Ant 4 manhattan exterminator 1


By Coled.
  • Trees

    Pine trees scarce; scientists genitcly modify the tree to become an adult in 15 hours, ready for christmas time.
  • The wild

    Trees huge success; planted in northeastern USA
  • Chemical

    The chemicals are found to be deadly in humans if ingested in the pine trees.
  • ANTS!!

    Ants begin to eat needles from tree.
  • Archery Contest

    Archery Contest held in Washington; many contestants bit by ants.
  • The first infected

    People bitten recieve symtoms of a large rash, blackened skin, shortness of breath, coughing, and dizzyness.
  • First deaths

    84 people that were bitten by the ants in the compitition die from suffication.
  • Airborn Illness

    Disease is found to be airborn; 250 total family and friends are infected as well.
  • The flood

    Washington experiances flooding; some of the infected ants are washed into homes.
  • Quarintine

    Goverment locks all borders in northeastern U.S. to prevent spread; 35% of northeast infected
  • The escape

    100 people create a small plane to fly above the gaurds to escape the infected area; two people of the crew are infected.
  • Plane landing

    Plane lands in Oregon; Two of the crew member had infected the rest of the crew.
  • California

    Disease hits California; 85 % of people in NE USA infected; 10 % have hidden under ground to escape the infection
  • Chaos

    The disease progresses rapidly; 1,000,000 people killed, cargo of infected ship lands in Peru, and Vacsine still in the works.
  • Vacine

    Vacine done; injected immeditly to thousands; East USA is 50 % infected.
  • Disease end!

    The pestabite chrisis comes to an end; 17 Million killed, and only 92 survivers in montana.