
By NNash
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    the british put a sugar tax on the new colonies, charging them more money for sugar items, and coffee.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    a new tax was put on the colonies, each sheet of paper they used, whether it be to send letters or for writing the news paper, had to have ea stamp on it, this stamped paper was taxed just as the sugars were.
  • boston masacre

    boston masacre
    men from the colonies threw stones and snowballs at the british army. the british army opened fire on the crowd of men, aspus attucks was the first man killed in the revolution.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    the americans dressed up as native americans and tossed tea off of a ship that had just came in from britian
  • the battle of lexington and concord

    the battle of lexington and concord
    this war became known as the american revolution. the b.ritish came to take the weapoons of the americans and were defeated with a surprise ambush
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    the united states were no longer under the control of the british monarchy and were allowed to rule themselves.