20th Century Timeline

By jpeltz
  • World War I

    World War I
    A war involving many of the world's high powers. Mainly fought in trenches, it was a long and bloody war. It has been nicknamed "The War to End All Wars" because of the gory battles and long duration.
  • Collectivising Agriculture begins in the USSR

    Collectivising Agriculture begins in the USSR
    Stalin began collectivising agriculture in hopes of boosting the economie. However this failed, and resulted in the deaths of millions of Kulaks.
  • World War II

    World War II
    Another world war with more casualties than any other war, including the holocaust. More tactics were used in this war than in the previous world war.
  • Rosa Parks' bus trip

    Rosa Parks' bus trip
    As a African American civil rights activist, Rosa refused to make room for a "white" person on a bus. She was later taken to prison.