• Annexation

    Germany annexed Austria marching into the country with no resistance Austria joined.
  • Munich Pact

    Munich Pact
    Germany signed a peace treaty with England and France allowing the occupation of the sudetenland.
  • Annexation

    Germany annexed the sudetenland as agreeded in the Munich pact Germany also occupied Czechoslovakia which was not apart of the agreement made with Britin and France
  • Nazi Soviet Peace Pact

    Nazi Soviet Peace Pact
    The Soviet Union and Germany agreeded that they would not go to war as long as Germany was allowed to occupy half of Poland and leaving half for the Soviet Union
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Germany invaded Poland with full force taking the entire country and not the part which was agreeded upon with the Soviet Union
  • Phony War

    Phony War
    German occuapiton of the Rhineland no French military forces were present so the Germany army took control of the neutral land.
  • Evacuation

    Allied foreces order immieadiate evauaction of all troops stationed in Dunkirk
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    Germany entered Paris taking over the French forces and gaining control of France.
  • Battle of Britin

    Germans began the battle of Brittin fighting in mostly sky battles and bombing in London since German troops could not cross the English Channel