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  • Manchuria

    The Japanese invaded Manchuria on September 18,1931 As the invasion occurred Chinese soldiers destroyed the railway and the Chinese army. However, the Chinese army did not fight back, By 1932 the Japanese had ruled all of Manchuria and China plead the League of Nations. The Japanese wanted to expand their empire and many were killed during this event. The Japanese had little effects of being punished due to them being in a depression.http://www.johndclare.net/EL5.htm
  • Ethiopia

    The leader of Italy (Benito Mussolini’s) had adopted Hitlers plans As in expanding Germany’s territory. Invading Ethiopia would be good for Italy as in a boost for Italian National prestige. Benito saw it as an opportunity for the Italians unemployment and rich minerals. “The war, by giving substance to Italian imperialist claims, contributed to international tensions between the fascist states and the Western democracies” https://www.britannica.com/event/Italo-Ethiopian-War-1935-1936
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    On July 17, 1936 There was a military revolt against the Republican government of Spain. This collapsed into WW2 because It was part of international conflict. Germany, Italy, and Spain it was a testing ground for tanks and air warfare. For France and Britain saw it as a threat. Therefore “The war was an outcome of a polarization Spanish life and politics that had developed over previous decades”. https://www.britannica.com/event/Spanish-Civil-War
  • Anschluss or Union

    Anschluss or Union
    Anschluss refers to annexation of Austria and Germany. Hitler wanted more power and also wanted nations in Europe to be apart of Germany. Hitler appointed Austria with a new Nazi government, putting much pressure on Austria and therefore Austria was proclaimed. This event caused tensions because it appointed the treaty of Versailles. https://inter-wars.weebly.com/anschluss-or-annexation-of-austria-1938.html
  • Czechoslovakia

    German Troops invaded Czechoslovakia on March 15, 1939. Hitler threatened to bomb Czech if he did not have a free passage into its boarders. At this turning point it was obvious Hitler was not making Germany greater again and that he was lying at the Munich. Although, it did show Hitler was planning for war. Germany approximately killed 263,000 Jews in Czechoslovakia.
  • Germany’s Rearmament

    Germany’s Rearmament
    Hitler opposed the treaty of Versailles serecretly where he expanded military to 300,000 men and 2,500 war planes. Germany was angry that they had to pay 33 billion In reparations to their Allies and Italy wanted more land since they felt that the treaty of Versailles weren’t giving them that. Many causes lead to WW2 through(1918-1939)the Rearmament lead to war because it broke the Treaty of St.Germain.http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/mwh/ir1/endofappeasementrev1.shtml
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    German troops invaded Poland from the north, south, and west due to Hitler wanting more lost territory. France and Britain were not certain about this which on September 3, 1939 they declared war on Germany in which lead to WW2. About 3 million polish Jews were killed in concentration camps and “In June 1941, Hitler attacked the USSR, breaking his nonaggression with the Soviet Union, and Germany seized all of Poland ”https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/germans-invade-poland