Zane Wright-period 7

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    Romulus establishes the city of Rome

    Romulus establishes the city of Rome
    The year is 735 BC. Two boys named Romulus and Remus were raised by a she wolf by the tiber river. Once the boy´s grew up, they wanted to build a city. Of course, they argued over where to put the exact location. Romulus ended up winning the arguement, which made Remus mad. He mocked Romulus´s plans and which enraged him. then he decided to kill him and built the city he wanted and named it Rome.
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    The Roman Republic begins

    The Roman Republic begins
    509 BC. During this time period Romans were tired of their king which was tyrant. They eventually just revolted and completyly rejected him. Then they made a new government, where only elcected people could govern the state.
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    Law of the Twelve Tablets was displayed

    Law of the Twelve Tablets was displayed
    450 BC. People called plebians wanted to make sure their rights were always guranteed. For awile, laws were not posted, so people were not informed of the laws they were breaking. Eventually the plebians forced the higher officials to post them so everbody could sse them. Now everybody could base their decisions on these new laws.
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    The First Triumvirate

    The First Triumvirate
    60 BC. The first triumvirate began with Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompey, and Licinius Crassus. They replaced the roman republic, so now they have three people that share equal amount of power. This resulted in huge amounts of land in Rome. Caesar eventually was murderd, because senators wanted the republic back.
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    Augustus Becomes Emperor

    Augustus Becomes Emperor
    Octavian got promoted to become a Emperor in 27 BC. He was named Augustus. He tryed his best to make sure that he didn´t seem like a king, so he didn´t seem more powerful than the magistrates. He also made better buldings that were made out of marble instead of bricks. Then Augustus eventually died in AD 14
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    Science and Technology

    Science and Technology
    100s AD. Romans started actually applying all their new knowledge to constructions. Some of these successfull constructions are aqueducts, and new amazing roads for trade. They also have new farming methods. Philosphers disoverd countless new medicenes for everyone. Concrete has also been used know to make more architecture.
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    The First Christian Empire

    The First Christian Empire
    285 CE. Constantine became the first emperor that practiced the religion Christianity. He formed the Edict of Milan which stated the stoping of persecuting christians. One of his achievements was defeating Maxentius. To celebrete his victory he built a building near the Collesium called the Arch Of Constantine
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    Final Emperor in Western Empire

    Final Emperor in Western Empire
    475 AD. Romulus Agustulus became emperor as a 14 year old. A lot of people would make fun of him because his name is from such a powerful person, yet he´s so small and young. Most people didn´t even think he was an actual emperor. A guy named Odoacer deposed of Romulus. Finally the whole Empire fell.
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    Trendals Sack Rome

    Trendals Sack Rome
    455 AD. A barbaric group called the Trendals invaded rome. They sailed all the way to Rome from Carthage without getting attacked. Then once they made it to Rome, citizens started to flee and freak out. The Emperor of the west empire did not have time to muster an army. So he decided to flee, once people saw him they threw rocks at him to death. All of this caused a new Emperor, Gaiseric which was the king of the Vendals.
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    Pax Romana

    27 BC-AD 180. The Pax Romana became the golden ages of Rome. This tiime period started with Augustus´s reign in 27 BC, and ended when teh Good Emperors died in AD 180. There was lots of trade available, and a strong government. War invasion rarely happened during this period. This was a very peaceful period.