WW1 key dates time table

  • Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The assasination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria,heir the Austro/Hungrian throne was assasinated in Sarajevo when he was shot dead by Gavrilo Princip. His death was the event that sparks World war 1.
  • Russia mobilizes

    Russia mobilizes
    Russia mobilizes it's vast army to interverne against Austria/Hungary in favour for it's ally, Serbia. This move starts a chain reaction that leads to the mobilization of the rest of the European great powers, inevitably to the outbreak of hostilities.
  • Germany invades belgium

    Germany invades belgium
    Germany was not able to go straight through France as France had assembled all the civilian weapons on the barrier of France so no German was able to acess France. Germay had then thought of a gret pan to go through the little country Belgium easily destroying them. This was when WW1 began.
  • United Kingdom declares war on Germany

    United Kingdom declares war on Germany
    United kingdom had declared war on Germany after they had attacked Belgium, after this declare on war many of allies had joined war.
  • First battle of Marne

    First battle of Marne
    The battle of Marne featured the first use of radio intercepts and automotive transportof troops in wartime. After the French ordered and offensive, the French opened a gap between Germany's first and second armies. France exploited the gap with help from Britian. This began the phase of the trench warfare.
  • Germans fire

    Germans fire
    The Germans first fire shells filled with chlorine gas at allied lines. This was the first time that large amounts of gas was used in war.
  • The battle of gallipoli begins

    The battle of gallipoli begins
    The battle of gallipoli(Dardanelles Campaign) was and unsucessful attempt by the allied powers to control the sea route from europe to russia during world war 1. This started with a failed naval attack by the British. This continued with a major land invasion of the Gallipoli Peninusula involving the French and the British troops as well as Australia and New zealand.
  • Italy changes Allies

    Italy was allied with Germany, Austria/Hungarary and the allied up with Britian and France in 1915. Italy was put into a strange position while Austria/Hungary was fighting againt Serbia and Germany was going to war against Russia and France. France, Russia and Britian had created a bigger Allied group as resulting Italy more of a promise to win and more land for them. As it resulted Italy in a good position.
  • Battle of Jutland

    The battle of Jutland, was the major naval battle of the war. Britian retained control over the north sea after both sides claimed victory.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    Comprising the main Allied attack on the Western Front during 1916, the Battle of the Somme. On account of the loss of 58,000 British troops. The battle of Somme was bought by the French and British to take among the Germans.
  • First tanks introduced in war

    First tanks introduced in war
    The British employ the first tanks ever used in battle
  • Zimmeren telegram

    Zimmeren telegram
    British intelligence gives wilson the so called Zimmerman Telegram, a message from the german foreighn seceretary proposing that Mexico side with Germany in case of war between Germany and the united states. As Mexico declines the offer.
  • Wilson for war

    Wilson for war
    President Wilson outlines his case for war congress. Neither did Wilson want America to participate in WW1 in 1916
  • U.S enters war

    U.S enters war
    Congress authorizes a statement of war against Germany and it's allies. U.S enters world war on the allied side of france, Britian and Russia.
  • The armistice agreed

    The armistice agreed upon between the new Russian government and the central powers goes into effect.
  • Russia and germany peace

    Russia and germany peace
    The Germans sign a peace treaty with the new Bolshevik government of Russia. The terms of the treaty give Germany huge tracts of land that had been the Ukraine and Poland, and peace on the Eastern Front allows Germany to shift soldiers to the Western Front, causing serious problems for the French, British, and Americans.
  • WW1 ends(armistice day)

    Germany was pushed back into a weak position at the end of war and they knew they had no chance to win even know they were strong to start off with. Germany had to surrender