
100 Years of Fire Fighting

By jw541
  • Period: to

    100 Years of Fire Fighting

  • first fire hydrant

    first fire hydrant
    Fredrick Graff, chief engineer of the Philadelphia Water Works, patents a post-style fire hydrant resembling what we use today.
  • Portable Fire extinguisher

    George Manby invents the Extincteur, a 3-gallon copper cylinder that uses compressed air to spray pearl-ash solution from a tube.
  • Incorporating Rules and Regulations

    Incorporating Rules and Regulations
    Inspections and incorporating safety equipment like hose, life preservers, lifeboats and fire drills.
  • Horse Draw Carriage Relaced with Motor Vehicle

    PopMech reports that "motor fire engines are rapidly replacing the old horse-drawn machines wherever practical in England." The trend soon carries over to North America.
  • Fire Mascot

    Only you can prevent forest fires, but Smokey Bear helps spread the message.
  • Horse Draw Fire Vehicle and Fire Fight Team

    Miles Greenwood and two fellow Cincinnatians invent the first practical steam fire engine. The city soon organizes the first professional fire department in the U.S.
  • Biggest Build Fire in 1900's

    In The Towering Inferno the world's tallest building becomes the world's biggest torch.
  • Today's Technology

    Segway Robotics' RPM firefighting robot can carry 400 pounds of equipment at 18 mph and shoot 10 gallons of water per second. But it can't rescue kittens from trees.
  • Drones

    Coming soon to a sky near you: drones that use infrared cameras to map out wildfires without endangering human heroes.