• Annexation of Sudetenland

    Annexation of Sudetenland
    The Nazi German Army began it's military occupation of Czechoslovakia with the annexation of Sudetenland. Germany claimed much of Czechoslovakia people were ethically German.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    A surprise military attack on the US pacific fleet in Hawaii. The US military was wounded but not destroyed. FDR plead to congress for them to declare war and they agreed.
  • The Philippines

    The Philippines
    The battle of the Philippines ended in American defeat. It's known to be the Worst military defeat in US history
  • Period: to

    Japanese Internment Camps

    These camps were opened in California out of fear of Japanese spies. An executive order placed hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese Americans in camps.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The Japanese imitated the battle but the Allied came out Victories. This was a tipping point in the Pacific theater and led a the shrinking of the Japanese empire.
  • Guadalcanal

    This ended Japan's advancements in the Pacific theater and placed the allies at a position of advantage. It also aided in boosting the moral of Allied soldiers
  • Stalingrad

    This battle was on the Eastern Front of WW2. It began by Nazi Germany and their allies got in a struggle over the Soviet City, Stanlingrad
  • Island-hopping

    This was a military used in WW2. It was a tactic to seize smaller islands first and then take over heavily fortified ones.
  • D-Day

    This is when Allied Powers began to liberate France from Axis rule. The concentration camps began to be freed
  • Meeting at Yalta

    Meeting at Yalta
    Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin discussed and decided how Europe and specifically Germany would be reconstructed after the end of WW2.
  • Death of Hitler

    Death of Hitler
    Adolf Hilter along with his wife and a couple top officials committed suicide in a bunker in Berlin. They knew the Nazis would be defeated and did not wish to see their "kingdom" fall.
  • Los Alamos

    Los Alamos
    This is where the Manhattan Project, testing of the atomic bomb, took place. It is located in New Mexico. This is also where the first atomic bomb was detonated.
  • Meeting at Potsdam

    Meeting at Potsdam
    This meeting decided that Germany's military would be completely dismantled.
  • Hiroshima

    The bomb little boy was dropped on Hiroshima. It devastated and nearly leveled the city. The dropping of the atomic bombs are what forced Japan to surrender.
  • Fall of Berlin

    Fall of Berlin
    The wall separating East and West Berlin started to be deconstructed and this marked the end of the Iron Curtain