Chapter 10 Brock

By jtb1224
  • Hapsburgs

    The Hapsburgs had ruled the longest in Europe, and added almost duble the territory to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
  • Ottoman Empire

    People started having revolts against the Ottoman Empire, hoping to set up individual states.
  • Congress Of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna created the German Confederation, but they were ruled by the Austrian Hapsburgs and were only linked ny ethnicity and speech.
  • Revolts Begin

    Nationalist revolts call for a unified nation.
  • Against Austrian Rule

    Nationalists in Venice took over an arsenal and established the Republic of Venice. This didn't last long though, for Venice fell back under Austrian rule.
  • Risorgimento

    The Risorgimento, or Italian nationalist movement, go to the kingdom of Sardinia, hoping to unify them.
  • Count Cavour

    King Victor Emmanuel II appoints Count Camillo Cavour as Prime Minister.
  • Alliance With France

    Camillo Cavour formed a secret allaince with France.
  • War With Austria

    Cavour provoked war with Austria, and defeated them with France's help.
  • Birth of a King

    Victor Emmanuel II was crowned King of Italy.
  • Otto von Bismarck

    King William I of Prussia makes Bismarck Prime Minister of Prussia.
  • Alliance With Austria

    Bismarck forms an alliance between Prussia and Austria.
  • Invasion of Denmark

    Bismarck invades Denmark, won, then split Schleswig and Holstein between Prussia and Austria. Prussia got Schleswig, while Austria got Holstein.
  • Alliance Broken

    Bismarck attacks Austria, taking the land of Holstein for Prussia.
  • Ferenc Deak

    Ferenc Deak was a Hungarian leader who created the new political power, the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary.
  • War With France

    Bismarck provokes war with France. France suffered a massive defeat and this war proved that Germany was the new big power in Europe.
  • Unification Complete

    In January, Germany was officially united as the 2nd Reich.
  • Political War

    Bismarck started to wage political war with the Catholic Church.
  • Bismarck Promoted

    Kaiser William I appointed Bismarck to Chancellor.
  • Kulturkampf Failure

    Bismarck's political war against the Catholic Church failed and the Catholics stood behind the church even more, so Bismarck gave up.
  • Death of an Emperor

    Kaiser William 1 died.
  • New Kaiser

    William I grandson, William II, becomes the new Kaiser.
  • Bismarck Gone

    Kaiser William II asked Bismarck to step down instead of being fired.