Chapter 30 Timeline

By fraff5
  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    President Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps. in an effort to spread American influence through the world.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    Kennedy okays a invansion of Cuba by Cuban exiles in an attempt to topple Castro's government.
  • Kennedy and Steel

    Kennedy ordered US Steel to keep their prices down, in an attempt to make it cheaper for the US to buy steel for military purposes
  • First American to Orbit Earth

    First American to Orbit Earth
    John Glen became the first American to orbit the Earth in its entirety.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The US discovered a Soviet missile installation in Cuba, setting off the Cuban Missile Crisis
  • The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan

    The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
    Bob Dylan's second album is released. It becomes a classic and an iconic folk album of the decade.
  • Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    Prohibited testing of nuclear weapons anywhere except under ground.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, Texas with a seemingly "magic bulltet." Likely story.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson Innaugurated as President

    Lyndon B. Johnson Innaugurated as President
    Following the assassination of JFK, Johnson automatically assumed presidency and was sworn in on an airplane.
  • War on Poverty

    War on Poverty
    In his state of the union address, Johnson declared war on poverty and planned to pass legislation in order to curb it.
  • The Beatles Come To America

    The Beatles Come To America
    The Beatles come to America for the first time, sparking the British Invasion
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed in Congress and allowed Johnson to use military force in Vietnam
  • 1964 Election

    1964 Election
    Johnson is overwhelmingly elected president and starts his own first term
  • Medicare and Medicaid

    Medicare and Medicaid
    The Social Security Act of 1965 was signed into law, enacting the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
  • US Troop Commitment

    US Troop Commitment
    In response to the increasing conflict in Vietnam, Johnson pledged 50,000 US troops to fighting in the country.
  • National Organization for Women

    National Organization for Women
    NOW was formed in an attempt to give women a more active voice and role in government.
  • Six Day War ends

    Six Day War ends
    The Six Day War in the Middle East ends with Israel victorious, backed and supported by the United States
  • 12th Street Riot

    12th Street Riot
    When police raided a bar, interactions between protesters and police turned deadly. It lasted five days and took the lives of many.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr Assassinated

    Martin Luther King, Jr Assassinated
    MLK was shot and killed in a Memphis motel by James Earl Ray
  • Robert Kennedy Assassinated

    Robert Kennedy Assassinated
    Robert Kennedy, JFK's brother was assassinated, marking the third major political assassination of the decade.
  • Sesame Street

    Sesame Street
    Sesame Street first aired in 1969 and would go on to become one of the most successful children's show of all time.