Lusitania sinks
May 7, 1915 a torpedo from the enemy U-Boat ship hit the famous british ship the Lustiania. This bombing took the lives of 1,196 people who were on board but also on board this ship were 128 americans. After this happened many neutral allies with germany had cut the ties in between the nations. -
Balkan Wars
It was all between Bulgaria and together was Serbia and Greece and the later on joined by Romania (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023). -
Balkan Wars
During 1912 and 1913 two military conflicts took a toll on the Ottoman Empire. It deprived them of all the remaining territory that they held except part of the Thrace and the city of Adrianople.The second conflict happened when the Balkan allies Serbia , Greece, and Bulgaria had a heated argument over the partitioning. The result of all this was a resumption of hostile in 1913. -
WWI Begins
WWI began after an assaination was carried out on Archduke Franz in 1914. His murder spiraled and made big news all across europe. The war that started between europe lasted for four years. They ended up bringing the fight over to United states and to Italy, Romania,Canada. The fight was different from what these nations were used to their was trench warfare and chemical warfare(History.com Editors, 2021). -
Lusitania Sinks
Many people were putting up anti german sentiment and this is one of the reasons the united states entered WWI. The united states wanted to enter the war but not so quick and also with caution so they waited before stepping in (Kiger, 2021). -
Battle of Verdun
This battle was an engagement where the French repulsed the Germans. It was one of longest and bloodiest battles that happened during WWI. There was about 400,00 French casualties and 350,00 to 300,00 German deaths. German Erich Von Falkenhayn believed either way it would be a loss or win in france he thought a strategy was the best way to go to battle them (Bidou, 2023). -
Battle of Gallipoli, Somme
This battle took place between July 1 and the 18th of november in the year of 1916. After 18 months the allies on the western front wanted to achieve a victory. They wanted to achieve the victory against the French. This battle was an attempt to try their best at stoping Gernan military. Britan and French joined together during this battle (Imperial War Museums, 2023). -
Russian Revolution
The WWI was the fall of many nations and Russia followed along with the collapse. Czar Nicholas II declared war on germany and austria-hungary. This was the decline of the russian empire since they lost most of their neutral allies. They did not respond to the war with enthusiasm but they could not trust any public initiative during this time. 1917 Nicholas had to personally command the nations armies into war (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023). -
Zimmermann Note
March 17, 1917 Americas public have just learned about the germans offer to be allied with mexico. The british had also intercepted a secret message that came from the german prime minister Arthur Zommermann that was out going to the mexican government. -
Zimmermann Note
The British interception happed three years before in the year 1914. But since the war was so imminent the British had sent a ship to cut off Gernanys five trans-atlantic cables. After this the British were able to tap into the Germans cables to intercept messages that were being sent (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023) -
U.S. enters war
In 1915 after the german boat sank the ship it lead to 1200 deaths including 128 americans that were aboard the ship. In 1915 the U.S were being told to build up a strong naval army for defense purposes. 1916 president woodrow wilson had won re-election with the slogan “he kept us out of war”. But in 1917 most of the allies need reinforcement with the U.S for supplies (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023). -
Russia withdraws from war
Russia had many reasons that lead up to them withdrawing from the war. They suffered from military failures, economic struggles. They also had losses from war with other nations mainly from the eastern front. The strain from war had taken a toll on their nation leading to the scarce of water food and many other supplies this also led to inflation in 1918 (History for Kids, 2023). -
Battle of Chateau-Thierry
The US marines arrival and their support (French Military) had been taken in 1918.They had fought the germans. The battle did end up taking place in france. The allied effort ended up making the germans force into retreating so they couldnt move any further (History on the Net, 2023). -
Battle of Argonne
As this was happening the americans proceed to move West of the Argonne forest. The americans faced great difficulties and those were the nature obstacles in the dense Argonne forest (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023. -
Battle of Argonne
September 26 - November 11, 1918 a series of final confrontations happened on the Western Front. Following the German retreat from the Marine River in July. Gen Ferdinand Foch and his allies made high command designed series of convergent simultaneous offense against German armies. One that they attempted was a joint operation in the Meuse valley advancing towards the Meziere and sedan rail centre. -
Armistice of WWI
There were millions of lives lost on the front line. It lasted for more than 4 years until the western front gunfire stopped. This Armistice between Germany and their allies was a step closer to ending the war. The Armistice happened after Germany fired all their ammunition and used all their supplies. -
The Treaty of Versailles signed
Germany took a very hard fall since this made them lose territory their military rapidly declined and they had reparation payments to allies. It took germany many years to pay off their reparation payments they owed to allied nations (National Geographic Society, 2023). -
The Treaty of Versailles signed
June 28 1919 the treaty was signed at the palace of Versailles outside of paris france. The treaty was the one of many things that ended the long 5 year WWI. This treaty had many controversy since the war guilt made germany take all responsibility for starting the great WWI. -
First meeting of the League of Nations
The League of Nations was formed in the year 1920 on January 10th. The 40 members of the League of Nations formed the Geneva Convention. 63 States ended up being apart of the League of Nations. But they failed to do so (United Nations, n.d.) -
Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
The start of WW1 was set off by many things but the assasisnation Ferdinand was one thing that surely set it off. He was murdered by a teenage Serbian revolutionary while Ferdinand and his wife were on their trip in Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. The news about the killings had reached New zealand June 28th. Many people agreed and thought the killings were political killings. They warned Archduke how he was in danger and it ended up leading to his demise (Greenspan, 2020). -
Armistice of WWI
They had no choice but to give up because in 100 days all the places they had power over were conquered. French, British and Belgians kept in power over territories as the contract was being negotiated (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).