    As nationalist ideas spread, the ottoman empires power kept declining. This made it earn the nickname "The Sick Man of Europe"
  • 1800 Australian-Hapsburg

    As the hapsburg power declined nationalist threatend their empire.
  • 1815 Congress of Vienna

    The german confederation was formed.
  • 1830 Secret society Young Italy

    Giuseppe Mazzini founded Secret Society young Italy.
  • 1846 Invasion on Denmark

    The German army invaded Denmark. It only lasted a few weeks.
  • 1849 Revolutionary Govt. forms

    In 1849 they took over Rome and established a revolutionary Govt.
  • 1852 Count Camillo Cavour

    Count Camillo Cavour becomes prime minister.
  • 1855 Italy aids France

    Italy aided France in a war vs. Russia.
  • 1858 Aliance with France

    Italy formed a secret alliance with France
  • 1861 Victor Emanuel II

    Victor Emanuel II was crowned king of Italy.
  • 1862 Otto Von Bismark

    King William I made Otto Van Bismark Prime minister.
  • 1864 Alliance with Austria

    In 1864 King William I made an alliance with Austria.
  • 1866 Attack on Austria

    The war only lasted 7 weeks. They took Holstein and parts of North Austria.
  • 1867 Austrian-Hungarian Empire

    In1867 they created a compromise. It turned austria in to a dual monarchy.
  • 1870 Italy is unified

    In1870 Italy is finaly unified.
  • 1870 War with France

    It only lasted a few weeks. France lost horibly bad. This proved that Germany was the new dominate power of Europe.
  • 1871 Germany united

    Germany was officialy united as the 2nd Reich.
  • 1872 Bismark becomes chancelor

    In 1872 Kaiser william 1 apoindedOtto Van Bismark as his chancelor
  • 1900 Germany strengthens

    By 1900 Germany was europes leading industrial and military power