
Zimbardo Prison Experiment

  • Guard Briefing

    Guard Briefing
    Guards are briefed on the roles they played, and the fact that they could do anything they believe would maintain law and order.
  • Students Arrested

    Students Arrested
    9 of the student participants are arrested, introduced to the guards, blindfolded and strip searched, then shown to their cells. They were each given a prisoner ID which they would know be known solely as.
  • Period: to

    Zimbardo Prison Experiment

  • Rebellion in the Prisoner Outlet

    Rebellion in the Prisoner Outlet
    Prisoners rebel, taunting the guards and ribbing off their prisoner ID's.
  • Spy Student

    Spy Student
    A spy student, given prisoner ID 8612 is inserted into the experiment.
  • Prisoner 8612 Breakdown

    Prisoner 8612 Breakdown
    Prisonder 8612 gets let free after having, supposedly, a mental breakdown.
  • Hunger Strike!

    Hunger Strike!
    As an act of rebellion, Prisoner 416 went on a hunger strike. He was placed in 'The Hole'.
  • Other Prisoners

    Other Prisoners
    Other prisoners were given dilemas - for example, let prisoner out of the hole, but lose their blankets for the night, or keep things as they are.
  • Decision.

    Zimbardo opted to end the experiment after the 'guards' began to show signs of sadistical behaviour, clearly liking the power they possessed. Zimbardo's girlfriend, another Psychologists, also played a role in this decision as she claimed the experiment was morally wrong.
  • End of the Experiment

    End of the Experiment
    The experiment is ended, 8 days short, after 6 days. The prisoners showed major signs of depression and stress within the 6 days.