History of Multicultural Education

By slmkbd
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Right Act bans discrimination based on sex, color, race, religion, disability, political belief or national origin. This allowed for diversity to grow. It also leads to an embracement of multiculturalism in the educational system.
  • The Higher Education Act

    The Higher Education Act
    The Higher Education Act helps in strengthening higher education for lower and middle-income students by providing financial assistance. This positively impacts multicultural education by allowing different groups to maintain their uniqueness and at the same time get a higher education that could diversify people in a higher power and dominant culture.
  • Diana v. California State Board

    Diana v. California State Board
    The case of Diana v. California State Board allow minority children to take the standardized test in their primary language. This allowed multicultural education to progress by not allowing the standardized test to hold back minority students from education.
  • Indian Education Act

    Indian Education Act
    The Indian Education Act help to established programs that specifically help Native Indian students in the education system. This help to increase multiculturalism in the education system by fulfilling the necessary needs of Native Indians students and allowing them to participate equally with the dominant group.
  • The Refugee Act

    The Refugee Act
    The Refugee Act of 1980 allowed refugees with humanitarian reasons to come into the country. This created issues in schools. It is in this kind of situations that multicultural education becomes very important in integrating the students with society.
  • The book Multicultural Education: Transformative Knowledge and Action

    The book Multicultural Education: Transformative Knowledge and Action
    The book Multicultural Education: Transformative Knowledge and Action by James Banks discusses the historical roots of multicultural education and the changes needed in the present school system to promote multiculturalism. This book helped to strengthen multiculturalism in education system.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) held schools accountable for the performance and outcomes of students. This help multiculturalism by making the schools responsible for the education of the student which means that the school has to adopt multiculturalism to help minority student to succeed like other dominant groups of students.
  • Demographic milestone is reached

    Demographic milestone is reached
    The demographic milestone was reached when the number of minority students enrolled in K-12 public schools exceeds the number of non-Hispanic Caucasians students. This shows the positive outcome of Multiculturalism especially when looking back at the history of minority students and looking at how far they came.
  • Free community college for all American students

    Free community college for all American students
    President Barack Obama proposed a plan that allows free community college for all American students for two years. This was not implemented. If this is approved, it is a win for Multicultural education since it allows minorities to attend school without the pressure of tuition and allows them to play in a fair game with the dominat group of students.
  • California Proposition 58

    California Proposition 58
    California Proposition 58 was approved and implemented California Multilingual Education Act. It repealed all students being taught English and instead gave power to schools in using dual-language programs. This shows the positive adaptation of multiculturalism in the education system which will allow and continue to embrace the importance of Multiculturalism and increase diversity in our society.